โ”โ”โ”โ” xxiv

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GARCIA CALLED HOTCH at the right time. they had just solved the case in florida, even though it only took less than a day to solve.

hotch didn't reply after garcia told him someone took leah. he honestly didn't know how to react. he hung up the phone and walked quickly to the rest of the bau agents who were standing outside the jet, waiting to get in.

hotch pushed passed them, and told the pilot "we need to get home as quick as you can," to which the pilot nodded his head.

hotch then turned back to the agents, trying to keep his emotions hidden from them as to not cause panic among them. they were all staring at him with confused looks.

"leah has been kidnapped," was all hotch said before climbing aboard the jet quickly.

the agents exchanged looks, all with widened eyes, and quickly followed hotch.

"w-what do you mean she was kidnapped?" derek asked hotch.

"call garcia. now," hotch said, sitting down.

derek quickly grabbed his laptop and called garcia. moments later, the sobbing girl showed up on his screen. everyone surrounded him.

garcia didn't need someone to tell her what to do. she immediately sent over the video file, and all of the agents watched in horror.

"oh my god," emily said under her breath.

of course, every bau agent knew that they can never let their work get personal or emotional. but this was their friend- this person was one of them, she was a beam of light at the bureau, and now she's in danger.

"i'm already working on trying to get a location," garcia said, trying to stop herself from crying after every word.

"if anything else happens," rossi started. "let us know right away."

garcia nodded, ending the call.

derek morgan sighed shakily. he was nervous- leah was like a little sister to him, and if something else were to happen to her, he would never forgive himself.

he looked over to spencer, who was sitting with his hands covering his face.

"hey, kid," derek said. spencer took his hands away from his face and looked at morgan.

"we'll find her."

spencer nodded, trying to stay calm by taking deep breaths.

derek's phone then rang, and it was garcia.


derek opened his laptop quickly, gaining the attention from the other agents. he put the phone on speaker. "talk to me."

"i was trying to hack into the camera that the video was recorded on. but i didn't have to. i was sent a link- it's a livestream."


leah's head was pounding when she woke up. many questions ran through her head; where am i? who put me here? what happened last night?

soon, memories of last nights events came flooding back. how she found out jason porter and greg campbell were the ones who took everything she loved. they took her parents, they took shayne.

they even took agnes.

they were slowly taking everyone she loved away from her, and the only people she thought about were the agents at the bau.

"what am i doing here?" leah grumbled at a man that sat in a seat by a video camera.

"ah, good morning!" jason told leah. "how'd you sleep?"

"answer my goddamn question."

"i know, you have questions. i'll answer anything you want, but first, say hi to your friends!"

leah looked at him, and he pointed towards the video camera. he then walked over to her and whispered in her ear, "thought the stream would help them find us. considering we have bigger plans for them than we do for you."

"no," leah gasped.

"okay, goodbye for now! tune back in in a couple hours!" jason said as he walked over towards the camera.

"guys, don't come. i'm okay!"

"oops, too late. don't think they heard that."

leah looked at him, her eyes scorching with rage.

and then jason explained everything. by the end, she was fuming, terrified, and upset.

jason and greg worked with leah's dad at bilo's pizza. jason and greg had been friends since they were kids. the first time jason and greg saw leah, she was 15, and a freshman in high school. greg was married to agnes, but he didn't love her, and he believed he didn't know what love was until he saw leah. agnes loved him, though, and he convinced her to fire one of her employees at the merge cafe and put up help wanted signs. eventually, leah was interviewed for the job, and greg forced agnes to give it to her. months later, greg was invited over for dinner at the gray's house, and so he went. greg kept asking about leah, and the questions escalated and it freaked her parents out. that was when he knocked them out, tying them up. he called jason, who soon came over and finished the job. it was that night the two became partners, and would kill anyone who was interested in leah, until the only two people left were them.

jason's motive was different, though. greg wanted everyone in her life dead because he wanted her all to herself. jason grew up religious, very religious. his mother punished him severely for every "sin" he committed. eventually, he grew a hatred towards everyone who has ever sinned. it wasn't until he and his girlfriend got pregnant out of wedlock that the hatred grew strong enough to kill. he married his wife after having daniel, and then killed her when daniel was 7. he taught his son, and raised him the same way his mother raised him. this caused him to have mental issues, which explained the random outbursts in class. he eventually convinced daniel that shayne was a sinner for being gay, as was daniel for he was actually interested in shayne in high school. he managed to convince him that both deserved to die for their sin, and after he killed shayne, daniel was shot and killed by a federal agent.

leah was speechless.

"well, story time's over," jason said. "we have to prepare for your friend's to get herE."

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