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[ the truth ]
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"The Joker and Harley Quinn are no more."
You had bared your fangs in anger but thought against further retaliation. That wouldn't help Harley. She was going to die, no matter how meticulous and scheming both herself and the Joker were.
You pulled yourself out of Rick's arm, not daring to look back at him as you made your way to the villains. Harkness watched your face for a moment as you found your spot between him and Floyd, and he almost went forth with the stupid idea to console.
Then he realized it was, in fact, stupid.
Removing his hand from your shoulder once you shot another one of your venomous glances, he sighed through his nose, looking over at Deadshot on your side.
"You couldn't save her."
The hitman craned his neck to meet Boomerang's eyes and soon glanced away, shrugging off his words as he watched a helicopter arrive.
It soon steadied by the ridge, and you raised your hand to slightly cover your eyes due to the raging winds the blades offered. The door slid open, revealing a soldier in headgear, holding his hand out to Waller who took hold of it.
"Watch your step, ma'am."
She stepped into the vehicle, finding herself on the first seat, leaning down as she grasped onto one of the overhead handlebars.
"Stand by. I'll send another halo!" she exclaimed over the sound of the spinning rotor blades.
The soldier closed the door, and soon, you watched with disdain as the helicopter lifted into the sky, making its way down past the building and into the far-down street.
You busied yourself by sitting down on one of the blocky structures found on the roof. Hiking your knee up, you rested your axe against it, tapping your finger along the serrated edge.
Your reflection was murky and wavy, bringing no justice to your features, but it was a mirror in its own deforming way.
You found yourself analyzing your face, and all the hidden anomalies along it, ranging from small cuts and knicks in your S/C skin, or the way your eyes held such emotions and memories you hadn't allowed seep past onto your tongue and out into the world.
This is what you had become. The world had chewed you up and spit you back out, and you had hissed back in retaliation. Why did the world gift you with such powers if it was just going to treat you like shit? A question you had wondered about for the past twenty-four years.
Looking up, your eyes locked onto those of Rick. He was watching you from afar; gaze cold and yet, somehow, offering more warmth than you had ever really received.
Rick Flag was concerned. For you.
And he was doing a really bad job at hiding it.
However, your attention was soon dragged to Floyd, who walked towards you and stopped in front of you, eyes cast downward as he watched your movements.
"You good?" he muttered.
"Are you?" you rebuked.
"I'm fine."
"Well, I'm peachy."
Lies. Both of you were lying. As annoying, deluded and downright insane Harley Quinn was, she still found a way to become someone you - kind of - trusted. She was a constant, that's for sure.
You looked up at the sound of rough speaking, and you watched as Rick turned around, listening to GQ who was hurriedly speaking into his comms before the man sighed.
"Ops just confirmed. She's down. 1k West."
She? As in Waller?
Fucking deserved.
"Let's go get her," Rick ordered, although the command was said in a slight sigh. Himself and his group of four soldiers walked down the ramp, the colonel coming to a stop in front of you and Deadshot. "The mission's not over."
"Nah, it is for me. We had a deal," Floyd denied.
"Without Waller, you got nothing."
Rick followed after the men, leaving you and the villains behind, and although you didn't usually have faith, you were at least hoping that nothing worse could happen.
And then the rain started.
It dampened your mood even more, your eyes rolling in annoyance when you heard the deep rumble of thunder. Floyd muttered to himself, and you silently watched the man before you, until he took off down the same path.
Wordlessly, you stood up and pursued him, and not a moment later, heard the scuffling footsteps of Harkness, K.C, Katana and Diablo.
The walk-down was quiet, save for the tracing sounds of present company. It took you and the group about ten minutes to get down to the first level of the building, and you did nothing to prevent the rain from ruining your hair due to it already being dripping wet.
As you looked up, the questioning name that left you was muffled to your own ears...
"... Harley?"
Your voice seemed to regain her attention and she snapped out of her disenchanting reverie, looking up and feigning happiness as she stretched her arms overhead and waved.
"Hey, guys," she sang. "I'm back!.. I missed you all so much."
"We're glad you could make it," Floyd nodded.
You stepped forward and Harley cast her gaze over to you. It was unspoken and would never be brought up, but it was a mutual understanding that two prideful women would never outwardly speak about.
