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"okay, babe, i gotta go! i'll call you later. love you!" oikawa spoke sweetly into the phone, before hurriedly hanging up. she smiled to herself before locking her phone screen, looking over at her suitcase.

the two had been dating for years now, since high school. they had talked about marriage, but decided it would be better to wait until y/n graduated from college. they had it all planned, they would live in argentina, where oikawa currently played volleyball, and y/n would live out her dreams as a teacher.

what oikawa didn't know, was y/n was about to board a flight to argentina so she could propose to him.

she didn't want to wait any longer to be called mrs. oikawa, even if they didn't have a big, fancy wedding right now. though, knowing tōru, they would have one if it was the last thing he did.

her phone buzzed, making her look down at the illuminated screen.

chik-whore-a 🥰
8:39 p.m.

chik-whore-a 🥰
hey sis, about ready?

y/n the gr8
you betcha
ab to call a cab rn actually

chik-whore-a 🥰
good luck, i love you and text me as soon as you land, okay?

y/n the gr8
aye aye captain
and remember, if tōru calls tell him i'm in the bathroom or smth okay?

chik-whore-a 🥰
yes, mrs. oikawa ~

she texted her soon to be fiancé next. she had a very elaborate lie planned, knowing that he was very thorough when suspicious.

8:44 p.m.

hey babe !
my phones being rlly shit so i'm gonna have it sent to the shop
to see if they can fix it. & i'm staying at chikara's for movie night, so i'll text you when i get my phone back, tomorrow! i love you bitch, ain't neva gonna stop loving you bitch—

and she left it at that. she called a cab, which took her to the airport, where she got on a flight to argentina. it was an EXTREMELY long flight, but she managed to entertain herself.

her stomach twisted into knots as she exited airport security. he was at practice right now, if her copy of oikawa's daily routine served correctly. perfect. just enough time to sneak into his apartment, set up, and wait for him to come home. thought, it did sound a little creepy now that she thought about it.

she took another cab to his apartment, taking advantage of the fact that tōru always left a spare key under the mat. it was the first time she had been to his apartment, or even to argentina at all, seeing as he usually came to see her instead.

she checked the time on his microwave, seeing that she still had enough time to shower before he got home. and she did just that, showered, and got ready for the big moment.

it was almost time. and she tapped her foot impatiently, frequently looking from the time to the door, until she heard the sound of jingling keys. a smile crossed her face, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him, finally, after so many months. she finally felt that unique spark of happiness that only he could light in her heart.

he didn't notice her right away, running a hand through his still slight wet hair from the gym showers. he shut the door behind him, and sat his keys in the little bowl before he looked up.

his mouth hung open, and he dropped his duffle bag beside him. "y/n!" he smiled, holding out his arms, which she gladly ran into. "you're here !" he laughed, smiling into her shoulder. "i may have overshot my timing, and now you're out of pizza rolls." she responded, welcoming the warm chuckle that shook his chest.

"fuck! i almost forgot what i came here for!" she cursed, releasing oikawa from her hold. he raised an eyebrow, tilting his head at her. she cleared her throat, grabbing his hand to pull him into the living room. he noticed the rough shape of a heart made out of lit candles on his coffee table, which made him smirk slightly. "are you trying to seduce me by raiding my candle collection?" she shook her head before motioning for him to stay where she had placed him.

"wait here," she spoke, before walking off in the direction of his bedroom, returning only a moment later with her hands behind her back. "okay, i'm not as good at sappy shit as you are..." she started, taking a calming breath. "but i'm trying my best, okay? stick with me. you are... my favorite person. you are my person. when the aliens abducted me, they did this thing to my brain that made me only ever want to love you, forever. i don't know, that was a shitty joke, but what i mean to say is i wanna be with you forever, okay? will you marry me?" she completed the whole thing by dramatically getting on one knee, and opening the little box she had retrieved, which held a sparkly band.

"you're so damn cute!" he whined, joining the blushing girl on his knees so he could hold her face in his hands. "just answer the question!" she snapped, which only made him smile more. "yes." he responded, her frustration expression changing into one of joy. she hurriedly put the ring on his finger, before they practically koala clung to eachother.

"that was really cute and all, but i wanted to do it!" he sighed, which spurred her to kick his shin. "quit complaining, bitchykawa!" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "does that mean you're mrs. bitchykawa?" she seemed to think about it for a moment, before a wicked grin formed on her face. "unless i make you mr. enoshita? yanno, feminism."

"and that, kids, is how i met your mother." he smiled wholesomely.

no. they didn't have children quite yet. he was actually talking to his old kouhai's from aoba johsai. it had been a year since y/n ended up becoming mrs. oikawa, and during the aoba johsai vbc's big reunion, they wanted to hear the full story.

"wow... you guys are both pricks." kunimi commented, which made oikawa glare at him. "hey! we are not!" he pouted when the rest of the team, and his wife, agreed with akira's statement. "yeah we are, but it's fine. we tolerate eachother."

"okay, now who wants to hear the better, and actual version of what happened?" she asked, which made the boys collectively nod. "okay... we'll call it... pretty boy 101."


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