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"Thanks Rodney" Saige said as he hauled my suitcases to my apartment. I flipped through my keychain as we made our way to my door. During the trip back, I was deep into thoughts of what happened. It wasn't how I planned the trip to end. I quietly opened the door as he sat my suitcases best to my couch. I closed the door behind me.

"I'm sorry" he looked up.

"What for?"

"For being quiet the trip back"

"No worries, I understand you needed a minute to yourself"

"Do- can you stay for a little?" I asked hesitantly. He nodded taking his shoes off. I walked into my kitchen grabbing two glasses and my favorite wine. I slid him the glass once I finished pouring.

"I do thank you for coming, it was fun" he smiled taking a sip.

"I'm glad to hear that" he took a seat on the barstool. "I enjoyed myself more than I thought"

"Why's that?" He shrugged before laughing.

"Well I wasn't expecting your uncle to be quite a character" I let out a laugh.

"He sure is, you really impressed him" I took a sip as I leaned on the counter. "I believe I made my lie worse"

"My mother has been blowing me up since I left asking when we getting married" he started laughing harder making me crack a smile.

"We can make that a reality if that's what you want"  he licked his bottom lip smiling at me. I quickly took a sip to that. A knock was planted on my door startling the both of us. It was beyond late and I wasn't expecting anyone.

"Excuse me" he nodded as I walked towards the door looking out the peephole. I raised my eyebrow surprised as I cracked my door open to reveal Liam standing there.

"Liam, what are you doing here? It's late" I questioned as he grabbed my hand.

"Baby I missed you. I was a fool to let you walk out that door that night. I assumed it was one of our regular fights and you would come back and we could fix it but you didn't" oh no.

"Liam youโ€” wait let me finished" he intervened clearing his throat.

"Ennessey I can't imagine my life without you. The time we spent away felt different this time. A part of me left when you walked out of my place. I love you baby with everything in meโ€”" as he was doing his little speech I felt Saige hands grip around my waist and his body pressed against mine.

"Who are you?" Well this is awkward. Liam stared behind me as they exchanged glances.

"Um" I cleared my throat as Liam scoffed.

"Ain't no fucking way, your really with this nigga?" He asked pointing in his direction.

"Aye watch your tone" Saige snapped.

"Liam I-" he sucked his teeth backing up.

"Im over here pouring my heart out to you while you with a new guy already, this some bullshit.... I guess the rumors are true"

"Rumors? What are you talking about?" He rolled his eyes.

"Mmcht I'm out of here" he quickly walked away shaking his head. I closed my door looking up at Saige.

"What is he talking about?" I asked. He shrugged as I walked over to my tv. I grabbed the remote turning it on. Sauce took a seat next to me as tmz flooded on my screen.

"Sightings have been made of our hot bachelor with a woman from a designing company. Sources said her name is Ennessey Brown. Is it true that our sexy bachelor found somebody after the last disaster relationโ€”" I cut the tv off running my hands through my hair.

"Shit" he muttered.

โ€  โ€  โ€

I stood on set of Willow's show, Orchard Makeover holding onto one of the clipboards. They were currently rolling. It was cool to be behind the set of everything but also weird. I could tell everyone had saw the recent news and had been staring at me.

The fake relationship was only suppose to be for the weekend to keep my mother happy but now the whole public thinks we're together. I've been getting a lot of negativity about it since I technically work for him. I had to mute my socials so it would stop ringing from DM's of angry women claiming I stole their man.

I walked over to the table putting a few fruit on my plate. I was starving and this was the only time I was able to sneak away and get some food. Willow only brought me along so I could fetch stuff for her but I'll take it then that mountain pile of paperwork she had on her desk.

"Ennessey right?" I looked up seeing an older dark skinned woman smiling at me. She slid her headset around her neck as she stuck her hand out.

"My name is Lydia, I'm the creative director on set" I put my hand in hers. It only took me a minute to realize I was talking to Lydia Stewart. I was trying hard to not fangirl.

"Oh wow it's nice to meet you"

"I was able to take a sneak glance at your plans for the KOH project, might I say I'm quite impressed"

"Wait really?" I asked feeling myself smiling too hard. She let out a laugh.

"Yes I did, I'm hoping to work some details out with my company and Willow to see if we can feature you on my show, All-Stars" I couldn't help but to do a little dance. All Stars was the master chef for HGTV. Every season they go out to find different designers from all over to participate in a competition.

"Wow that would be so huge for me"

"Is that something you're interested in?"

"Yes ma'am it is."

"Great, It'll be awhile before we actually start the selection process but work on your portfolio and have it ready around September when the email goes out" I nodded.

"Thank you so much" she smiled.

"Of course sweetheart, it was a pleasure to meet you"

"Likewise" she slid her headset back on and continued her path back to the cameras. I ate a piece of my watermelon as I happy walked back to Willow's direction.

"Saige Mr.Nichols is here" I stood up grasping his hand for a firm shake.

