Takemichi's POV
Classes just ended and I was walking with Hina on our way home. Her cram school also ended early and we still have time.
"Takemichi-kun, should we go somewhere else first?" She asked
"Sure, but where?" I asked and she pondered for a while.
"How about we go bowling together? It's been a long time since we did and you said you'll teach me." She said
"You're right, It's been a long time. I wonder if I still know how to." I said while scratching the back of my head.
"I'm sure you do!" Hina said and I blushed
"Let's go?" I asked and offered my hand and she smiled.
"Yeah!" she said and took my hand and blushed. We walked together to the bowling alley while holding hands and are close together.
Since when did I become this bold? Maybe I picked some courage up from Y/n-chan and Mikey-kun. They're so contagious in a good way.
When we arrived, we choose our spot and did some warm-ups, I tried playing first.
With full concentration, I rolled the ball and hit all of the pins.
"Strike!" Hina exclaimed while clapping. Looks like I still got it.
"That was awesome, Takemichi-kun! You got a turkey!" Hina said cheerfully and we did a high-five.
"Yeah." I said and also smiled.
"I totally suck at this." She shyly said and took a bowling ball.
"You can do it Hina!" I cheered and she rolled the ball
"Go!" She said
She's so cute <3
"Aw man...it went to the gutter." She said and I pat her shoulder.
"It's okay, Hina. You just need more practice and you can do it to." I said and it was my turn next. We had our turns for a while and it was my turn again.
I fixed my gloves and took a ball and focused again.
"Watch this, Hina. My fourth, strike in a row." I said rolling the ball. I got a strike and I noticed that the person beside me also got a strike.
"Wowie!" Hina exclaimed
"Oh?! We both got strikes. We were totally in sync." The guy with a scar across his lips said.
"Not bad." A girl said who was sitting near him
Wait, it's Hakkai-kun and his sister. Is it today that we met? I still couldn't get over the fact that he's huge.
"Huh?! I thought I'd seen you somewhere before. You're Hanagaki Takemichi!" He said
"Y-yeah, you're Shiba-kun, right?" I asked
"Yeah, I'm surprised that you know me. I'm the second division vice-captain, Shiba Hakkai. My captain told me a lot about you." He said
"Hahaha, is that so?" I said awkwardly.
"Let's go, already." His sister said
"Shut it!! The lane's callin' me." He said
"We have to go." She said and he only clicked his tongue and went near me and hung his arm over my shoulder.
"We're bros from now own, Takemitchy! Come over to my place!" He said
"O-okay." I said and we left the bowling alley with Hina. It feels like I'm forgetting something important.
"By the way, if you two are "bros" now, then I get to be an older sister to both of you. Buy me some juice. Since you're my little bro now." Yuzuha said
"Huh? You're brother and sister? You don't look alike." Hina asked
"You don't look like you'd be any good in a fight. Why are you even a captain in Toman?" Yuzuha asked and I felt an arrow hit my chest.
Urk! She got me right where it hurts!
"Hakkai's obviously got the capacity to outrank you but he's got no interest in that." She said and pointed to her brother.
"You're right! Shiba-kun does look strong." Hina said with a smile
"H-hina?" I said and Hakkai-kun was just silent.
"You're totally hopeless." Yuzuha said
"Just thinkin' about bein' the top guy gives me headache. I like bein' free!" Hakkai-kun said with a smile.
He's still the same as ever.
"That's so cool, Shiba-kun."
"Huh?" Hina said
"Uhhh, don't feel bad, Hina-chan. My little bro's kind of a late bloomer. If any girl besides me talks to him, he freezes up. Don't worry" Yuzuha said
Right, I forgot that Hakkai-kun is such a huge dork.
"He's making progress though, he could also talk with Y/n-chan too." Yuzuha said
"Eh? Really?" Hina asked
"Yeah, he couldn't at first but it improved over time." She replied
"I heard that she fought him instead of talking first." Yuzuha whispered
"I see, that is what they call, talking with fists." Hina whispered back.
"Y/n-chan is like another older sister to me and Hakkai. Just like with Mitsuya who's like an older brother to Hakkai." Yuzuha said
"Taka-chan is a total pain in my ass. He drilled into me how cool and uncool delinquents can be. Annoying right, that guy? He's like a real older bro to me." He said
"Wow." I said
"And Y/n-san is also a pain in the ass-" He was stopped when Yuzuha slapped the back of his head.
"Hey!" He said
"Why are you talking about Y/n-chan like that?! She's cool you know, you ungrateful brat." She said
"I know she is, why don't you just let me finish my sentence damnit." Hakkai-kun said while scratching the back of his head we only sweatdropped at the two.
"Like I was saying, Y/n-san is also a pain in the ass but I'm thankful for her because she's like a real sibling to us." He said
"But, he likes Mitsuya way too much. Check out his cell phone." Yuzuha said while holding Hakkai's phone.
"Yuzuha! Where'd you get that!?" Hakkai exclaimed
"Mitsuya's on his standby screen." She said and showed the phone to us.
Oh shit, no matter how many times I look at it, it still surprises me.
"Even though mine is a picture of Hakkai." She said and showed her phone
Her love for her sibling is really that great.
"Wait, don't act so clean when your wallpaper is Y/n-san." Hakkai said and took her phone and showed her wallpaper with her and Y/n-chan doing the peace sign.
These two are the same.
"We're almost to my house!" He said
Huh? We're here already?
"Hakkai, we're in trouble. Bro's comin' back home." Yuzuha said and we looked around and saw many people wearing the black dragon's uniform.
Right! How can I forget! They are still on bad terms with Taiju-kun at this time.
"Hanagaki, sorry man. You'd better go on home." Hakkai said
"But-" I said, I can't leave them here knowing what will happen.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't our young master, Hakkai!!" A familiar guy said.
"Koko..."Hakkai said
"Hmm? Who the hell are these jerks?" Koko-kun said while looking at us. Right, he still doesn't know me right now.
"I've seen him before. He's Toman's third division acting captain, Hanagaki." A guy informed Koko
"There's a Toman fucker on our turf?! You tryin' to fuck with us?!!" Koko said with an angry tone.
I hid Hina behind me to protect her.
"You're not leaving our turf in one piece, asshole." He said and we took steps backward while they slowly walk towards us.
"This whole zone is the black dragons' territory. If any other gangs come swaggering in, the boss instructed us to kill them. You know what that means, don't you? Hanagaki!!" Koko said
"It means you're dead!!!" Koko said
"Get 'em boys." Inui-kun said
"Lay off, guys. Takemitchy is my buddy!" Hakkai said
"Stay back, Hina-chan. They don't go easy on girls." Yuzuha said
This is bad, we're cornered here again. Damnit, why didn't I remember this earlier!!
While I was overthinking what to do, a familiar voice suddenly interrupted the tension.
"Oh my, that won't do." they said and everyone looked at the person who was holding two plastic bags.
"Y-Y/n-chan?!" The four of us exclaimed and she only smiled and waved.
"Yahoo! I brought some Nikuman (pork buns). Aki and I made many so we decided to share with everyone." She said and walked towards us.
Can't she read the room? I know she's strong but uhmm, we're in trouble. If something happens to her, Mikey-kun would go berserk.
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