IT'S BEEN EIGHT months since leah started working at the bau. 8 amazing months, doing something she loved. she's helped the team solve almost a hundred cases, made great friends, and caught bad guys for a living. it was a super hero's dream, and leah was living it.
i know what you're wondering- 8 months have past; are leah and spencer like, a thing now?
well, the simple answer is no. after jj's wedding, they went on a few other dates, but sadly, they never became official. they never even kissed, which was even more sad.
the two had mutually decided to stay friends considering they didn't want to make things complicated at work. however, the two had never actually discussed their relationship- for reasons unknown. i believe, however, it's because they were both too shy and awkward to talk about it together.
the two remained best friends, though, so don't you worry! they still hung out together, they still carpooled home together sometimes, and she still got him his coffee every morning.
there was no case today, and both leah and spencer finished their work super early.
"spence," leah turned towards him, trying to get his attention.
"what, gray?" he looked at her.
"do you think we can convince hotch to leave for an hour? i'm craving ice cream."
"if you can convince him, i'll go. i haven't had ice cream in ages."
"well, be prepared spence," she stood up. "i know a place to get the best mint chocolate chip ice cream in the world. it's to die for."
she started walking away before he yelled to her. "i don't like mint chocolate chip ice cream!"
she shook her head at the statement and kept walking towards hotch's office.
"hey, hotch?" leah knocked on his door before entering. "me and reid finished our work early so we were wondering if we could leave for, like, an hour?"
"where are you going?" hotch raised his eyebrows at her.
"to get ice cream."
"sure. but ask around to see if anyone else wants some. i'll pay."
"sweet! thanks, aaron."
"get me strawberry!"
leah shot him a knowing look before walking back down to her desk, grabbing her stuff. "lets go, pretty boy."
spencer smiled at her and stood up, pushing his chair in.
"hey guys!" leah said a little louder so derek and emily could hear her. "we're going to get ice cream, do you guys wants anything?"
derek asked for rocky road, and emily asked for pistachio. garcia and jj eventually came over and they both asked for chocolate.
"okay, got it," leah wrote down the orders on a notepad. she turned to spencer. "wait here, i'm gonna go ask rossi if he wants anything."
he didn't.
leah and spencer left the building and got into leah's car. she turned on the radio and started driving.
"what's this place called again?" spencer asked her.
"oh," leah responded. "it's called pop's, it's only like 10 minutes from here. i go there all the time, they have the absolute best ice cream ever."
"ah, i've heard of that place. haven't you gone there with the girls before?"
"yeah, we've gone a few times. i also used to take jack when i babysat him for aaron."
spencer nodded.
"hey," leah spoke up. "i have a surprise for you."
spencer looked at her with a confused smile on his face. leah rummaged around the middle compartment of her car and pulled out a cd. she took the cd out if the case and entered it into the cd player. she then hit play.
spencer groaned. "i hate you."
"come on," leah said, laughing. "you told me you memorized the words. sing for me, spencer reid."
"only if you sing with me."
leah smiled at him, and they both belted out the familiar tune as it started playing. "her name is noelle..!"
minutes later, leah parked her car outside of the ice cream shop. they both walked in, seeing it was pretty empty. it made sense, considering it was a wednesday afternoon in spring- most people were working, and kids were in school.
leah walked up to the person at the counter, seeing that he looked really familiar. she ordered everyone's ice cream, before sitting down in a seat beside spencer, who was already sitting down at a table.
"hey," spencer asked her. "that guy sure has a lot of jobs."
leah looked at him, raising her eyebrow. "what do you mean?"
"well, he delivered us pizza months ago, remember? after we were looking up the christian symbols at your place, and then- well.. i left and we didn't talk for a while?"
leah's eyes widened as she remembered the events. "oh, yeah." however, she remembered how even back then, he looked familiar to her. he worked with her father at the pizza place, and she considered that the two might have been friends.
then, a bell rang. the bell that rang when you opened the door to enter the shop. in curiousity, leah looked over. and to her surprise, she knew who it was.
"mr. campbell?" leah stood up and walked towards the man.
"oh," the man looked a bit off. "h-hello, leah. what are you doing here?"
mr. campbell, or greg, looked over towards the man at the counter and made eye contact with him.
"just getting some ice cream," she repsonded. "what about you?"
"just- just visiting my friend. we used to work together."
"oh really? that's cool. where?"
"pizza boli's? your father actually-"
greg was about to continue before the man at the counter coughed, which seemed to make greg stop talking.
leah gave both men a look of confusion.
"we were friends of your father, leah," the man at the counter said. "i don't believe we met, though. my name is jason porter."
"oh!" leah exclaimed. "i knew you looked familiar."
"you used to go to school with my son, actually."
"oh, really? who?" leah smiled at him.
"daniel," leah's smile dropped. "Daniel porter."
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