CALLISTA opened her eyes, slowly. she was currently laying on the bright green grass, hearing music and chatter near her. she sat up, and looked around, noticing a carnival around her. she looked down at herself, seeing she was still her her halloween costume.
she sighed, and quickly stood up, her head pounding from the night before. it felt like she remembered everything that had ever happened to her before westview, but somehow forgot all of it again. there were clowns honking horns, people in weird costumes, callista was just confused.
a man in a blue, tight one-piece approached callista, annoyed. "you're the new trapeze girl?"
"actually no-" callista started, but was cut off by the man.
"at least you're already in costume," he finished, sighing. "you're late for rehearsal with the lions, since you're supposed to be on the tightrope above them. come on," he motioned, walking away, wanting callista to follow him. callista didn't follow, but simply looked around, seeing the girl she saw the night before in a wacky blue and red costume, chained up.
callista started to approach the girl, when she gave her a weird look. "can i help you, creeper?" the woman asked, her red lipstick really sticking out.
"i'm guessing you don't remember me from last night," callista groaned, shaking her head. "whatever, anyway, there was an unspoken understanding between us."
"um, i'm straight, so hard pass." the woman stated, ripping the chains that were around her body easily like it was nothing. she started to walk away, but callista started to follow her.
"wait!" callista called out. "just wait up!"
"stop following me," the woman groaned, not looking back at callista and kept walking.
the two landed in what seemed like the middle of the circus, since most props and people were in that area. "excuse me, but i'm telling you, you tried to help me."
"doubtful, i'm notoriously self-involved," the woman stated, boredom in her voice.
callista quickly jumped in front of the woman, sticking her pointer and middle finger on the woman's shoulder, sending a shock of electricity through her body. "woah," the woman stumbled over her own feet, getting back to her normal state.
"awake?" callista asked, fiddling with her fingers.
"uh, yeah," the woman said, in a duh tone. she took a deep breath. "you know, part of me secretly wanted a guest spot on this show, but that seriously sucked. i'm darcy lewis by the way." the woman, darcy stated.
callista then realized something. darcy was the one who sent the email. "dr. darcy lewis. i intercepted a communication regarding your work." callista mumbled.
"hey, the clowns just got off stage. you're up!" the man in the blue one-piece called out to callista.
callista turned back to darcy, quickly. "dr. lewis, i have questions."
"i have answers," darcy stated. she then started to look around, pointing to a man with shoulder length brown hair and a metal arm. "if we're gonna abandon this place, we should probably bring him along."
"perfect, i'll go grab him and meet me by that funnel cake truck." callista informed the girl.
"perfect," darcy smiled. darcy headed to the truck to start it up, while callista walked towards the man with the metal arm.
"excuse me, could you come with me for a moment?" callista asked, getting the man's attention.
the man raised his eyebrow. "who are y-" he was cut off by callista sending a shock of electricity through his body, getting him back to his normal state. he looked up, and gasped. "callista?"
"that's me, and we gotta go," callista murmured, grabbing the man's arm and dragging him towards the truck. darcy was already in the drivers side, ready to ride.
"hey, where do you think you're going? get back here!" the man in the blue leotard called out. the two made a run for it, finally getting in the truck, callista in the passengers side and the man kneeling between the two in the back.
"to your house, i assume?" darcy asked, while callista closed the door.
"darcy, my questions. are my children safe, and who is the man in the back who you told me to grab?"
"i don't know, and that's-"
"bucky, your dad," bucky rolled his eyes, in a annoyed tone. darcy started to drive off, while callista asked questions.
"so you're the guy that that blonde boy named steve was talking about in my visions. and what about that fake pietro? from the vision i had, pietro didn't look anything like that," callista carried on.
"beats me," darcy stated.
callista looked back at bucky at he put his hands up. "don't look at me, i'm not the one who's girlfriend went psycho.
the man in the leotard banged on the passenger's window, running while keeping off with the car. "get out of there!" he yelled.
"sorry, can't hear you," callista lied, sticking her tongue out at the man. she then turned to darcy, a serious look on her face. "drive faster!"
darcy drove wild and faster out of the circus and onto the road, almost hitting people in the process. "holy shit!" bucky cursed, scared of darcy hitting something.
"sorry," darcy tensed up, as she now slowed down, since they were on the road.
"what's with the stupid costume," bucky laughed, noticing callista's costume. "it almost looks like the one you had with the avengers, just cheaply made."
callista groaned. "oh my, can someone fill me in on my whole life? because for a split second when i was out of westview, i could remember everything that happened and now i can't think for shit."
darcy sighed, and she and bucky started to fill callista in on everything that had happened.
the three of them were now on a one way road in the middle of nowhere, as callista just consumed a bunch of important information at once. "so, a purple grape almost killed me?" a sharp pain went off in callista's head, the moment she said that.
