five months later
sunshine hit callista's face for the first time in months. the girl, now half awake, started to squirm around in wherever she was.
that's when it hit her. she was awake.
callista's eyes opened up wide, as she shot up in bed. she looked around, seeing she was in a grey room, with a navy mattress and a dresser. she looked down, seeing that she was in a crewneck sweatshirt and leggings.
"holy fuck!" callista yelled. the last thing she remembered was her and wanda in westview, right when the barrier was closing. she remembered not being able to remember her life before westview, but somehow, she was able to remember everything, including westview. callista swooped herself out of bed and stood up, but was cut off by loud footsteps making her way into the room.
the door flew open, revealing bucky, a stunned look on his face and a new haircut. "buc-" callista was cut off the supersoldier pulling the girl in for a bone crushing hug.
"the doctors said that there was a chance that you would never wake up," he whispered into her ear. the two let go, and bucky looked the girl straight in the eye. "do you remember everything? you life before westview?"
callista shook her head no. "no, i remember everything. just one question, where's wanda?" bucky was hoping the question wouldn't come up. "dad? come on!"
"first of all don't call me dad. i may be your father but i prefer bucky. i think i've said that a million times now." bucky took a deep breath before continuing. "second of all, we have no idea where wanda is." callista hung her head low. she knew that she told wanda to move on, but in a way, callista couldn't. "do you want to send people out to find her?"
callista shook her head no and slightly smiled at bucky. "no, she's moving on. wanda will be just fine without me."
edited 4/30/21
well, that's the end to callista barnes' story
i was going to write a sequel to this book, but i like the way it ended
i really don't know how callista will go on after this, so you can make up an ending with your imagination
thank you for reading this book, i put a lot of effort into it and i hope you liked it!
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