"Good to see you sir" he smoothed his suit down as he took a seat.

"Dahlia told me about the situation you're in, well I've seen it before she contacted me" I nodded.

"How bad is it" he slipped his glasses on his face as he stared at his computer.

"It would've been nice to know you've been hanging with the woman quite frequently. There are various pictures taken showcasing the romantic interest between you two" he turned the laptop showing a couple pictures. I tried my hardest to keep us out of the spotlight for the sake of Ennessey. I could handle the media but I wasn't so sure if she could.

"But besides that, this has created great feed for you. This is great publicity son. You've gained a lot more attention" I sat back in my chair rubbing my chin.

"So what should I do, ignore the statements or?"

"Even if the two of you aren't in a relationship, this can gain traction to your new hotel and other businesses. I'm thinking we keep this thing going to keep the media interested in their newly taken bachelor"

"There are a few red carpet events coming up that I think you two should attend. It's best y'all are spotted more in public. Let's go ahead and confirm that it is a relationship"

"I should talk to her first before we take anymore steps" he nodded closing his laptop.

"That's fair but remember if she does agree, she has to make sure any social media posts is run through me first. Can't have any slip ups or reasons for tmz to tag you as a bad guy again" thinking of that made me want to roll my eyes.

"Sounds good, I have a collab event with Cartier coming up soon, if she agrees that's the first place we'll pop out together" he smiled.

"You catch on quick, contact me with any updates on her response" I nodded as he shook my hand again and. Patted Dahlias back.

"What do you think Dahlia, is this a good idea? Or did I put her in a fucked yo situation" she shrugged.

"It could be great for the both of you, it could give her clientele and a better reputation because right now everyone in America believes you're an incompetent ass" I snorted a laugh making her crack an smile.


โ€  โ€  โ€

"Get the door"

"Nigga this ain't my place, you get it" Silas mugged plopping his feet back onto my coffee table. I rolled my eyes sitting up and knocking his feet back on the ground. The knocking intensified.

"I'm coming" I motioned for my bodyguard to open up and there stood my mother with a bag on her shoulder. I raised an eyebrow confused.

"Ma?" I walked closer pulling her into a hug. I was more surprised she was here and knew where I stayed. "How'd you get here?"

"I flew silly" she smacked my shoulder walking ins. "Oo this is nice honey"

"Mama" Silas said standing up. She clasped her hands together smiling.

"Yay both my boys are here" Silas brought her into a hug glancing at me confused. I shrugged.

"I'm glad to see you but how'd you get here?" Silas asked as she sat her stuff onto the couch. She looked between the two of us as a tear slipped down her face.

"What did he do?" I asked quickly. She wiped the tear as she replaced her smile with a frown.

"I'm sure y'all are hungry, I'll whip us up some lunch" she walked away to the kitchen. The water turned on as I stared at Silas

"You knew she was coming?" I asked. Silas mugged me.

"If I got the same ugly dumbfounded look you got, whatcha think?"

"I can't stand you"

"Then sit" I glared at him as he snickered.

"Mom what's going on" Silas asked walking ahead of me. The sad look never left her eyes as she started cutting up some vegetables.

"Nothing son, just wanted to see my boys" her chopping got more aggressive making me back away some.

"Yeah you're scaring me woman" he said. She sighed sitting the knife down.

"I just needed some time away from your father" I walked over to rub her back as she leaned into my embrace.

"I lied to you both, I thought if he retired then we could fix some loose ends in our relationship but apparently I was wrong. Your father was never a faithful man and I wish I had the energy to just leave him for good."

"Shit I'll give you some of my energy to leave his raggedy ass" Silas said causing him to get hit with the wooden spoon.

"Aht language"  he rubbed his hand. "Ever since you were born Saige, your father was messing with another woman. He claims that his heart loves us both but I refused to stay with someone who couldn't give me his all. That's when I found out he took all of my money and invested into that stupid hotel" she sniffled going back to cutting her vegetables.

"I had nowhere to go, my parents wanted nothing to do with me anymore. I stayed with him because I had no other choice and that's when I found out I was pregnant again. He never left her despite all of the cheating rumors. He begged me to never let anyone know about it or it would hurt his reputation. I was a fool"

"Ma" her tears fell more quickly.

"I'm a good woman Dammit. Why did I waste all of my good years on a man who never saw an actual future with me. Just stupid"

"Ma you're not stupid" Silas said holding her hand to stop the aggressive cutting.

"The last thing I ever wanted to be was a housewife. I wanted to travel and chase my dreams but all of that was put on hold so your father could chase his"

"You're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need" she shook her head.

"Last thing I want to do is intrude on your space, I'll only be here for a couple days then I'm back to pretending" I sighed. We had our suspicions but I didn't know it was one lady this whole time. I just thought my father got around. Just more reasons to not like him. To make her pretend in front of her own children was just purely wrong... so wrong.


Short chapter but whatcha think??

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