Husk | Cramps, cramps, and a LOTTA bit of blood | x (female) reader | Fluff |

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(The art above is drawn by itsadreamie on Deviant Art)

Now let's continue:


Your POV:

You groaned in pain as you rubbed your sides.
"Husk!" You called out for your boyfriend. You and Husk have been dating for about 6 months now so you've had plenty of periods for him to help you with so it should be no problem right? Wrong. It is a problem because you turn into one of the most emotional and dramatic people to ever have landed herself in hell.

You would probably pick fights with the trash can for not being where you wanted it to be at that time because you stubbed your toe on it, then cry about it.

You gritted your teeth as the pain intensified, you sighed in frustration. It was too painful to move. All you needed was some medicine to make it stop but there was none at the hotel right now and you'd rather not bother Baxtor about making something for you either.

"Hussskkkkkkkk." You called out again, you heard feet shuffling down the hall and in a matter of seconds Husk appeared in front of you. He looked at you with a sigh before speaking, "Yes love?" He asked and bent down to your form which was halfway off the couch.

"Honey could you PLEASE go to the pharmacy and get me some Tylenol or something?" You said with a desperate look in your eyes. He sighed and nodded before giving you a quick forehead kiss before heading to the door.

You looked to the hallway and spotted Charlie, she seemed to be thinking about something really hard. You couldn't move or you'd go over there and surprise her. You simply called out her name and in which she turned her head and came over to you.

| mini time skip cause I don't wanna put the girl talk in here but yeah|

3rd POV:

[Y/N] heard the door open mid sentence talking to Charlie about random girlie things. [Y/N] and Charlie both moved their attention to the door in which they saw Husk with a bag in his hand that looked like it was carrying more than just Tylenol.

"Charlie, I'm gonna need my girlfriend for awhile," he said before picking you up bridal style and taking you to your hotel room.

He opened the door and then kicked it shut with his paw and then sat you on the couch. He soon joined you on the couch before pulling out the contents that the bag held.

Out of the bag came Tylenol, (your favorite candy/ candy bar), and a plushie. He handed you all three items and then pulled you into his lap. You two soon started watching a movie and cuddled for the rest of the evening.

One thing you loved about being in hell was that Husk was there with you. He may seem cold and just depressed but once he warms up to you he's so much more.



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