chapter ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ.

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หขโฑโฟแถ แต˜หก โฑโฟแถ แตƒแต—แต˜แตƒแต—โฑแต’โฟ


[ escape plan ]

๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ฌ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐š๐ซ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญ๐ž ๐›๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐ญ.

Being sat beside the grotesque Killer Croc who had been swimming in sewage water for the past couple years and Harkness, with his practically steaming trench coat which you knew damn well hadn't been washed since his arrival in America was, funnily enough, not the most wonderful and preferred combination for a flight. 

And you were also sitting straight across from Rick Flag, who continuously eyed you and the squad of villains with beady eyes.

"You havin' fun over there, sugar?" Harley called, leaning forward and sending you a toothachingly sweet grin as she waved.

"My nostrils are burning, and my eyes are watering," you answered whilst returning the gesture before huffing with a mutter, "Happy days."

"Hey, is he supposed to be green like that?" Harkness questioned loudly, causing your head to snap to the side where he cautiously watched Killer Croc.

"K.C, no," you murmured in a scolding tone.

"Ain't my fault, sweet cheeks," the crocodile grunted out and within a single moment, you found yourself unbuckling your seatbelt and vaulting to the side to avoid his puke as he wretched. 

"Oh! Party foul! Not cool," Harley gagged.

"Jesus, open a fucking window!" you begged, pinching your nose, stepping forward and grabbing the duffel at one of the soldier's feet. "Don't mind me."


You dumped the bag on the puke, wiping your hands as it landed in the vomit with a squelch, soaking up some of the putrid liquidy mix. Sitting back down, you glared at K.C, trying desperately to hold in your own bile.

"Would've been nice if we had known," the soldier muttered with a scowl as he stared at his duffel bag.

"Beats me as to why nobody asked the crocodile if he was prone to airsickness," you frowned sarcastically, rolling your eyes when he scoffed in annoyance.

You turned around at the sound of coursing electricity, eyebrows pinching in confusion as you peaked out the circular window that could not be opened. Far into the center of the city, half a dozen lightning streaks were continuously pulsing as - and you hoped your eyes weren't betraying you - a ring of rubble.

"The hell is that?" Boomerang questioned, following your gaze.

"Nothing normal," you mumbled, turning back around and locking eyes with Flag.

He was good at hiding his emotions, you would give him that; his face was completely impassive, gaze straying from yours when he met your eyes too long.

He was hiding something. They all were.

"Ooh, look at the pretty lights!" Harley beamed, glancing back at the others. "Are you guys seeing this?"

"What happened?" Deadshot questioned.

Rick took off his headset to answer. "Terror attack. Dirty bombs, bad guys shooting up the place with AKs. You know, usual shit."

"Right," he nodded. "Yeah, you're a bad liar. I don't know if they told you but I'm a hitman. I'm not a fireman. I don't save people."

"Anything for a dollar, right?" Flag jabbed.

"You know the dark places, too. Don't act like you don't."

"I'm a soldier. And you're a serial killer who takes credit cards." Deadshot glanced away with squinted eyes at the colonel's words. "When the shooting starts, and it will, you'll cut and run."

You sighed at their bickering, just about to position yourself in a more comfortable seating when the sudden sound of rapid gunfire sounded. The bullets bounced off the metal, causing continuous clangs to echo through the cockpit before urgent alarms came from the helicopter.

You screamed as the chopper tilted over, descending to the ground, the only thing keeping you from completely floating being the seatbelt.

"Six-one is going down! Six-one is going down hard!"

The helicopter landed with a series of tumbles, and you grunted with each impact that seemed to repeat on end. The buckle of your belt loosened, and you felt the claws of K.C try and gather you back to your seat, but you were already halfway across the pit.

"Shit!" you shouted, ready for a stiff and painful landing against the other side of the metal interior of the helicopter before suddenly feeling something much softer against your back instead.

As the chopper settled with a deep rumble, you groaned and went to sit up straighter, grunting in confusion as you glanced to your side. 

There sat Rick, arms rapidly placed around your waist and legs. So that was the thing that softened your fall. The fucking colonel. 

He was heaving a quick breath, but other than that, he wasn't really at all fazed. Except for the deep glare and the image of the Viper sitting in his lap.

Wordlessly, you lifted yourself up, following Deadshot and the others out of the crashed chopper where other soldiers were now gathering from another helicopter.

"Whoo! What a ride!" Harley exclaimed, hopping out of the back hanger with a gleeful grin, joining your side.

"We're okay. We're okay. Assets are undamaged," you heard Rick say into his earpiece, casting a glance over each of you before a series of orders were placed.

About ten minutes later, you were wondering through Midway City. Or at least, what was left of it.

It looked much worse for wear then the last time you had visited; cars ablaze, half of the roads completely bottomed out, shops destroyed and buildings barely a push away from collapsing.

You were too busy ogling the desolate and burning city to listen to the conversation happening behind you. Harkness walked up to Slipknot with a quick whisper, "Mind games."

"What's that?" the man questioned.

"All this bomb in the neck crap. That ain't real, mate. See, they're trying to trap us with our own minds, right? But you look around, we're free," Boomerang explained with a smirk.

"How do you know this?" Slipknot interrogated.

"Just trust me. I know, alright? It's a con," the thief sighed. "Now I'm going because I got a life to live. Question is, are you coming?" He glanced at Slipknot who slowly turned his head to him, before slowly nodding. "Yeah. Smart."

