chapter ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ž๐ง.

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หขโฑโฟแถ แต˜หก โฑโฟแถ แตƒแต—แต˜แตƒแต—โฑแต’โฟ


[ stuck together ]

๐…๐จ๐ซ ๐š ๐ฆ๐จ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ, ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฆ๐ฎ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ฅ๐ž๐.

Your ears slowly adjusted, allowing you to hear the crumbling of stone before your eyes opened. You looked around the station, leaning upwards from your palms on the staircase. 

Glancing to the side, you found Harley, who was smacking the side of her head before cleaning her ear with her pinkie, a confused squint of her eyebrows appearing on her face.

She looked over at you and grinned, skipping towards you before offering her hand. You took her other one with a smile she shot you a perplexed frown but shrugged it off and pulled you up.

Standing, you hissed out a low grimace as you felt a stinging pain at the side of your hip. Gently placing your fingers against it, you inspected the wound; It seemed that the witch had dug her fingers into your skin so hard that it drew blood, the crescents of her nails dotting along your skin.


Looking up at the sound of his voice, you watched as Rick rushed forward, patting Floyd's shoulder from where he stood at his side before running to you. Harley stepped back just as he stopped in front of you, his hands gliding over your arms and waist.

"I'm fine," you cut off his unspoken question, sighing softly as you met his concerned gaze.

His brows furrowed as you stepped away, your head trained forward when movement was spotted, your sharp teeth hanging over your lips as they protruded from the gums on instinct.

The Enchantress crawled towards Katana, her entire body covered in a mix of dark green and black overhang of a skin-like material. 

"Let me join my brother," she begged, her voice tinged with husk.

Without a word, Katana raised her sword, the metal swinging against the air before Flag shouted, "Katana, no!" She glanced over at him in question as he stepped towards Harkness. He had found the Heart when searching for the Rolex he so desperately wanted. Flag held the Heart in his hand as he stared at the witch. "You bring June back. You bring her back."

"She's not coming back," she stated.

"I'll crush this," he threatened with a scowl. "Do you hear me? You bring June back, or I'll crush this!"

"Go ahead," the Enchantress chuckled darkly. "You don't have the balls."

Tears lined his eyes as he processed her words. His little sister was dead, long before this mission had ever started. 

A shaky breath escaped his parted lips as he grunted, the Heart caving in between his palms, the dust and grime of the organ falling to the ground.

The witch screamed, although it faded between a multitude of them before she fell to the ground, her chest straying for a second before flattening. Unmoving.

You desperately wanted to reach out and console Flag, who turned away from the dead body, but something inside you stopped you. 

Your hand stayed at your side. The words stayed in your mouth.

Rick stopped a little way's ahead, his shoulders raising with each ragged, deep breath he took.

As you watched the figure of the Enchantress, your head tilted to the side as your eyes squinted after noticing movement.

Floyd seemed to have noticed it as well, as he called out to the colonel without glancing away from the woman.

You watched as the witch raised her hands to her face, clawing at the leather-like gunk resting upon her head. Suddenly, as it peeled away, the pale face of a woman who inhaled deeply appeared.

"June!" Rick yelled as he ran towards her. 

She cried out, her arms wrapping around his neck as his own enveloped at her waist, lifting her from the ground. June stuffed her face in his neck as he stroked her back, her breathing coming out shaky and mixing with her sobs. 

You blinked as a soft sigh escaped you, a sense of relief overcoming your body. From beside you, Harley raised her eyes to the sky with a tiny curl of her lips, her hands resting at her hips.

"She's gone," June breathed out, leaning back from her brother.

"I thought I killed you," he sniffed.

"I thought I killed you," she repeated with a watery smile.

Flag chuckled, holding her closer as he placed a kiss to the crown of her head. You looked away from the heart-warming sight, your arms crossing over your chest.

"Y'all don't mind," K.C spoke up. "I got me a sewer to crawl back into."

"Yeah, and I got some business to handle back in Gotham," Floyd nodded, handing Harley her gun. 

"I'm gonna hotwire a car. Need a ride?" she asked sweetly.

"I could. I've got some old ties I wanna sever with a certain Falcone." Harley smiled at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you bristled. "But your ass is not driving."

"Why not?"

"I just got out of this shit, and I ain't head-diving back into more," Deadshot said.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps, the figure of Waller soon replacing the stigma of who it could be. Her hand held up the control app on her phone, and you scoffed.

"Are you immune to death or something?" you grumbled with a roll of your eyes.

"How are you not dead?" Floyd questioned.

