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As December dawned at Hogwarts, Marilyn found herself busier than ever. Her prefect duties seemed to multiply and she had almost no time during the day for anything other than classes and whatever tasks she was assigned daily. She ended up having to do her homework at night when most of the castle was sleeping.
Winter break drew closer and Marilyn found herself looking forward to the holidays. She and Marvolo were staying at Hogwarts like normal and were planning on meeting in the Gryffindor common room to exchange gifts on Christmas.
The DA meetings also continued regularly and before she knew it, she was making her way to the Room of Requirement for the last meeting before the break. Upon entering the room, a smirk made its way onto her face when she noticed the hundred golden baubles strung from the ceiling, each showing a picture of Harry's face and bearingthe legend HAVE A VERY HARRY CHRISTMAS!
Harry and Luna arrived not long after and Harry immediately tore down the baubles, grimacing at the amused look on Marilyn's face as she talked with the dreamy blond.
Angelina, Alicia, Katie, and Marvolo entered soon after that looking out of breath but in relatively high spirits, especially Katie and Marvolo.
"Well," said Angelina, pulling off her cloak and throwing it into a corner, "we've replaced you."
"Replaced me?" said Harry blankly.
"You and Fred and George," she said impatiently. "We've got another Seeker!"
"Who?" said Harry quickly.
"Ginny Weasley," said Katie.
Harry gaped at her.
"Yeah, I know," said Angelina, pulling out her wand and flexing her arm. "But she's pretty good, actually. Nothing on you, of course," she said, throwing him a very dirty look, "but as we can't have you..."
"And what about the Beaters?" he asked, looking strained.
Marvolo smirked as all three girls on the team glanced at him, making Marilyn raise an eyebrow. Had he actually-?
"ME!" He exclaimed, grinning proudly, making Marilyn spin to face him proudly.
She beamed, making the eyes of the others in the room widen slightly at seeing her face in a full-blown smile. She had never smiled like that at anyone else and didn't even smile like that to Marvolo very often.
"That's brilliant, Marvol!" She exclaimed, gleaming with pride for her brother, "You know Dad was a beater!"
He grinned bashfully but looked very proud of himself. Marilyn couldn't be prouder. Her brother! Her twin brother was on the Quidditch team! She knew her parents would be so proud if they were still alive.
"Thanks, Mary." He said, hugging her from the side.
She gave him a soft smile before looking back at Angelina.
"Who's the other beater?" She asked curiously.
All of the other Quidditch players' faces dropped. "Andrew Kirke. He isn't the best. At all. You'll have your work cut out for you, working with that one." Angelina said, directing the last bit at Marvolo who grimaced but nodded.
The rest f the group filed in and gathered around Harry expectantly. Marilyn's small smile remained on her face at the thought of her brother being on the Quidditch team, earning her a lot of surprised looks from the other students who had never seen her smile.
"Okay," Harry said, calling them all to order. "I thought this evening we should just go over the things we've done so far, because it's the last meeting before the holidays and there's no point starting anything new right before a three-week break —"
"We're not doing anything new?" said Zacharias Smith, in a disgruntled whisper loud enough to carry through the room. "If I'd known that, I wouldn't have come. . . ."
Marilyn rolled her eyes. She really disliked the obnoxious Hufflepuff. Really, she was quite pleased he wasn't in her house though. Or Gryffindor. Or Slytherin. She would find it really insulting if he was in any of those houses as they all held some significance to her.
"We're all really sorry Harry didn't tell you, then," said Marvolo loudly.
Several people sniggered and Marilyn's lips twitched.
"We can practice in pairs," said Harry. "We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, just for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again."
Marilyn partnered with Alicia Spinnet while Marvolo partnered with Katie so that the twins wouldn't end up duelling again, and Alicia and Marilyn both found it adorable how Marvolo and Katie were slowly falling for each other.
"Impedimenta!" Marilyn cast, pointing her wand at Alicia, who froze.
Marilyn stared around the room at the other pairs practising while she waited for Alicia to unfreeze. Hermione and Ron seemed to be arguing, as usual, this time it was about how to do the spell, which was definitely not an unusual argument between them. They could find anything to argue about. Marilyn was pretty sure they were in love with each other and having trouble admitting their feelings in any way other than argument.
When Alicia unfroze, it was her turn to cast the spell and Marilyn froze for a minute before casting it on Alicia again. They continued alternating for the rest of the ten minutes before Harry called for everyone to stop.
They laid out cushions all over the floor and started practising Stunning again. The space was really too confined to allow them all to work this spell at once; half the group observed the others for a while, then swapped over. Marilyn and Alicia were in the first group and found it quite fun to stun each other.