Her smile was small and her eyebrows were furrowed, and you only offered a mirroring grin, stepping forward and lifting your hand in offering. She took it, and you placed a hand on the curve of her waist to help her down from the car.
Suddenly, her arms were wrapping around your neck, her head resting against the arch of your shoulder. The embrace was stiff on your end, and you had come to the sad, depressing realization that this was the first hug you had ever indulged in since half a year ago.
Harley was in pain, and you had nothing but understanding for her, and no matter how deranged, psychotic and narcissistic the Joker was... They were in love, in their own twisted way. She had lost her person. You knew the feeling all too well.
Releasing her, you offered a tiny smile to which she returned, before Harkness spoke up from behind you, "Hey, craziness."
Silently, he tossed Harley the bat she had thrown to the side when rushing off the edge of the building. She caught it with ease, watching as he walked away before sheepishly glancing at Diablo and K.C.
They simply nodded in regards, and soon, she was glued to your side like she usually was as yourself and the group of both villains and soldiers walked through the rain.
The trek took about twenty minutes, and over halfway into the streets, you had seen Waller's helicopter. It had, indeed, crashed, smashing into an abandoned bus that had the front nozzle of the vehicle completely compressed and squished.
Rick walked ahead of you, and opened the sliding door, levelling a flashlight to look inside. You had expected Waller to come waltzing out, claiming their poor timing and ending with a nasty one-liner, but as you peered past Flag's shoulder, you found the haul empty.
"So, let me guess," Floyd spoke up, turning around to face the colonel. "We're going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky. You know, cause why wouldn't we?" The hitman stared at Rick, who blew a breath from his nose in annoyance. "When does this end, Flag?"
"Load up. We're in for a fight," he ordered in a low tone, a sneer to match.
"Fight?" you questioned. "Fighting what, exactly? Last I checked, terrorists don't control lightning and if they do, I sure as hell have missed out in the last six months."
"I've got nothin' to explain to you," Rick snapped.
"You have fucking everything to explain to me!" you retorted. "I am sick of having to put my neck on the line for your colonel ass. Either you tell us just what the fuck we're dealing with here, or I'm gone."
"You're gone?" he repeated, stepping closer to you. Rage was rolling off on him in waves, and the rain did nothing to dispel the red-hot anger. "I'll blow your fucking head off, and then we'll see if you're gone, Viper." Craning his neck forward, you felt the phantom touch of his nose brushing against yours as he whispered shortly, "Load. Up."
He was five steps away from you in a second, walking away with those stiff shoulders and leaving you by the helicopter. You rolled your eyes, an irked sigh escaping your lips as you walked forward.
You hadn't even registered Floyd rummaging through the vehicle, his eyes catching onto a matte black case. He recognized it; Waller always kept it in her iron-clad grasp, secured tightly in her palm. She never opened it, at least not in front of him and the villains.
Suddenly, your attention was dragged back from your lapsing thoughts when something pivoted past your arm and crumbled against a deserted car. Squinting your eyes to get a better look, you found it to be a white binder with red lettering, however you couldn't quite read it due to your ears and mind panning to Floyd.
"You tell everybody... everything." His demand was short and simple, and aimed directly at Rick. "Or me and you gonna do right now."
Flag blinked, glancing behind him at his soldiers before looking back at the group. Your eyes were curious as he met them with his own, his jaw clenching as he had no other choice but to answer Deadshot.
"Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station," the colonel started. "So, Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing but.. the witch could. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea. And that's how she escaped from Waller." His gaze had remained downcast before he finally pulled them away from the ground. "So, now you know."
"You can just kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink," Floyd said.
"Hey, Deadshot, I need your help."
"No, sir. You need a miracle."
Harley followed after him, bowing in mockery whilst Harkness simply nodded with a smirk at Flag. Diablo patted K.C's shoulder and rubbed a hand on your arm as he passed you, the crocodile soon trailing behind him.
"You lied."
The words were quiet and although the rain peltered down harshly against you both, Rick still heard it.
"It was to protect y-."
"Bullshit," you interrupted, shaking your head. "You weren't protecting us, Flag. You were leading us to our deaths... Besides, since when do you care about some villains?"
You were the last of the squad to disappear into the building, and his calls were futile; a fruitless attempt for you to listen. For you to stay.
"I need your help, Viper," he exclaimed, taking a step towards the threshold where you paused.
"Don't beg, Flag. Soldiers don't beg for the help of a mercenary."
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