"We just saved the world," Harley whined. "A 'thank you' would be nice."

"Thank you."


The bleached woman nodded at Waller with an appreciative smile. "You're welcome."

"So, we did all of this, and we don't get shit?" the hitman spoke up.

"Ten years off your prison sentences," Waller informed, although was slightly interrupted by the wheezing laugher of disbelief from Harkness and the deep growling of K.C.

"Nah, that's not enough. I'm seeing my daughter," Floyd denied.

Waller sighed, glancing away in annoyance as she begrudgingly agreed, "That can be arranged. Any other requests?"

"Ooh," Harley beamed, raising her hand. "An espresso machines."

"B.E. T," K.C muttered.

"I want freedom," you stated.

"Not a chance," Waller spat.

"Then, I at least want parole."

Amanda stared at you, a huff leaving her nose. "You know what you did."

"And you know why I did it," you rebuked.

She was silent for a moment, mulling over her words before she wordlessly nodded in agreement. You smiled, blinking from shock, feeling Harley squeeze your hand from next to you.

"Ten years off a triple life sentence?" Harkness suddenly questioned with a disbelieving chuckle. "Darling, I'm walking outta here a free man, or we're going to start having some real fun."

As he spoke, he threateningly walked towards Waller. But she was never one to back down, instead stepping closer and raising her phone to his eyeline. 

"Why don't we have some fun?" she whispered, the beeping of the app echoing afterwards.

Upon hearing the sound, he quickly glanced at the device before gulping softly with a hard glare.

You walked outside, breathing in the fresh air of the destroyed center of the city. A smile curled at your lips for a moment; you were free, in your own way. Sure, you were going to have a tracker attached to your ankle for pretty much the rest of your life, but nothing a high-top slipper boot or some shoes couldn't help with. 

All was tranquil in your little world until you heard the footsteps behind you. Turning, you sighed at the sight of Flag. His gun was gone, and he had taken off the bulletproof vest and army jacket, leaving him in a crinkled black shirt that compressed against his toned body.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, breaking the silence.

Rick watched you for a moment, his nostrils flaring as an exhale escaped. "You were just going to leave? Without a goodbye?"

"I wasn't going to say goodbye to anyone," you shrugged.

"It would've been nice, that's all," Flag murmured in that southern drawl that had your eyes softening as you finally met his gaze.

"What do you want, Rick?" you questioned in a sigh.

"I... I don't know," he answered honestly. "I thought- I thought it was an unspoken kind of thing?"

You shook your head. "You have no idea what you're doing, don't you?"

"You could help me," he prompted worth a raise of his eyebrows.

You stared at him, a frown painting its way across your features. You tried to imagine it; that life he was thinking about. But it was out of reach, due to your terrible decisions and the heartbreak - no, the memory of it that hung over your heart.


Rick's eyes widened at your simple refute. "What?"

"No," you repeated. "This 'unspoken thing' you're talking about? It doesn't exist. It can't exist..." Sighing, you hung your head. "I'm sorry, Rick. I'm sorry you thought I felt something for you."

"I don't think it," he clenched his jaw. "I know it."

"This isn't something you can just decide," you frowned.

"Yes, it is!" Rick exclaimed. "It's pretty fucking simple, actually. You decide to acknowledge what your feeling; it's human."

"You forget I'm a metahuman."

"Doesn't mean you don't feel the same things we do. What I feel."

"Then what, Flag? What do you feel?" you yelled, raising your arms.

"For some fucked up reason, I feel the need to protect you!

"I didn't ask for that!"

"It's not about asking, Y/N!" You huffed loudly, crossing your arms as you ignored his dark glare. "I-... I want to protect you. And I don't give two shits if you don't want it, but you're fucking stuck with it. You're stuck with me."

"Well, didn't I win the luck of the draw?" you questioned rhetorically.

"Yeah, and I sure know how to pick 'em, don't I?" Rick muttered.

"You shouldn't have picked me!"

"I'm protecting you because I care. I'm picking you because I..."

Your lips parted as your eyes widened, taking a short step back at the sudden confession. The words were on his tongue, and you wouldn't dare let them past.

"A... Are you serious?" Hands at your hips, your voice was breathy, and the words came out in exasperated sighs. "What, you care about me now? How fucking ironic. The colonel loves the villain."

"You think I want to admit this?" he questioned lowly, taking another step towards you. His hands found your upper arms and you flinched at the feeling. Strong and firm, yet somehow you knew this was his way of being gentle. "When I'm firing my gun, I'm wondering where the fuck you are and if you're okay. I'm watching your back when you decide to go rogue."