At the end of the hour, Marilyn's good mood had only grown, but she felt an odd knawing anticipation in the back of her mind. For what, she was unsure, but she knew it wasn't good. She decided just to ignore it until something really bad happened and focused on everything good happening at the moment.
"You're getting really good," Harry said, beaming around at them when they finished."When we get back from the holidays we can start doing some of the big stuff — maybe even Patronuses."
Marilyn's dark eyes widened slightly. She and Marvolo definitely knew how to cast patronuses already and Marilyn knew that having a dragon as a patronus wasn't exactly common. She huffed; nothing about her was common.
Marilyn returned to Ravenclaw Tower, but she did not return to the dormitories, not that she really ever did. Instead, she paced around catching the snitch she often kept with her over and over again. Her good mood had disappeared, replaced by the knawing sensation that was only growing worse and worse. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
Frowning, she made her way out of the tower and went directly to Marvolo's dorm in Gryffindor Tower where she dragged him out of bed and with her down the corridors of the school with one destination in mind. Somehow, she knew exactly what was happening and she had to make sure Arthur Weasley didn't die.
"...Mary," Marvolo asked seriously as they hurried down the corridor, "Where are we going?"
"Dumbledore's office." She replied, walking still faster.
Marvolo's expression turned anxious. "Why, what's happened?"
"Arthus Weasley has been attacked by his snake." She responded, making his eyes widen.
"Attacked? Is he still alive?" He asked hurriedly, now nearly running to keep up with her.
"He's alive, but he won't be if we don't get to Dumbledore in time." She said stiffly before breaking out into a full sprint with Marvolo at her side.
"And you know this from your sixth sense thing?" He questioned.
Marilyn nodded. "Yes, come on."
They arrived at the gargoyle that guarded Dumbledore's office not long after that and Marilyn instinctively told it the password before darting up the stairs with Marvolo at her heels. She knocked on the door and heard Dumbledore call for her to come in.
He was sitting at his desk in a nightshirt and dressing gown, but immediately became much more alert when his eyes landed on Marilyn and the unusual worry etched across her face.
"What is it, Marilyn?" He asked at once.
"Arthur Weasley has been attacked. On guard duty at the Department of Mysteries. It was Voldemort's snake. If you don't do something now, he'll bleed out." She told him sharply, not wasting a second at getting her point across.
Dumbledore's expression turned concerned, but he didn't question how she knew this as he turned to the portraits lining the walls. He was well aware of how unusual Marilyn Gaunt was and needed no explanation further than what she had said as he began issuing orders to the portraits of the previous Headmasters and Headmistresses.
"The man has red hair and glasses," said Dumbledore. "Everard,you will need to raise the alarm, make sure he is found by the right people —"
Everard nodded and disappeared from his picture frame. Dumbledore looked at the empty frame for a moment before turning back to Marilyn.
"Marilyn, I'm trusting you to be that right person. Get him to St. Mungo's." He said sharply before looking at Marvolo. "Did you hear any disturbances from Mr Potter's dorm, Marvolo?"
Looking slightly startled, but thoughtful, Marvolo nodded seriously. "Yes, he seemed to be having really terrible nightmare. You think he knows too?"
Dumbledore nodded gravely. "I have no doubt. I want you to go ahead to Grimmauld Place and warn Sirius of the amount of people soon to be joining him." He said seriously.
Marvolo nodded, his expression one of utmost seriousness that made him look like Tom.
"Portus," Dumbledore said, pointing his wand at a knickknack on the desk.
Marvolo gave his sister one last smile before grabbing the portkey and disappearing from the room. Dumbledore turned back to Marilyn and nodded grimly.
"You know what to do."
Marilyn nodded and spun on her heel, disapparating from the office with a loud crack just as the door opened behind her. Marilyn was the only person other than Dumbledore who was able to apparate inside Hogwarts grounds, because Dumbledore knew she knew more than most and that it was more than necessary for her to have the ability.
Marilyn appeared in the corridor leading to the Department of Mysteries and her eyes immediately landed on the bloody figure of Arthur Weasley. She instantly leapt into action, conjuring bandages and doing the best she could at healing him enough so he wouldn't bleed out before she got him to St. Mungo's.
She levitated his body onto a stretcher she had conjured up and hurried through the empty Ministry to where she met Mad-Eye Moody near the entrance. Working together, they managed to get him to St. Mungo's and into a ward where the healers would do everything they could. It would have been extremely dangerous for them to have apparated with him, considering he likely would have died in the process.
Luckily, Marilyn and Moody worked in similar ways and were able to get him to St. Mungo's in time. Now all they could do was wait.
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