"okay, so you're telling me that this dude is huge and looks like a human sized purple grape?" callista asked vision, as the two were in shuri's lab in wakanda, talking.
vision didn't answer for a moment. "yes, apparently."
callista smiled and shrugged. "sounds pretty legit to me."
darcy smacked her lips together for a moment. "yes, but not technically."
"basically while you were fighting, something from thanos' army hit you and you fell backwards, putting you into a coma," bucky finished, his hair now tied up in a small ponytail to keep it out of his face.
"well i'm clumsy," callista laughed. "so we ended up saving the universe?"
"yes, well half of it." darcy informed, keeping her eyes on the road.
"i'm guessing we won then?" callista asked.
"we lost at first, and thanos snapped away half the universe. but then, the remaining avengers were able to snap everyone back and save everyone," bucky added.
"there are a few extra things that happened, but that's really everything." darcy stated. "i was snapped away, so i can't really explain everything."
callista turned to face bucky, who sighed. "i did too, and so did you. the worst part was that right after you came back, you went into a coma."
"and apparently wanda had to watch the whole thing." darcy explained. callista sighed, and the three approached another red light. "ugh, another red light. this is ridiculous, don't you think?"
"yes," callista stated, simply. callista suddenly somehow popped into a directors chair, one leg crossed over the other. "i think that wanda is trying to stop me from getting home, so she's creating all of these obstructions."
callista was then placed back into the van, and light on the traffic light turned green. right as darcy was about to drive off, a construction truck blocked them, as a few men got up onto the ladder pretending to fix the wiring.
bucky scoffed. "this is ridiculous."
callista rolled her eyes and leaned back in her seat. "yeah, great. "just take your time, fella's." darcy called out, sarcastically.
"so basically, i was a hydra test subject, who was not trying to help them at all. and then i finally gave up, and joined forces with wanda and pietro." callista then turned around, to face bucky. "and you were an assassin called the winter soldier?"
bucky nodded his head, while darcy paused for a moment before finding the correct word. "correct-o."
callista stayed quiet for a second, before speaking up. she turned to look at darcy, who was fixing her glasses. "what am i now?" she asked.
darcy sighed. "honestly, i'm a stem kind of lady. so i thought wanda magically woke you up from your coma. but, when you left the hex you fell back into it." callista stayed silent, not knowing how to answer. "what i do know is i've been watching wandalista for the past week and the love you two have is real." darcy smiled.
"as much as i hate to say it, you two belong together," bucky added.
"just like you and steve," darcy mumbled, catching bucky's attention.
"what did you say?" he asked, getting annoyed.
"nothing," she quickly said. callista sighed, as rain suddenly started to pour down. "that's weird, it never rains in westview," darcy observed.
"wanda," callista mumbled. she snapped out of it, going back to what darcy and bucky were bickering about. "so what about you and steve?"
bucky groaned. "oh my god, steve and i were just best friends! there was nothing ever between us."
"really? because by the way they made it sound in the captain america museum, it seemed like you two were secret lovers," darcy teased the older man.
"good to know i'm not the only barnes family member that's not straight," callista smiled, her mood getting a little higher.
"okay fine i'll admit it! i sorta had a tiny crush on steve back in the thirties before he got the serum," bucky mumbled, making darcy's eyes widen.
"yes!" darcy cheered. "once we get out of here, jimmy owes me twenty bucks."
"you guys bet on me?" bucky groaned, annoyed.
"who's jimmy?" callista inquired, getting into their conversation.
the construction workers finally started to wrap up their work, and darcy sighed in relief. "yes, finally."
callista then noticed something. she looked down at her clothes, noticing she was now in jean shorts and a blue tank top. "hey," callista smiled. "i'm out of that horrible costume!"
darcy put the truck in drive, but was stopped by a crossing guard blowing her whistle and holding her stop sign. "what the fuck!" darcy groaned.
"you have got to be fucking kidding me!" bucky cursed, holding his his head in his flesh hand. there were so many kids crossing, it was hard to count.
"kids? what's next, puppies?" darcy over exaggerated.
callista was now back in the directors chair, sitting in front of the van. "i had no idea how much pain wanda went through before westview, how much we both had, i guess." callista paused for a moment. "although, i can't remember it. it honestly feels like it happened to someone else, you know? but for her, it was just a few weeks ago."
callista then looked around. "what the hell am i even doing here? sitting and talking to you when i should be getting to my wife!" callista's voice got higher, seeing that she got angrier. callista was then back in the van, and she opened the passengers side door, hopping out and running down the road.
"great, so we'll just meet you there!" darcy called out, knowing that callista couldn't hear her anyway.
"you know she can't hear you," bucky stated, pointing the obvious while sliding up to the passengers seat.
"i know," darcy rolled her eyes. "so shut up tin can, you're like one hundred and don't know anything."
edited 4/30/21
again, that chapter was short but served it's purpose
and if you're wondering, bucky was in the group with darcy, jimmy and monica
so that's why he's now suddenly in the show
and callista's superhero suit in wonder woman's because i'm not creative at all-
anyways byeeeee
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