Skin and Devil Deals
"You need me to cut off some of your skin?" Y/n questioned the man in front of her.
Aki nodded, "That's what it needs. I used the Fox during the fight with the Leech Devil." he assured the girl that it needed to be done.
She grabbed his arm and gently rolled up the sleeve. She grabbed a scalpel off the table next to her, "Trust me, I'd be the one to understand." She mumbled under her breath. The man simply nodded as she began to slice him open. "Where's the new guy?" she asked, attempting to keep his mind off the pain.
"They took him to an actual hospital." He informed her through winces. "He was missing his arm."
Y/n raised her eyebrows at the statement. "What an odd creature." After placing the skin in a plastic container, she began to wrap the area she had worked on. "You should be alright, take two of these pills every six hours. You can only take them three times today. If you need more, come back and see me tomorrow." She handed him a pill caddy.
"What are they?" Aki asked as he examined them through the tinted plastic.
"High dosage painkillers. The kind I take."
The physical pain was something Y/n was used to. She's only been alive for seventeen years, but she's had her contract for eight. The newest side effect of said contract was the mental pain. At a certain point, the Pain Devil realized he had to find a new way to keep her in line.
"Damn, damn, damn!" The young girl cursed as she repeatedly slammed her fist against her skull. The darkness of her room engulfed her surroundings completely.
In the corner stood another figure, who was eyeing her keenly. Its body was lanky and sickly thin. It had scars and stitches lining the entirety of it's body, and the girl had similar ones to match. "Heh..." It snickered at her demise.
Y/n whipped her head towards the noise, "This is your fault, you dick." She hissed out through her obvious pain.
"You make it sound like you didn't choose this, my darling." It spoke once more in a fake sweet voice.
"Wasn't much of a choice, really..."
The figure took a step forward and reached out its hand to grab the girl's hair. She recoiled from the touch. It twirled her locks between it's fingers as it spoke, "You humans like to say that. You always have a choice."
"Pain-" The girl tried to speak, but was cut off by the devil yanking her hair.
"I didn't say you could speak. I wasn't finished."
Y/n simply pursed her lips and stared into the eyes of the devil she had a contract with. The devil that controlled her life.
"When you had no one in your life, I reached out my hand to you. I gave you an opportunity. I gave you a purpose. I am the reason you're still here!" He began to get angry, moving his hand to her scalp and digging his nails into her tender flesh. Tears began to well in the girl's eyes; he didn't relent. "Now tell me, where would you be without me?"
No response.
"Answer, child!"
"Dead... I would be dead." She spoke in a meek voice. She was already beginning to anticipate the punishment she would receive for not answering him the first time.
The devil pulled her head forwards, leaning down to face her. "Remember your place." He spoke one final time before throwing her roughly to the floor. Wounds began to form across Y/n's body. The blood seeped from the cuts and pooled onto the floor, filling in the cracks in the broken hardwood.
i said we were getting somewhere guys
word count: 608
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