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It was now Friday and everything in life seemed to be pretty perfect at the moment.

I had the hottest guy at school wanting to be with me 24/7.

I had great friends by my side and Hey! My grades were even good.

"Hey everyone!" I said walking into the Max after school on Friday.

"Hey!" They responded as I sat in the seat next to Zack who quickly put his arm around me.

I took one of his fries and ate it.

"So what's the Friday night plans gang?" Slater asked.

"We have plans for tomorrow, tonight we can get away from eachother" Lisa says motioning towards the fact Screech was sitting next to her.

"Ya, I'm still studying for the midterm anyways, it's on Monday." Jessie says.

"Same here" Kelly says.

"Well not me, I'm going shopping" Lisa says.

"Aren't we going to the mall tomorrow?" I ask.

"Ya I can shop then too!" Lisa says.

We all laugh.

"Well I'm gonna head home" Jessie says getting up with her stuff.

"Same here" Kelly follows.

"Bye!" I smile.

"My pet spider needs to be fed so I better head home guys. See ya!" Screech says leaving.

"He is so disgusting" Lisa says.

"Awe Lisa, give Screech a chance!" Slater says.

"That would be like dating a raw fish!" She says.

"You like sushi" I laugh and she squints her eyes at me.

"I'm gonna head home." Zack says rubbing my leg signaling for me to say I'm leaving to.

I was going over to Zacks tonight for dinner.

"Hmm? Oh ya! I'm leaving too" I say.

"Alright bye guys, see you tomorrow" Lisa and Slater say.

Me and Zack nod and head out.

We get back to his place.

"My parents won't be home until later, wanna snack?" He asks going into his pantry.

"Nah I'm alright, not really to hungry." I say.

"Okay" he sounds grabbing animal crackers.

He heads upstairs to his room and I follow.

he grabs the tv remote and lays down on the bed.

"Come here" he says with open arms.

I laugh and lay down in his arms.

He kisses my head and snuggles me.

"Zack?" I say.

"Hmm" he hums for a response.

"I wanna make this official" I say.

I had no clue all the sudden were the confidence came from but I didn't mind it.

"I do too" he says into my neck which sent chills throughout my whole body.

"So does this make us officially in a relationship?" I ask.

"Hmm yes" he says.

He turns to me and I stare into his gorgeous brown eyes.

I take in some of his features.

His full lips, jawline, blond hair.

I kissed him and he kissed back.

It slowly turned into a make out.

I bit his bottom lip lightly and ran my fingers through his hair.

He pulled me closer to him.

He rest his hand on my lower back.

We slowed it down a little.

Then the door opened to reveal Mrs. Morris.

"Is this a bad time?" She asked slowly closing the door.

"No mom come in" Zack says and I scoot over a little.

"Katie?" His mom seemed surprised.

"Hi Mrs. Morris!" I say smiling.

"Hi dear" she said.

"I just wanted to let you guys know that dinner will be ready in 20 minutes. Also don't go to far, Zack is already to expensive" she says.

Both our faces turn bright red.

"Okay thanks mom, bye" Zack says.

She shuts the door and Zack grabs onto me again.

He turns to watch the tv laying on me and I run my fingers through his hair messaging it.

I placed kisses on top of his head too.

He closed his eyes.

"Maybe you should tell your mom your sleeping over at Kelly's tonight and just sleep here" Zack says.

"If my mom found out I was lying you can wave goodbye to ever seeing me again." I laugh.

He gets even closer to me and I continued playing with his hair.

"Zachary Morris" I say.


"No, nothing I just wanted to say your name. I don't think I've ever called you Zachary. It was always just Zack" I say.

He laughs and then we hear his mom call us downstairs for dinner.

We get downstairs.

Me and Zack sit next to each other at the kitchen table.

"Zacks father couldn't make it home for dinner, very sorry" his mom says serving us.

"Like he ever can make it home" Zack rolls his eyes.

"Thank you" I say when she sets my plate down.

We start eating.

"So are you guys an official couple or...?" His mom asks trying to start a conversation.

I motion Zack to answer. "Ya we're official"

"Oh wonderful! I never mind having you over" his mom looks at me.

I smile.

After we finished dinner I helped do the dishes.

Zack sat on his couch as I finished help clean up.

I checked the time.

"I better be heading home" I say.

"Oh alright dear thank you for coming" Zacks mom hugs me and kisses my cheek.

Zack gets up to walk me out the door.

"Thanks for coming. My mom loves you" he says.

"Your mom has always loved me preppy" I say.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the mall?" He asks.

"Ya I'll be there" I say.

I kiss his cheek and head home for the night.

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