( 8 )Excuse me for any mistakes made ๐Ÿ˜˜

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Lamar "Cash" Beverly

" so yo bald head ass gon sit here and say 'blahblah' whatever you was sayin"

Shamya "Mya" Beverly

"Called yo ass bald-Ahh"

Victory's "Vic or Tory" Beverly

"she can't be that bald"

"Ashiddd" my dad said and lifted her fucking laceee

Lataisa "Tasia or T" Beverly

"This why ION LIKE YALLL" tasia said and also busted out laughing.

V'Luxuary  "Tiny or Luxuary" Banks

"Daddy why-" I busting out laughing.
We were at the bowling ally and we just got done playing for almost over  like 3 hours.

"Anyway y'all ready to go home cause it's getting dark"

"Yesss but can we hurry so we can go over -"

"Yo lil boyfriend or whatever"My dad said interrupting her sentence.

"Yes please"

"They going and my lil baby"My dad said referring to me and I smiled and he did the same thing and we hugged staying in that position.

"Anyways I'm his other lil baby"Shamya said and hugged him and he nodded his head smiling and me and Shamya stayed hugging him while scrolling through Instagram I showed her matching onesies.

"Gotta cop em" she said and we did our handshake still holding on to our dad.

"Y'all want me to buy em-"

"Anywayssss" Tasia interrupted and me, my dad , and Shamya mugged her.

"Damn"Victory said laughing.

"So can we go"

"Yea, just be back before 2 inda morning" my dad said and tapped me and Mya and got up going to the car.

With us following behind him.

I'm guessing he's mad because she's been asking that question OVER and OVER.

He said 'mhm' the 5th time she asked and she asked for the 100th time which was then and he said 'yea'.

He's mad because he wanted to spend sometime with us.

Buttttt Lataisa was steady trying to go and had a attitude since all day but now she's happy.

Ian got no parts in this but I'm on my dad side.

Cause he only wanted to spend sometime with ALL his daughters but she never stayed around my dad just wanting to go over where the boys were.

I mean it's cool or whatever but I won't never down my dad I'll always pick my dad and sister over but Tasia never really liked stayed around us for long.

Anyways .. if my dad wants company I'm not going.

We rode to where we was going SILENT and my dad got out the car and went in the house and I was right behind him.

He went to his room and I went with him and Shamya was RIGHT behind me.

He laid on his bed and just looked up at the ceiling.

Me and Mya looked at each other and cracked his door after going in and jumped on the bed laying with him.

I seen a smile on his face and he rubbed our scalp making me and Mya hug him with me and her  hugging each other and I was falling asleep.

"GET UPPP , AND COME ON" I heard and we sat up and mugged the person which was Lataisa.

"Get the fuck out"My dad said cause she was Low Key pissin him off cause from his face you could tell.

"Sorry -"

"Get . The . Fuck-" He didn't finish his sentence he just went outside and left.

Lataisa actually was making him mad because she made our family time what we had today irritable.

"You so fucking ignoring bro" Shamya said and left out.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes and I just shook my head and left out too.

"Vic you needa get you sister" I heard Shamya say and I guess they were going to the Car.

I was gon sit this one out.

"You coming"

"Nope, probably tomorrow"

"Ight" Vic said and I was in the house by myself.

I went too my dad room and laid back down.

When I was half way sleep I heard a chuckle.

"My lil baby"and I sat up and looked at my dad and he smiled.

"You sleepy"he asked and I said kinda.

" let's go to our favorite place to eat, get ice cream, come back watch our favorite movie and fall asleep" I said because I know my dad really wanted to spend time and have a nice talk.

We did everything and we got back to the house at 12:47.

My dad fell asleep watching the movie and after a while my eyes were heavy so I also fell asleep.

I was in the MOST comfortable position there could EVER be.

I don't know how long I slept but I was still sleeping and felt a dip in the bed me and my dad both looked up and seen Shamya in the bed beside us and we got in the same position earlier.

We felt another dip and it was Victory.

"I'm sorry I gave you an hard time I love you dad" I heard and felt another dip in the bed .

It was a big ass bed soo I was still comfortable one more person could fit on here and I wish she was here.

'I don't understand why she left me' I said to myself and went into a deep sleep not wanting to wake up .

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