𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐟𝐟

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[ miyagi prefecture  !
6:19 p.m. ]

it was just supposed to be an easy trip to the supermarket. so why the hell was tooru oikawa there, bothering her to no end?

she was tired from a long day of train rides and tutoring. it turned out, kenma needed more help than she anticipated. the train ride was what exhausted her most, though. she wanted nothing more than to go home, face plant onto the bed, and sleep. but, being the angelic daughter she was, she ran to the supermarket on her way home like her mother asked her to.

she glanced at the text message from none other than her brother, practically begging her to pick up the generic oreos he liked. she agreed, of course. so, grabbing the off brand cookies, she placed them into her basket. "why the generic ones? the real ones are better." a voice spoke from behind her, a stranger, with his spiky brown hair and glasses looked at her.

"the generic ones are way better." she mumbled, slightly awkward. "hm, if you say so, y/n-chan." he seemed so nonchalant as he spoke her name. was she supposed to know who he was? "i'm sorry, do i know you?" she was slightly freaked out, with a stranger calling her by her name and all. he cocked his head to the side, "ha ha." he let out a sardonic laugh, rolling his eyes. "haha yeah," she mocked, "who the hell are you?" she rolled her eyes at the boy's attitude, it was infuriating.

"you seriously don't know who i am?" he seemed taken by surprise, like he didn't believe that she didn't know him. "no! why else would i ask, dumbass?" she drew her eyebrows together in anger, who the hell did this guy think he was? "hm, cute," his cocky smile returned, holding his hand out sarcastically, "oikawa tooru, lovely to meet you y/n-chan."

oikawa tooru. her eyes widened in realization, which amused him. she quickly was back to her ever so stoic expression, slapping his hand away as she walked past him. "aw, you're just as mean in person as you are over text!" he knew what he was doing, annoying her. "leave me alone bitchykawa." she groaned, trying to lose him by quickly stepping into another aisle, but the always observant oikawa followed her easy. "come on, y/n-chan! cant you see i've made it my personal life mission to make you like me?"  he whined, tossing his head back in annoyance.

"too bad. because you're obnoxious." she gave him the fakest smile she could muster, before turning to grab the brand of coffee she needed. "why does it concern you so much anyway?" she sighed, looking over at his pleading face. "because! everyone likes me! i'll have you know i'm very pleasant to be around." he crossed his arms like a pouting child as he continued to tail her as she made her rounds through the produce section. "no, oikawa. no one likes you because you're a dick." she snapped, throwing a tomato in beside her coffee. "that's not completely true!" he defended himself.

she gave him a deadpan look. "what if i stopped annoying you so much? because i find it annoying that you don't like me." she snorted at his proposal, "yeah, okay." she agreed jokingly. "the second you stop being annoying is the second i marry you."

"oh yeah? color me intrigued. only, we're not getting married, sister. you're going to be my friend." his voice was challenging. "desperation isn't a good look ." she responded, double checking her list to make sure she was finished. "do we have a deal?" he ignored her comment, and pressed further. "yeah. now fuck off." she shooed him like a fly, and surprisingly, he did.

go away that is, not fly.

— time skip brought to you by: oikawa in glasses 😩

"chikara!" the male enoshita could already tell she had gotten into something by the tone in her voice. "in here!" he called from the kitchen, waving at his sister as she entered, setting her grocery bag on the table. "you're not going to believe this." and so it begun. she explained to him what had happened starting the second she walked into the market.

"well, that's not going to happen, so don't worry about having to be his friend." he spoke, after swallowing the oreo he had been eating while she recounted the story. she nodded, "but still! i wanted to put my head through a brick wall."

"you and me both, sis."

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