━━━━ iv

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"HOLY SHIT," LEAH said to herself as she walked into her apartment at 7pm.

she was released from the hospital after only one night, her upper arm was bandaged. yeah, it hurt, but not as much as she thought it would.

she still couldn't fathom the fact that aaron hotchner offered her a spot on his team. she had thought about nothing but his words since he said them- him telling her that after she finished fbi school, that he had a spot open on his team for her.

her dreams had finally started coming true, and she was so close to getting everything she always wanted.

but at what cost? she lost her best friend, she had no family to support her... not to mention, if she gets the job, she'll leave the cafe and won't be able to babysit jack anymore.

of course, she would never forget shayne- how he supported her no matter what, and how he was the only ray of sunshine in her life- but he would want her to move on, and she knew this.

she looked over to the couch, and her eyes lingered on the spot he always sat in. she smiled, remembering the many movie nights they had together- watching harry potter or a cheesy romcom or sometimes even a classic disney movie. she missed him.

but then she remembered some things, she remembered the events that got her here in the first place- how she was taken into custody for the murder of her best friend. she looked at her door- or at least, where her door used to be. surprisingly, the door that once stood there had not been replaced, considering her last one was knocked down by an fbi agent that went by the name of derek morgan.

then- as if on cue- she heard a knock on her do- on her wall, and she saw that it was derek morgan.

"hey," he said. "hey, what are you doing here?" she asked him.

"well, i did knock down your door. do you have any family in the area you can stay with until it gets replaced?"

"uh, no. i don't have any family. not anymore."

"bad childhood?"

"both my parents are dead."

derek's smile turned into a frown, shocked at what he heard. "oh, i'm so sorry-"

"don't be," leah cut him off before he could say anything else. "they died a long time ago, my sophomore year of high school wasn't exactly- peachy, to say the least."

he did a half smile, still feeling a bit sorry for bringing it up.

"you have no one to stay with tonight then?"

leah shook her head no. "but i'll be fine, really-"

"come stay at my place then."

leah almost choked on air. "huh?"

"come stay with me. it's the least i could do- i am the one responsible for you not having a door."

"derek, i barely know you! you could turn out to be some psycho serial killer-"

"yeah, me, the fbi agent who your friend hired."

leah sighed, thinking for a few seconds. "whatever. lead the way, morgan."

morgan smiled at her, told her to pack a bag for some things and then led her downstairs to his car.

she still couldn't believe she agreed to this. she had just met derek morgan two days ago, and now she's having a sleepover at his apartment.

the ride was quicker than she thought it was, derek morgan lived closer than she thought he did.

his place was really nice, she looked at the couch that she was going to crash on that night, and it looked really comfortable.

"welcome to mi casa," morgan announced. leah laughed. she liked derek morgan, he seemed like a great guy and a good person to be around.

she sat down on the couch and melted instantly. "this couch is so comfy."

morgan laughed at her. "glad you think so."

he poured some chips into a big metal bowl and sat next to leah on the couch. "so, how've you been?"

"well," leah started. "pretty shitty, i was shot in the arm the other day and my apartment has no door."

"ha ha," morgan laughed sarcastically. "very funny." he looked at her. curiosity must have clouded his judgement for boundaries, considering his next question left her speechless.

"so, how'd your parents die?"

leah look at him, her mouth agape in surprise into this question. "oh- well, i don't really know."

"what do you mean?"

"it's a complicated story, i guesS."

"i got time."

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