The pair smirked at one another before fastening their pace. As the large group of both soldiers and villains rounded a corner of a new street, the two nodded to one another in preparation before Harkness suddenly punched a soldier. Upon being met with a racing Katana, he tucked tail and ran, the woman slamming him against the wall of a building and restraining him.

Slipknot held up his large gun-like grappling hook, and when it locked into a desired nook, he vaulted upwards with a loud zipping noise.

"Hold your fire!" Rick demanded when the soldiers raised their gun to him

Harkness caught his boomerang which had returned to his hand, smirking at Katana. "Sorry. It's what I do."

As Slipknot slipped across the sky to another vantage point, Rick held up his wrist and was quick to press onto the villain's portrait which appeared, igniting the bomb with a single push.

Your eyes widened as you watched Slipknot's head blow up, pieces of flesh splatting onto the ground. You narrowly avoided a chunk of brain, merely curling a lip before looking upwards. Slipknot's decapitated body swung loosely, slowly hanging to a stop.

"Now that's a killer app!" Harley giggled.

"Okay! You wanna keep playing the Hollywood Squares version of 'I'll Blow Your Freaking Head Off'?" Flag questioned, turning to face you. "Are you next?"

"You tripping, homie," Diablo denied when the question was aimed at him.

Rick came to a slow stop in front of you as you raised your eyebrows. "Are you next, Viper?"

"So, you're threatening me now?" you wondered with a scowl. "I would put a little pause on these interrogations, Flag. You clearly need us. All of us."

He glared at you, and your nose simply turned upwards, before he turned and muttered in command, "Move."

The squadron moved, and Deadshot came up beside you, caging you in between the hitman and Harley. "Alright, I'm gonna kill him," he said in a murmur, causing a scoffing chuckle to escape you.

"Well, you better make it quick cause he's gonna kill all us one by one," Harley stated.

"Not if I get to him first," you threatened. "God, he pisses me off."

"I'm gonna drop him, the sword lady, five or seven of these SEALs. After that, I'm gonna need some help. You two down?"

"Always," Harley agreed.

"What about the grenades in our necks?" you questioned.

"Her friend's gonna help us out with that, right?" Deadshot asked, glancing at Harley, causing your gaze to snap to her.

"Friend?" you repeated with narrowing eyes.

Harley glanced between you both before nudging your shoulder with a grin. "Y'all are my friends too."

She skipped away, settling beside Harkness and you shook your head with a sigh. "You think we could get out of this?" you asked, looking up at Deadshot. 

He nodded, confirming your question with furrowed brows and a tiny smirk. "Stay evil, doll face. Watch your back for that asshole."

You didn't need a name, knowing exactly who the hitman was taking about. Your eyes landed on the back of Rick, his shoulders taut and tense, gun lifted automatically. "I'm starting to take his shit a little personally."

"I'll show him personal," Deadshot grumbled, eliciting another chuckle from you. 

You and the hitman sped up your pace, nodding at Harley as she continued to whisper at Harkness. She returned the gesture, and you watched as the captain slowly walked over to K.C. He had agreed. 

Up ahead, Flag continuously glanced back at you and the other villains, and after the third beady eyed look, you waved your hands and sent him a crazed gaze that had him scoffing and turning back around.

Suddenly, a loud rustling had everyone's attention as you lifted the gun from your holster and aimed at the location of the noise. Rolling your eyes, you lowered it when you saw Harkness lying in a dump of garbage, K.C walking away with a huff.

As he stood up and the soldiers continued, Harley walked over with an exasperated frown. "What did you say to him?"

Harkness chuckled, shrugging, "Nothing. Just having a laugh. No worries."

The walk continued until the soldiers at the front of the group came to a stop, aiming their guns and settling across a series of abandoned cars. 

"What the fuck?" you mumbled at the sight of a military jeep. It was completely destroyed, a harsh gaping cavern where the passenger seats once were. But in its wake black and crystalline blue crystals formed a trail for the hit.

"Boss, we got people up here," you heard through Rick's radio.

"I'm on my way," he replied, moving forward in haste as you and the group of villains settled behind a car.

Harley laced a hand over Deadshot's shoulder as you settled on his other side, Harkness stationing himself on your right.

"Hey. I like these odds, mate," he said to you and the pair. "You just say the word."

"Come on," Harley patted Deadshot's shoulder.

"Yeah, uh... Hold that thought," the hitman diverted. You don't know why, but he beckoned you to follow him and you casted a shrug of your shoulder at Harley and Boomerang as you followed him.

He placed his target enhancer over his eyes. Due to the reptillian DNA, it strengthened your ability to focus on movement in dark spaces. So, it was pretty fucking crazy to find these so-called human soldiers looking like they had come straight out of a comic book. 

"Rick, why do they look like that?" you heard GQ question.

"Yeah, that's a pretty good question," you hissed, catching Rick's eye from over his shoulder as he glanced back at the sound of your voice. "Why don't you tell us what's going on, Colonel? Cause you don't seem all that surprised."

"Just stay cool," he answered to both you and GQ.

"The hell are they?" Deadshot questioned.

"You cut and run, I'll blow your head off."

"Flag, I swear to God, what is going on?" you snapped, grasping his shoulder. 

Turning back to you, he glared at your form with deathly eyes, but you didn't back down. Something wasn't adding up and you knew well that Rick Flag had a pretty good idea of the truth.

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