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I wasn't thinking as I walked my way to the courtyard. Everything was a blur with the tears blurring my eyes and singeing my cheeks. I ached for the normality I felt before this morning's breakfast, and I knew that from this moment on, nothing would ever be the same.

It was something almost impossible to comprehend. I collapsed to the End stone beneath my feet, not feeling much comfort from the Chorus fruit trees around me and the endless void above my head. Now it all felt like this was fleeting. I had numbered days before I would never see the calming void again, or until I would never taste Akkar's treats.

I would never be with Akkar.

I would rot away in a dungeon of a bedroom in the middle of a lava pool, married to some Piglin prince that would likely pay me no mind. He likely had never met an Enderman. It was truly the beginning of the end.

I wouldn't even have a say in the matter, they would send me away even if I begged. It was for our world, they would say. And they may even be right, but it felt like a crime to be outcast by your own family.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry you had to find out like this," I heard the gentle voice of my older sister ring through the empty courtyard. It wasn't often you see Enderman cry, as the moisture hurt us worse than what ached in our hearts. So when the guards to the courtyard saw me approaching with tears trekking down my face, they created distance so I could be at peace.

I was grateful for the kindness of my people. They cared for their leaders more than an average guard would. They didn't just care about our lives but cared for our souls. This is something I would miss when I was sent to the Nether. I'm sure they wouldn't care for an Enderman's broken heart.

I heard my sister take cautious steps toward me. I hated feeling like a ticking time bomb, but she had a hand in my fate. She was half of the council that decided to offer my hand to the Piglin prince.

The anger I was feeling had been overshadowed by the sadness of leaving, but hearing my sister behind me, acting as if I would blow up if she didn't take the right footsteps towards me, reminded me of the betrayal I felt from her.

The silence that sat in the courtyard felt like a painful stretch of tension. I knew she was still standing behind me, as she hadn't taken any steps closer or further away. I wanted to yell at her, for letting my mother suggest such a thing or for going along with it so easily. All of it hurt.

But I couldn't bring myself to yell. Maybe it was the silence of the peaceful courtyard that would have made it feel out of place, or it was the tears I was now trying to hold back because my cheeks were burning. All I knew was a yell was not something I could manage at the moment.

"How could you let her do this?" Was all I mustered up after the long pause of silence. Lavinia took it as an invitation to sit down, although I hardly wanted to look her in the face at the moment.

"Try to use your political training to see the benefit of this decision, dear sister," She said, turning toward me to try and catch my gaze. I looked down, burning holes into the End stone with my eyes. I refused to let her face stop me in this questioning. "I haven't given up my attempt at connecting with an Overworld suitor, even after that disastrous dinner, because I know what's best for our land. For our mother, and for you. I hope you can come to see how your marriage to the Nether prince will do just the same."

The anger swelled up so quickly it was a miracle I didn't slap her. Mother never made me feel unloved, but we knew many decisions about our childhood were not for the best of our own being, but for the future of the End. Lavinia was supposed to be the one that cared for my heart, yet she was on board to throw me to the wolves.

"What are you going to tell Akkar? We had our whole life planned out, Lavinia. I was going to be happy. I was supposed to be your right-hand woman, I was supposed to be here with you. How can you be okay with throwing me away?" I couldn't stop my eyes from finding hers. I was really hoping the calm lavender color of my eyes was able to portray the sadness and anger I was feeling.

"Akkar will be okay. He never was going to marry a princess before you two met, and he will be fine when he learns he can't. He may be upset, but he will continue on with his duty as our chef, and he will marry someone else one day," she said, now matching my angered tone. "You should be worrying about your own future marriage."

"How can you be so cruel?" I said unable to stop the stinging sensation the tears caused once again. "I wanted to marry Akkar! I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, eating pastries and loving our Enderman kin. I wanted to spend my life being in service to my older sister!"

The last part of my statement seemed to affect my sister, but she put on her political face, hiding her true emotions from me. I had seen this face millions of times between council meetings and public addresses, but she had never used it when talking to me, and that's what hurt the worst about this all.

"You will learn to love your situation. At least the prince of the Nether seems kinder than the men of the Overworld. I truly am sorry you found out this way little sister. I care for you deeply, even if it doesn't feel like it right now."

I didn't have anything to say to that. I feel like my reaction, although explosive, was warranted. I felt no need to apologize for what I had said to her. If she wanted me to forgive her, she could start but acting like this was more than just politics to her. She could act like she was my older sister.

The silence returned, but this time it felt much more hostile. Much more... threatening. We didn't fight very often, but when she did it was for a reason, much like now. Something that my sister forgets is how stubborn I can be.

"King Erix of the Nether will arrive tomorrow for lunch. We expect you to be on your best behavior," she said before lifting herself to her feet and exiting, still in the perfect picture of elegance I suddenly hated. 

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