I do not own any of these pictures
The blood from the cut is overflowing
"How..?" He said panicking
The cut is small
why so much blood?!
The blood went down to the floor making a puddle already.
Sykkuno mumbled
And this time he doesn't regret saying this...
"Fuck you corpse..."
Once he said that
He grabbed his head feeling sick
From looking at the blood
It makes him light-headed, His eyes become blurry slowly he is becoming breathless
He looks up to see his bed with his favorite stuffed animal on top of his pillow
Slowly seeing his stuffed animal fading away
His eyes are closing
feeling weak
Hitting on the hard floor
feeling the liquid of blood on his skin
That moment he felt his own blood
It felt cold..?
He can hear but can't talk or open his eyes at the very moment
" It's been 1 hour.." He said in his empty mind
He tries getting up but the amount of blood he lost from a stupid cut
he can't get up...
He moved his lips trying to speak
"I-I...Need t-to...get u-up.."
Trying to speak, putting his hands on the ground
opening his eyes slowly
blinking to see fully and to focus
but he felt something sharp on the floor...?
"S-Shit!" He said feeling the sharp thing going through his foot!
"O-Ouch! F-Fuck!" He said squeezing his eyes together in pain.
He finally turned over landing on his back and sitting up slowly
His eyes are not fully focused but he can see a little.
He looked over at his right foot
His eyes widen but not fully...
"T-The fuck?!" He said almost yelling
He saw a long glass but small on his foot
not on but IN HIS FOOT!
When you feel something painful It hurts right?
But when you look at it you feel more pain.
"..Okay.. I'll just..pull it out?.. Yeah," He said being hesitant to pull that fuckin glass out of his foot. He gulps feeling sick to his stomach. He gently put his left hand on his right foot and his right hand to pull the glass but the blood is making it more difficult. "1..2..3!" He yelled pulling the glass out "OW! FUCK!" He yelled feeling hurt. Tears started to form in his eyes, feeling pain but the blood is coming closer leading to his feet, the blood from his foot is now going together with the blood from sykkuno's cheek. He looks up taking deep breathes, " It's okay sykkuno..Pretend It's just ketchup" Comforting himself trying his best to not cry but..Eventually, trembling and tears are not helping. He slowly grabs a table that is nearby him and grabs the edge of the table to help him stand up. The hole on his foot is making it worse for him to walk.
" Just why me.." He said chuckling through the pain
He finally made it to his bed and he just falls on top of his bed, His white covers...his pillows are now filled with blood. He glanced on the side of his bed seeing the band-aid-kit. His arms are long but not that long...He reaches out for the kit, His fingertips are touching the kit but not fully. He grunts and he reaches out more, he finally grabbed the kit, he immediately opened it and sees alcohol to clean wounds, bandages, and others. He grabbed the alcohol and bandages, he cleaned his cut on his cheek and it hurt like a bitch. And now to his foot, "This shit is gonna hurt the most..." He poured a little alcohol on his foot and man he winced so hard that he gripped on the bedsheets. His salty tears flowing down while more blood comes out of his foot, He bites his lip trying it again, He poured more alcohol on his foot but this time it didn't hurt that much like the first try. He put a bandage around his foot, And the bleeding was not overflowing so that's good. He looked around seeing blood his own blood in his room. He sighed and laid down on his bed getting comfortable, He turned on his left side and suddenly he starts to think about corpse...
" And I thought you would be a person who is kind corpse...well it was my fault, to be honest..." He said grabbing his blanket to cover him up, " I guess corpse has the right to be mad..." He said in a quiet voice feeling tired once again...
Corpse sees a female
" Who are you?" Corpse said in a rude tone and not even in the mood.
He put his hand In his hoodie pocket
He has a pocket knife and doesn't know why it's even in his pocket,
The female said," Hi sir, My name is quri, and yours?" She said in a fake nicely tone
Corpse looks away and sighs..." My name is Corpse...weird name right?" He said chuckling.
She feels happy to be near corpse-like I mean she is a fangirl of corpse.
"What are you doing out here?" She said in a concerned tone
Should I even trust this woman?
Corpse thought in his head
" I really don't know why you're talking to me and close to me like can you move away from me a little?..." Corpse said done with her shit already even though she is just being nice.
She just frowned and now she is done with his bullshit
"Okay, you listen here-" She was cut off feeling something sharp in her stomach.
Corpse stabbed her with his pocket knife...
she fell to the ground screaming and kicking her legs to push off corpse
He kept stabbing her on her chest
" Stop fuckin moving around you little shit!" He growled In anger
He stabbed her one more time and she finally stopped moving.
He stood up and looks at his hands seeing blood on his hands
he smiles
He looked at the beautiful wom-well not beautiful anymore after getting stabbed
he searched her pockets and found a drug
"I knew it... you were trying to drug me huh?" He talked to her dead body
He chuckles
"Now what should I do to your dead body hm?" He said raising his left eyebrow.
He looked around and back at her
" you know what.."He grabbed his pocket knife from the ground
He lifted up her shirt and he slowly cuts her stomach
He pulled out her organs and he didn't look disgusted at all
He cut her mouth making a big smile on her face
He looked at her legs and starts to cut her skin and peeling it off.
He looks up and looks at her face
He grabbed her face with two hands and breaking her jaw
He found something on the floor and it looks like something you can pull teeth out.
He grabbed it and starts to use it on her teeth to pull it out!
He smiles
He pulled out 10 teeth's
He stood up and dropped that thing from his hand
He grabs her legs which are broken but he just dragged her to the trash that he saw near him
He placed her there and he wiped off the blood off his hands with his hoodie.
He turns around and put his hood on and walked away like nothing happened.
"Where is sykkuno..." Corpse said looking around in a worried tone
He searched and searched for his apartment
Yes he knows sykkuno's apartment and don't ask
He found sykkuno's apartment
He walked towards the entrance
He opened the door and stepped in
He asked the person on the front desk for a name "sykkuno" The person pointed and told the directions and where to go to go to sykkuno's door.
He thanked the person and walked towards the elevator and pressed the buttons.
He walked out of the elevator and looked for sykkuno's door number.
He found it..
He knocked on the door
No answer
Knocked again
He knocked again
He hears the door chain being unlocked and the door opens revealing a tired and hurt sykkuno.
"What the fuck happen?!" Corpse said looking at the bandages and sykkuno's baggy eyes.
"....." Sykkuno stayed silent
Corpse looked into sykkuno's eyes feeling sorry and sykkuno's eyes turned watery.
Sykkuno started crying
Sykkuno slapped corpse across his face.
And hugged him...
Corpse hugged back not caring that sykkuno slapped well he deserved it.
They hugged tightly hearing sykkuno's cries and sobs from the pain.
"I'm sorry..I'm so sorry.." Corpse keeps apologizing and apologizing.
Sykkuno buried his face into corpse's chest.
"I freakin hate you.." Sykkuno said wiping his runny nose.
All corpse did was smile at him
"I'm sorry" Corpse said again.
This took hours for me to write and type✌🏽
But thank you for reading this chapter I hope you guys liked it and if I did some mistaking words or others please tell me:)
Good night/good morning!
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