; long chapter, you're welcome ๐ also v soft, kinda ooc, just very very soft, and yucky cute stuff a little.
at some point, y/n had fallen asleep. maybe it had been sometime in that first thirty minutes, in which she had grown bored of watching them hit the ball back and forth. after which she resorted to laying on her back, across a few of the seats, and listening to them shout. she concluded by then that kyotani kentaro wasn't coming, but it wasn't like she had anything better to do anyway.
poke. no! felix, try this mochi, it's so good. poke poke. mm, strawberry mochi and felix lee. giggle. she cracked open her eyes, squeezing them shut before they fluttered back open due to the bright lights. she panicked. where the hell am i? her eyes scanned the unfamiliar setting, before they landed on a familiar face, his teasing smile making her memories come flooding back.
she groaned, resting her forearm over her eyes. "definitely not the first thing i wanna look at when i wake up." her voice was sleepy, and quiet. oikawa scoffed, "rude. and speaking of rude, mad dog didn't show." y/n sighed. "yeah i figured." she responded.
"damn, bet this gives you flashbacks to all the times you've been stood up." he joked, she shot her non-face-covering hand at him blindly, hoping to land a hit, but she was only met with something soft.
oikawa whined, swatting her hand away. she uncovered her eyes in confusion, finding a pouting oikawa trying to fix his hair. "y/n-chan! do you know how long it takes me to get it to stay like this?" she snorted, looking up at the boy who sat next to her. "sorry," she suppressed any further laughing after he shot her a glare, though she was most definitely not sorry. "that was meant for your face."
"yeah, whatever. come on, sleepy-chan, practice has been over for like, half an hour." this snapped her out of her tired state, causing her to roll off of the seats and land on the ground. "ow." was her only reaction, while oikawa practically honked with laughter. "why didn't you wake me up!" she whined, standing up and straightening herself. "because, your so much nicer when youre asleep!" she only rolled her eyes, placing her bag over her shoulder.
"strawberry mochi, huh?" she glared at him, causing him to laugh and put his hands up in mock surrender. "come on, i was supposed to be home an hour ago." he nodded, grabbing a stray paper that had slipped from her bag and handing it to her.
she checked the time, puffing out her cheeks. "i gotta call my brother, okay? try not to be so loud." he only smiled and stood up with her. y/n clicked on her brothers contact, and brought it up to her ear, carefully making her way down the steps, with oikawa behind her.
the phone rung, once, twice, three times, "hello?" he picked up. "hey," she greeted, "i'm on my way, i fell asleep waiting for that guy, and he didn't show up."
"wait.. what? you fell asleep? are you okay?" she could hear the concern in his voice, causing her to smile a bit. "yeah, i'm fine, chikara. don't worry. i was with the volleyball team." the slightly younger enoshita stayed quiet for a second. "that doesn't make me feel better! did they try anything? i will not hesitateโ" she pulled the phone away from her ear with a wince, making eye contact with oikawa.
he shook his head in an amused manner, holding out his hand for her phone. she squinted at him, hesitantly handing him the cell phone, which you could still hear her brothers voice shouting from. "hello? hey. it's oikawa tลru." he paused, listening to whatever the male enoshita was saying. "no, she's fine. other than you blowing out her ear drums" he laughed a little at the end, before listening to chikara's voice. "i'll get her home safe, don't worry. and if not, then you can 'punch me in the face and get the boys to back you up'" he quoted what he had shouted through the phone.
y/n let out a small chuckle as oikawa finished his call with her brother, hanging up afterwards. "wow, never again will i underestimate your ability to win people over." she shook her head in amazement as he handed her phone back. "it's a gift." he shrugged. it was quiet, as they exited the school.
"we missed the last train, so what do you want to do for now?" oikawa asked her, looking over at her for a moment. "let's get food. i'm gonna die if i don't." he chuckled, agreeing and looking back ahead of them.
she'd never get tired of watching the sunset, even though she watched it nearly every day on her way home. it was nice.
"so, mochi?" she ignored the teasing tone in his question and nodded. "hey oikawa?" she spoke after a quiet moment. "yeah?" he responded, his voice nonchalant, as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "what conditioner do you use?" she smirked lightly as he squinted at her in annoyance. "i'll take that as a genuine question, and i'll text it to you later." he answered, which made her smile a little.
they had finally gotten on the train, but not before getting mochi, which y/n forced him to try a strawberry one. she nearly fell asleep again, her blinks getting longer and longer each time. until the train-ladies voice announced they were at oikawa's stop. she glanced over at him, when he didn't move, he only stared down at the phone in his hands. "hey, it's your stop." she poked his shoulder, to get his attention. "mhm, and?" he responded. she drew her eyebrows together, "whatโ" he met her confused gaze, tilting his head a little. "i told your brother i'd get you home safe, didn't i? and you're practically falling asleep, so i don't trust you to walk home by yourself without passing out."
she exhaled through her nose, nodding before leaning back against the seat, allowing her head to lull backwards. she didn't know why she was so tired, perhaps it was because she stayed up reading the previous night. she sunk down slightly, once again tucking the bottom half of her face into her jacket.
at some point during the train ride, her eyes shut, and didn't open again. the train stopped again, a bit rougher than usual, causing her head to rest on his lower arm. he jumped slightly, looking over at the slumped, sleeping girl, in shock. surely she would murder him when she woke up, but for now, he let her rest there, and didn't dare move.
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