𝟬𝟬𝟮 || 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀

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▘➤𖥸 𝐹𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠


You flop down on your bed and let out a loud groan. Your roommate, Pursey a Brown Angora Goat peaks inside your little cabin (I dunno what it's actually called). She hands you your phone that won't stop beeping. She had an annoyed look on her face and you give her an "I'm sorry" smile as you take your phone. You tiredly look down to your phone seeing 3 notifications from Els.

Els: Y/n-chan!!
Els: Ya there Y/n-chan?!
Els: Y/N-CHAN!!!
You: Girl WAhT?
Els: Oh hi Y/n-chan, sorry if I interrupted you or something, but my dorm mates will be gone the whole night
Els: So I invited some friends to come over for some movie night! Wanna come too?

You thought about it a little. You've got nothing to do anyways, you've finished your homework so what else were you going to do?

You: Sure, sounds fun
Elsa: Great see you in 10 minutes! Bye 👋
You: Mmk, bye!

You crawled out of your bunker and headed to get dress. You put on a over sized gray sweater with black tights and with a pair of white nike shoes. You snatch a bag of snacks and headed towards Els's dorm. That's until your phone beeps again. You grab your phone out your pocket seeing a notification from Pina.

Peanut: Y/n-chan you coming over to Els?
You: Yeah, how about you?
Peanut: Well you're coming so I'm coming!
You: Mmm..thought you were going out with a new girl huh?

He didn't answer for a while making you feel a bit guilty saying it. You were about to say sorry when he replied.

Peanut: Pfff she can wait! You're more important anyways..🥴
You: Bish don't flirt with me through text
Peanut: Tehe! Well cya there!

You looked up from your phone realising the creature you were texting is right in front of you and you both didn't know it. You guys met eye to eye giving each other a "Bish you were here this whole time?!" look. Though at the end you both laugh it off and knock on Els's door. You both are greeted by a grinning Bill with Aoba, Els and Juno waving behind him. "Hey guys!", you and Pina said in a unison both waving at the same time. You sit down next to Els and handing her the bag of snack, her eyes lit and happily said thank you. "So...what kind of movie should we watch?!" Bill questioned Els who is now smirking. You all exchange confused and concerned looks as Els proudly answers, "A Horror Movie!". Everyone cheers and you high five Els. Juno handed out blankets and pillows while Aoba prepares the popcorn. You sit next to Pina who is currently scrolling through his phone while Bill and Els look through Zooflix.

You lean closer to Pina who he gives you a confused look. "Whatcha got there?" you teased giggling. He rolls his eyes and answers "She won't stop bugging me! I said I'm out with friends right now!". You chuckle at Pina and boops his nose. "It's so hard being this handsome!", He dramatically say putting on a dramatic pose. "Whatever ya say bud!", you laugh. You both wheeze at Pina's girl being so damn clingy. "This one!", Bill shouts pointing at the TV. Els nods at tells everyone to cuddle up and get comfortable. Pina leans in closer to you as you did the same. To be honest, there's nothing going on between you and Pina, to you his just a really close friend but you don't know what he thinks. You just hope he feels the same since you don't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship. Little did you know, he feels something for you that he just doesn't want to admit to himself.

𝗧𝗼 𝗕𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱.


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