Chapter 9

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"Kai?" The voice of the girl in front of him, broke him out of his thoughts, it was just now that he saw what a minimal space he had left between them.

He felt her breaths on his face and her arms slowly going behind his neck, to have a hold in the waves, was what he figured out.

He couldn't stop though, and he also didn't want to.

"I really, really think I like you, Amelia." Was what he said, before he crashed his lips on hers.


As Leti and Julian slowly got out of the water, they searched for Amelia and Kai, finally finding them laying on the sand, cuddling.

"So has he finally found the balls, and do it?"
Julian asked.


They heard the two mumble, barely even awake.


"You can say that out loud." Julian made fun of Kai. "Do you know how many times I had to listen to him, talking about how pretty you are-"

"Shut up,man." Kai laughed lightly.

As the evening fell, the four friends drifted in a quit and relaxing sleep, only waking up from the sound of the birds.


"Do you guys wanna eat something here?"
Leti proposed, pointing to a cute cafΓ©.

"Yeah, let's eat something and sit down. My back is killing me." Kai complained, while leading Amelia by her hand.

"That comes from sleeping on a beach." Amelia said.

"That comes from having a girl laying on you, while sleeping on a beach." Kai sassed back.

Leti and Julian, walking behind them, also holding hands, smiled at the sight of their two best friends.

They sat down and had a small breakfast, before continuing to the boys house.

As they laid in a comfortable silence, on the pool the boys had in their backyard, Leti decided to break it.
"You know we only have three days left?"

"Yeah, the time runs when you're having fun."

"Are you getting emotional, Jule?" Kai joked.

"Fuck off, man." Julian flipped him off from his lounger. "But seriously, tomorrow, we have to pack, and then our flight is at 8 in the morning. We don't have much time."

"Yeah, it's sad because these two weeks were so nice." Amelia said, as she laid in Kai's arms.

"Let's not go that deep. We'll see each other again. I believe in that."

"Let's make a deal. If we don't find the time to meet, we mark a date, where you guys come to our home."

"Ok, deal."

"Let's drink on that." Kai said, holding up his cocktail.

"Salute." They all said the same time.


"Amelia can I talk to you for a second?"
Kai asked nervously.

"Yeah, sure."

They walked in the kitchen and Kai started to become very nervous, what Amelia also noticed.
"Are you alright?"

"Uh yeah, yeah. I just have to do this. So you remember yesterday, when I kissed you? And I told you that I liked you and you told me that you liked me too?"


"Would you, maybe, I mean you don't have to, but would you want to be my girlfriend?" He got quiet at the end, fearing the worst.

Instead of the rejection he thought he would get, he felt warm lips on his.

"I would love to be your girlfriend." Amelia smiled at him.

The radio in the background suddenly played a very popular song to the both of them.

"Oh my god, it is an omen." Kai said, fake panic in his voice.

The first lines of Angels Like You started as Amelia laughed.

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