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Thank you to @coca-cola-177 and @RaimaKundu for voting β™₯️

Note - this chapter will have some cursing in it, I will mark that part, although it is not too bad. You have been warned.


"HERMIONE!" Ron cried out, as Harry and Lavender were frozen in place beside him.

"Hermione! Merlin I missed you!" He called again, coming up to her with a large smile on his face. Harry and Lavender stayed in their spot, 10 feet away.

"What do you want." She asked coolly. She was not smiling, and neither was Draco behind her.

"I've decided I forgive you for cheating on me!" He announced loudly, "and that I will take you back." He said the last part quietly. But his words had the desired response, as people had started to whisper about her. Hermione was pissed by that point. She was no longer the woman she used to be. Pulling out her wand, she said with a dark voice,

Warning: some cursing. If you don't like it, skip to the next line break and I'll give a short summary.

"How. DARE. You! You fucking cheater! You lying scumbag! Get your filthy paws away from me! I cannot believe your nerve! First you cheat on me with THAT," here she pointed to Lavender, "slag, and then you expect me to come back to you! Merlin are you daft!" Harry Potter had been content to just stand and watch his old friend, but when she talked about cheating, he remembered the reason that they had talked out. Stepping forward, with Lavender trailing behind him, he seethed,

"How could you Hermione!? You were our best friend. Don't you dare go accusing Ron when your the one who cheated on him!" At his words, Hermione was stunned, finally understanding what had happened all those years ago. Draco was about to step forward when she started to talk,

"That is not true."

"But Ron said" Harry started but Hermione interrupted him,

"Ron said! Of course that lying cheating scumbag told you that! Why don't you ask HIM, and that slag he calls a wife what REALLY happened, how I caught the two of them together, in OUR bed!" Harry didn't know what to believe, he had always thought that Ron had moved a little bit too fast after losing Hermione - he was supposed to be heartbroken. Quickly, he turned to face his best friend, but Hermione's words were confirmed as Ron refused to meet his eyes. Horror filled Harry as he finally realized what he had done that day, when he had sided with Ron. He was about to apologize when a voice said,

"Well now! That actually makes sense! No one would want you-you-you! Little bitch! Merlin, why don't you run along and mind you own business My-knee! Why you even here!" The forgotten redhead started, giggling and smirking at Hermione. At the sight of his wife, Harry remembered why they were there in the first place, and frowned at her. It seemed that Hermione had also remembered the offending woman and turned her wand on her seething,

"I'm here to tell you to get your tarty little hands off my husband."

"Oy! That's my sister!" Ron shouted.

"Ugh. Like I would ever want to be near your husband." Ginny said before adding, "like you would ever have a husband anyways you bitch. Ron's right you know, he's the only one that could ever love a stuck up prude like you!" Before Ginny could continue, Ron roughly grabbed Hermione's bum and tried to kiss her. Alarm bells went off in Hermione's head and the next few seconds were a blur. She could vaguely hear Lavender cry out and see Harry rush forward. She could hear Ginny asking,

"What unlucky bloke is stuck with you?" She didn't even have a chance to push Ronald off her before a strong, pale hand, covered in fine platinum hair connected with the side of his face and sent the drunken man sprawling.

Ok it's over - basically, Hermione says that Ron cheated with Lavender, and Ron tried to force himself onto her but Draco punches him.

"Me." Draco said, and wrapped his arm around Hermione and whispered into her ear,

"Are you alright my love?" Hermione nodded, smiling lovingly at her husband. It seemed that the trio in front of them had forgotten about Draco. Spluttering, Ron stood up, and tried to hobble towards them, saying,

"HIM?! Well I wouldn't never take you back now, not since you've been tainted by that death eater scum! At least I have Lavender. She knows my needs!" Hermione held up a slender hand to silence her angry husband and scoffed,

"First of all, my husband is NOT a death eater. And if you can't get over old school rivalries, then you're a fool Ronald Weasley. You are a fool to think that you can come into OUR company and say things like that. And by-the-way Ronald, I don't think that Lavender wants to be with you anymore." Ron turned around, only to be slapped across the face by a seething Lavender Weasley.

One bad word in the next paragraph (Lavender basically leaves)

"You bastard!" She screeched, "you said you loved me you fucking bastard! We. Are. OVER!" With that she stormed out, leaving a shocked Ron behind her.

Ok it's all good now

"Security!" Hermione called, wrapping her arm around her husband and leaning into him, "please escort these people out." Two wizards in black arrived and started to lead Ron, Ginny, and Harry towards the door, as the rest of the people watched and whispered.

"Wait!" Harry cried, "Hermione I'm sorry! I shouldn't have listened to him! Please Hermione do you think we could be friends again? Can you forgive me?" Hermione turned around to face her old friend, her expression softening.

"Thank you Harry. It wasn't your fault. I forgive you, but I don't think that we can be friends again. Too much has happened. Goodbye Harry." She smiled sadly at him as he was exported out with a forlorn look on his face. The last thing he said before he was thrown out the doors was,

"I love you Hermione..." and he did. He loved and missed his sister. And Hermione, no matter how hard she tried, couldn't hide her aching soul - but she knew that she had no choice. Harry was in her past, and no matter how badly she wanted to, she knew that there was too much between them. She would only get hurt if she befriended him again. And so, with a hurting heart, she turned into her husbands embrace and he told her,

"I love you Hermione." Those three words, no matter how simple, were exactly what she needed to hear and she responded,

"I love you too."


That's it! This is technically the final chapter of Back In England and it's the longest one (double the length!) I just couldn't figure out when to cut it off at so I decided to keep it. Also - over 200 reads!!!! Wow! That's really great for how short this story is and the fact that it hasn't been that long since I published it! Anyways, I'm just posting the epilogue with this chapter as a thank you!

The next chapter will be an overview of what happened after the party and how their lives changed. I know I didn't mention some things (Hinny) and that will be talked about in the next chapter. I just felt like Harry was still too shocked about Hermione to deal with Ginny. Also, I feel that since the setting was MalfoyPotions, Dramione aren't going to make a big scene because it's bad for business. Of course, Draco don't going to let an insult to his beloved wife go and Hermione had a scary temper so there was bound to be some drama. But in the end, Draco and Hermione wouldn't make a big scene.

I had a bit of a hard time writing this chapter in particular because I wasn't sure how to phrase their reactions. If you have any recommendations, do comment then or PM me (even if you have a cool story idea that you don't want to write!). As usual, commenting, following, voting and sharing would be so helpful.

Look for my new story New York, Old Feuds (Dramione and Percabeth) sometime soon. It's a Granger family reunion type story. I love all you guys soooo much and can't wait for you guys to see it! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed Back In England!
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Β  Β Β  ~ Rani πŸ‘‘ β™₯️

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