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Donnie POV

I woke up earlier than the others as always, I walked to the kitchen and saw Y/N smiling at me with coffee on the table "Your early" I sat down and started sipping the coffee

"I know, I'm just really excited" she said watching me "I even have some clothes ready for you guys!" She pointed at the clothes on the table "Oh, thanks" I smiled softly and finished my coffee

"The others should probably wake up soon" I said looking at the time "Great! I'll go make some bacon and waffles" she stood up, I took out my phone

30 minutes later

"*yawn* Mornin'" Leo sat down at the table "What's for breakfast?" Raph looked at Y/N. She put the plates on the table one by one and put maple syrup in the middle

They all dug in almost instantly "Woah- you guys sure are hungry" she smiled and sat down "We're all going to the zoo later by the way" she said as she was cutting her waffle

"Sounds fun" Leo said still munching on the waffles "April's coming too right?" Mikey asked "Of course she is" Y/N said

We all finished eating and Y/N was doing the dishes "You guys should get ready" She said. We were looking at ourselves in the mirror

"We all look soo good" Leo smirked "I look best though" he laughed "Scoff! stop lying to yourself Leo" I said glaring at him "We all know I look better than you" I said shrugging

Leo glared back at me "Whatever you say" he walked away. We all went to the living room and saw Y/N sitting down in a dress (if you don't like wearing dresses you can wear something else! C:)

"Oh hey guys! Ready to go?" She stood up with a camera around her neck "Omigosh you look so pretty!!" Mikey hugged Y/N from the side

Your POV
I hugged Mikey back "Thank you" I laughed "You look nice.." Donnie said. I looked at him in shock with pink cheeks "Thanks.." there was a knock on the door

I walked to the door and opened it "Hey April" I waved "Hi! You guys ready?" She looked inside the house "Great let's go" we all went out and I locked the door

We rode the bus to the zoo, when we reached there it was pretty big but not that much people since it was Monday.
We all reached the entrance "Six people" I said, the person gave us six tickets

"Enjoy!" The person waved goodbye. Donnie grabbed a map and scanned it "Remember guys, stay together" Raph told us and we all nodded "Where do we go first?" Mikey looked at the map Donnie was looking at

"Woah look at that!" Mikey ran to where the lion was "Mikey wait!" Raph chased after him "So much for staying together" April groaned. Leo suddenly pulled April along with him "Woah!-" after that they were nowhere to be seen

I looked at Donnie "Hey, you wanna go to where the turtles are?" I asked him as he looked at me "Hmm it would be nice to see my own kind" He put his hand on his chin "Lead the way" he smirked

I held my hand out "So you don't get lost" I smiled, he laughed "I have a map you know" he took my hand. We both reached where the turtles were

"Woah.." he put his hand on the glass, he had stars in his eyes. I snapped a photo without him noticing, I looked at the photo and smiled I will cherish this photo forever, maybe even get it printed so I could put it in a frame.

Donnie noticed me smiling "What're smiling at?" he smirked at me "Oh nothing just saw a really cute turtle" I looked at the turtles

"Are you hungry?" I asked him "Well.. kind of" he rubbed the back of his head "Let's go find a stand then" I held his hand and led him to a stand

I bought two corndogs and handed him one. "Do you think the others are okay?" I said wondering "Probably" he shrugged "We should go find them soon, there's gonna be a show" I looked at Donnie

"I'll check where they are on my trackers later" he finished his corndog "You have trackers? For everyone?" I gave him a rised eyebrow "Yes!- n't.." he looked away and checked the trackers

"Come on I know where they are" I tugged on Donnie's clothes and followed him. We all were together again "There's gonna be a dolphin show soon let's go!" I signaled them to follow me to where the show was

When we reached there we sat at the front seat "Oooh this is gonna be so fun!" Mikey couldn't sit still in his seat. The show started and we were all cheering at the dolphins

A few moments after it was time for the splash. We were akl watching the dolphins "Hey, what are they doing?" Raph asked pointing at the dolphins "They look like they're gonna-" the dolphins splashed all of us

We were all laughing "That was super fun!" April said as we walked out to dry ourselves. "Do you guys wanna go to the pizza place now?" I asked brushing my hair "Is that even a question?" Leo smirked "Alright then let's go!" we walked out of the zoo

We took the bus again to the pizza place. When we arrived we all sat down and ordered pizza "What kind of pizza you guys want?" the waiter asked and I looked at the menu

"Hmm what dk you guys want?" I asked the others "One hawaiian please-" Leo said "No! Make that pepperoni" Mikey cut off Leo "Wh- Hey!" Leo glared at Mikey "Guys why don't we order both?" April said glaring at the both of them

"Oh yeah great idea mhm yes" They both agreed. We were waiting for the pizza to finish "So, did you guys have fun in the zoo?" I asked "Yeah! There was all sorts of animals" Mikey said

I laughed and saw the waiter approaching us with two pizzas "Enjoy" I thanked them and dug in "Mmm!" Raph said. All of us were silently eating and savouring each bite we take

Until there was one slice of pizza left, I knew they were gonna fight for it since the brothers were eyeing it. I sighed and saw April take the last slice and ate it, Mikey gasped "What?" April asked confused

A/N: Thank you for reading! Next chapter might take a little longer btw sorry!


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