A/N: Thank you for reading the story y'all omg πππ
As they were talking about your dream you were in the corner listening to them "Do you think she knows that we-" before Leo could finish his sentence he saw you and looked at you wide eyed
"Y/N!" He pointed to you, and pf course you quickly ran to your room before the others could see you. "What are you on about Leon?" Donnie asked him narrow eyed "I swear she was just right there!" Leo said as he ran to your room
He opened the door to see you spund asleep "Leo! Be quiet you might wake her up" Raph whisper yelled. Leo couldn't believe it, but there was nothing he can do but accept it.
"I think you need some sleep Leo" April put a hand on Leo's shoulder "Yeah.. see you later guys I'll be in the room catching some zzz's" He walked down the hall into the room
"Well I guess we should sleep too, we're all pretty tired from everything. Good night" Raph said as the other turtles followed "Bye guys Good night" April waved
Your POV
It still makes me mad that they could keep something from me. But also sad. You felt a tear coming out of your eyes "Ugh why do I always cry when I'm angry" you wiped your eyes but the tears wouldn't stop
Donnie POV
I cannot sleep. I'm not used to sleeping this early. I kept thinking and thinking until I heard the sound of.. crying?
It sounded like it was from Y/N's room, should I check on her? Okay I will. I stood up and walked slowly to Y/N's room and opened the door to see her sitting up crying. What do I do?
"Hey.. are you okay?" I sat next to her and she flinched "Sorry for scaring you" i apologised "It's alright" she wiped her eyes one more time and sniffed
"So.. what's wrong?.." I have no idea what to do in these types on situations "Do you guys trust me?" I flinched and a bead of sweat rolled down my cheek
"Of course, why wouldn't we..?" She just stared at me blankly and smiled "Okay." was all she said.
It was akward. We were just sitting there in silence "Uhh.. why were you crying?" I asked breaking the silence "Crying? Oh my eyes were just too dry. Its normal" she said which was obviously a lie
"I see. I should get going then, get some rest 'kay?" she simply just nodded. I hugged her "It's okay to cry sometimes." she was surprised and was wide eyed
The hug lasted for a while and then I let go "Sorry! Should've asked first" I rubbed the back of my head. She giggled "It's alright, thank you Donnie." after she said that, my heart started tk beat faster
"Okhaveanicenightgoodnight!" I speed walked out and she waved goodbye to me. That was embarrassing, I felt that my face was warm. Okay now I'm really not gonna be able to sleep.
3rd Person POV
You sighed. You layed down and finally decided to sleep after a long night.
Next day
Opening your eyes, it was currently 10 AM in the morning. You got up to nake breakfast only to see the turtles in the kitchen
"Oh! Good morning" you smiled and waved at them "Heya N/N!" Mikey greeted. Raph and Leo greeted you with a smile. "Hey." You heard Donnie say
You looked him in his eyes "Hi." The two of you stared at eachother for what feels like forever. The turtles noticed and smirked "Even here huh?" Leo said
Donnie turned his head to look at Leo "Shut it Leon." He glared at him "Okay okayy chill" Leo said still smirking at his brother
"Wanna try my pancakes N/N?" Mikey asked giving you a plate. You took a bite and felt like you were in heaven "Mmm! This tastes amazing!" you exclaimed
Mikey smiled proudly "Glad ya like it" he said as he sat down. They we're all just chatting as you sat there quietly "You alright?" Raph asked
"Hm? Oh yeah im great." you ate more of the pancakes, he just looked at you like he didn't believe you but brushed it off.
"Psst guys" April whispered as they all got into a circle "Y/N's been on the age lately ever since she got sick, she isn't usually like this." April whispered
There they were keeping things from you again, it always upsets you when people you trust keeps something from you. "What are you guys talking about?" you tried your best to act like you didnt know what was going on
"Oh nothing don't worry about it!" April smiled. This pissed you off, you stayed cool though. "Okay. I'll be in my room if you need me" you walked to your room and closed the door
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