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"Woohoo!" Leo exclaimed, jumping through portal after portal. It had only been a few days after he was all healed up.
"Leo please be careful you might get hurt!" Raph's "oldest sibling instinct" kicked in.

Mikey frowned watching Leo opening portals with ease. He stared at his hands, was he not trying hard enough?..
'I'll try again, one last time. Then I'll rest.'

He blocked out all the noise that came from the room and held out his hands
'Portal.. portal.. pizza.. pizza? portal..'

Mikey heard muffled voices while his eyes were closed
"Mikey!... portal!...." 'Leo? What's he saying?'
"Open!... eyes!..." 'Open eyes? What are they saying?'
He opened his eyes and saw a bright orange portal, he stared in an awe
'I did it! I actually did it!'

"What's all the racket about? Keep it down- woah." Donnie had literal stars in his eyes
"How- when- what?!"

Leo ran towards Mikey "Mikey you did i- AHHH!"
He trips on a spray can on the ground
'Damn you spray can.'
"Leo!" Raph shouted out

Leo bumped into Mikey, causing him to fall into the portal. Raph jumped in after them no time wasted.
"When will I ever get to rest" Donnie groaned and finished his coffee before walking into the portal as well.



How many hours has it been since I dozed off?

'ACK! What the?!' April's picture was visible on the screen of your phone

"Hello?" You answered, completely forgetting you were supposed to meet her tonight.

"Hi girl! Just letting you know that I'm almost there, you're not still in bed are you?" 'That last line sounded a bit.. intimidating. What does she mean she's almost there? Where?'

Glancing at the calendar beside you, a circled date standing out.
"Oh shit." I whisper, but apparently April still heard it.

"What was that?" She sounds irritated. Should I be scared?
"Nothing! Im on my way out right now!" I put the phone on speaker, sprinting to my closet grabbing a fresh new set of clothes.

"Okay.. see you in 5 minutes." She ends the call. 'Crap 5 minutes?! I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.'

'I can't believe I forgot about our little night hang out! Y/N you idiot!'

'I run to the park- or I was running to the park. I stopped my tracks when an orange portal appeared in front of me.

'The hell..?' I don't know what's going through my mind but I slowly approached it

Tap.. tap.. tap..

'AHHH!!!' Turtles come out of the portal. Wait- turtles? Why do they look so.. humanly? Are they nice? What if they try to eat me?
I should run. Why aren't I running?!

Three turtles.. with masks? Red, blue and orange. Someone steps through the portal, another one?

A purple mask. Hey, this one has eyebrows! Why don't the other ones have eyebrows? He looks smart, and mean.. That's so my type.

Wait no! You hit yourself, they're weird humanly looking turtles. Attractive ones at most.

The portal closed behind them.
"Whoops" the blue one rubs his head, they can talk?
"Where the heck are we?" the blue masked turtle stood up.

"It seems we're currently still in New York city." the purple one, with the eyebrows stood next to him.
"This isn't right.."

"What isn't right?" the big red turtle sounded worried.
He could easily kill me. I gulped.

I don't think they've noticed me yet. I should run while I still can, quietly.
My phones vibrates, I curse under my breath. Their attention focuses on me.

"Uh.. hi?" RUN!
I sprint away while grabbing my phone. April's photo once again illuminating my screen.

"APRIL! YOU GOTTA- HELP ME." I kept running.

"Wha- DID SOMETHING HAPPEN? ARE YO-" I cut her off
"THERE'S TURTLES CHASING ME!"Wait. Are they even chasing me? I look back and see no one. Oh.

"Okay never mind they're not chasing me, I think. But I saw human looking turtles!" April was dead silent, she thinks I'm being stupid isn't she?

She hangs up. I sigh, trying to decide whether to go to the police or not. They'll probably think I'm crazy.

Donnie POV
"Uh.. guys? Should we chase after her?" Raph suggests.
"I think having 4 mutant turtles chase after you is.. horrifying." I reply.
Leo and Mikey hummed in agreement
She looked oddly familiar, she almost looks like.. oh. I think I know where we are.

Your POV
Someone's running towards me.. Is that.. April? I was about to run towards her until someone covers my mouth from behind

"MMPH!" 'Augh.. this hand smells like shit. Are they from the sewers or something? I need to give my face a good wash after this. If I make it out alive that is.'

"Don't scream okay?" An unknown voice told me. How do I know they wont hurt me? Whatever it's not like I have a choice.

They let go, I turn towards them.
"I promise we're nice." The blue one.

"I'm Leo, face man of the mad dogz" a cocky grin stuck on his face, the purple masked turtle rolled his eyes

'That big red guy is Raph' "Raph" waves at me, even though my hands were shaking I waved back.

"Im Mikey!" the orange one jumped in
All I could do was smile, where the hell is April?!

"Okay okay, the grumpy one is Donnie." Oh, Donnie huh. That's a nice name.

"What's your name princess?" Leo takes my hand and kisses it, I hear one of the turtles hiss as he does. 'What the fuck is happening right now?'

"Y/N!!" April cuts me off, she's finally here. Save me.
I don't know if I'm being delusional, but at the corner of my eye I see the turtles look shocked to hear my name.

Except for the purple one, what was his name? Dannie? Donnie?

My ears are ringing.. why is everything so blurry..? Are they fighting..?
I think I'm gonna pass out..




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