"Flag, I didn't ask for any of this," you seethed. "I didn't ask for you to care about me. I mean, look at who I am! I have killed people. So many fucking people. You, Flag, as much as I hate to admit, have a good heart. So, don't fuck around and act like you could do anything more than care. Because I won't let you."

A breath let his lips that shook his core. His eyes were wide and filled with hurt, although you wished it was something else. Maybe hatred. Disgust even. His fingers left your skin, and you immediately missed the feeling.

Pinching his eyes shut, he spoke, "I'm not going to stop. And I don't know what the fuck I'm feeling for you, but if I'm right about this... I can't just push it away. I can't let it go."

You closed your eyes at his next words. 

"I can't let you go."

The sniffle that left you was short, and you stepped back, fingers suddenly diving towards your belt. A moment later, Rick was staring at the gun in your hand, aimed directly at his head.

"What if I shot you?"

Flag clenched his jaw, holding his hands up as he watched you and the weapon in your hand, trained directly at his heart. 


"God damnit, Rick, what if I shot you?" you snapped, your voice clipped and pained. "This is me pushing you away. If you won't let me go, I'll do it for you... I'm letting you go."

"You can't do that," he shook his head. 

"And why the fuck not?"

"I won't let you." 

Seriously?... Why was such a simple answer making your bottom lip wobble and your grip waver. That answer didn't mean shit.

"... Rick..."

"I can't do it, Y/N," Flag breathed out shakily. "I can't watch another good thing in my life walk away, and not do anything about it."

"Good?" you repeated, quivering breaths escaping your parted lips. "I am not a good thing for you, Rick... I-I mean, what did you think was gonna happen? That after all this, we could be together? It's not that simple. I am going back to Belle Reve, and you are going to continue serving this grand country, and you're gonna forget all about me."

"You think it'd be that easy for me to forget you?"

"It has to be easy!" you shouted. "You have to forget me. Because nothing... nothing could come out of this. No pretty house. No picket white fence. No two kids and a half. And not even the shit that comes beforehand."

You were being honest. Someone had to be between the two of you. 

"Y/N, put the gun down."

"If I don't, will you hate me?"

"I couldn't."

"But you should hate me."

"I've tried, and it's not really working," he admitted. "The only reason I could ever hate is because you're proving me wrong."

".. What?" you mumbled.

"You're making me feel things that I don't believe in."

Your fingers were numb against the trigger, eyes wavering from his form for only a moment before snapping back when he moved. He seemed to deem it safe, considering you weak...

For not shooting the man you're falling for.

He grabbed the gun out of your hand, tossing it to the side and grasping your fingers. You gasped at the sudden movement, eyes watering out of nowhere when he pressed a delicate kiss to them. 

"Why can't I show you that I want you?" he questioned in a shaky voice, the words falling against the cold skin of your hand. "Why can't I show you that I need you?"

You didn't answer, instead sniffling as a tear escaped your eye, shaking your head. 

"I've been lied to before," you mumbled.

"I won't," he promised hopelessly, eyes closing as he kissed your palm once again. "All I want to do is see where this goes. Where I'm hoping it will go."

You watched the man before you; eyes shut, frown mark appearing on his forehead, an expression of pure desperateness overtaking his features.

Slowly, you raised a hand to his cheek, and he immediately placed his own over it, keeping your hand steady against the stubbled skin. You were quiet as you leaned closer, your eyes gracing over his lips before kissing them.

Your mouth molded against his own, and it seemed that your lips were made to find homage at his. His eyes opened, shock overtaking the blue of his irises, before closing in bliss, arms slipping down your back and resting at your waist. 

Leaning back, you jumped into his embrace, feeling his nose prod against your neck, inhaling your scent, his hold on your lower stomach tightening ever so softly, the palm of his hand pressed against your back. 

Your arms secured around his broad shoulders, fingers grazing the short, buzzed dark hair of his scalp, smiling softly at the sound of his shuddering breath. 

"I'd like to see where this goes as well," you mumbled.

"Good, good," he breathed out, and if he squeezed you any tighter, you would have to pat his back and tell him to let go. But you knew it was all the excitement that he finally had you. 

"This should be fun," you chuckled as he lowered you to the ground.

"Careful, Viper," he murmured against your temple. "You almost sound like you're enjoying my company."

"God forbid," you grinned gently, feeling a flutter in your chest upon hearing the sound of his laughter as it rumbled against your front. 

You supposed it was okay to be stuck with Colonel Rick Flag. Stuck together.

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