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"Ishton!" I cried as I stumbled with tears in my eyes to the fallen Piglin in front of me. I heard Techno roar, louder than anything happening on the battlefield. His yell quieted the groups for a moment, but battle carried on.

Techno was ahead of me in moments. He snatched a bow and arrow off a body on the ground and slid the arrow into place. In a moment, the arrow was sent soaring into the suitor sitting atop a horse across the battlefield. He grabbed at the arrow through his heart before he fell.

Everyone saw it. Everyone saw their leader fall and lose his life to an arrow sent by my betrothed. Within moments, the army was retreating, desperately trying to work their way out of their battles and into the portal on the outskirts of our island.

All I could think about was Ishton. One of my best friends. I raced to him as fast as I could and crumpled at his side. There was a deep cut going down his torso. He was bleeding so quickly. There was so much blood on the ground and I was panicking.

When I looked at his face, it nearly destroyed me. Here was Ishton, on the verge of death, and he was smiling. He had that smirk on his face that usually filled me with laughter. This time, it just shattered my spirit. I needed to do something. I needed to save him.

"Thank you for always being patient with me, even when I didn't deserve it," Ishton said weakly squeezing the hand I hadn't realized I grabbed his with. I felt tears burning my cheeks but it was nothing compared to the pain in my heart.

"Ishton stop!" I said through a cracked sob. "You're going to be okay! Don't say things like that!"

"Please, take care of him for me. He needs you," Ishton said before his eyes closed. The grip on my hand quivered but released. I nearly screamed. He couldn't be dead. Not after I had just gotten past his walls. He had to be okay.

I desperately tried to teleport to the infirmary. We had outstanding healers. If I could just get him there before his pulse dropped, I'm sure they could make him better. I could only manage a few feet at a time. I shouldn't have used all of my stamina in the battle, even the adrenaline wasn't enough to get us to the infirmary. Why can't I just get there?

There was a soft hand on my shoulder, and I knew it was my mother before I even looked at her. I was sobbing uncontrollably, not able to breathe at the sight of Ishton laying on the ground.

My mother came around me and rested a hand on Ishton's shoulder and they were gone. Techno looked at me in confusion as he approached. I hadn't seen Alethea, but Techno assured she was okay.

"He's in the infirmary. I can teleport you all there but not all at once," my mother said as she rested a hand on my panicked shoulder. I waved to Techno to join us on the first teleportation. She could come back for Alethea. He came over and grabbed my mother's hand and we were in the infirmary.

Endermen were in a flurry of action tending to soldiers who went down in the battle. There were injured on every bed laying around, as well as self erected beds on the ground. I realized how lucky we all were to have made it. If only Techno could have killed the suitor sooner.

I grabbed Techno's hand as I tried to ask Endermen where Ishton was. It was almost no use. They didn't have a clue who Ishton was. I took to searching every bed, Techno somewhere in the room looking as well.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Alethea say in a sigh of pure relief. She wrapped me in a tighter hug than I thought she could have managed. "Thank god you're okay."

I wrapped my arms around her, suddenly incredibly grateful that she was here. That my best friend had survived that horrible, gutwrenching fight. She was here, with nothing more than a few cuts and bruises lining her beautiful pink skin. I was so thankful she was okay.

"What the hell happened to your arm?" She said pulling back and looking to a deep cut on my left arm. I hadn't even noticed that it was there during the battle. The adrenaline had taken the pain away at the time, but at noticing it, I felt the stinging begin to sink in. "You need to get this treated right away."

"No!" I said pulling my arm back toward myself. I looked around the room, still trying to spot the pink of Ishton's skin amongst all of the black. "I need to find Ishton."

"He's in the private healing suite. I thought your mother told you," Alethea said pulling me by my not injured arm to the private healing suite I had known myself in the past. There were guards that looked disheveled but not injured from the fight maning the door.

"Good afternoon, Alix," I said as I approached the guards standing at the door. "Lovely to see you, Soren. I'm here to see Ishton."

"It's lovely to see you as well, Princess, but we're under strict order to not let others in to see Ishton. Including you and your friends. I'm sorry," Soren said as he bowed his head in pure apologies. I was too worried about Ishton to care about their apologies. I wanted to see him.

"Why?" I said clenching my fists at my side.

"Because," I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. One I wasn't ready to see yet. "The healers need to focus if there is a chance that they can save him. You three will only be distracting."

I turned to see my sister standing there, regal as ever as she seemed to look down on me and my friends. The rage I felt before only flared. She may be right, but she knew nothing of my relationship with Ishton. She knew nothing of what it was like to hold his hand on that battlefield as he asked me to look after Techno.

In his dying moments, he had asked me to look after his brother. He asked me to make sure that he was okay. That's what a sibling should do. That's nothing like how Lavinia had treated me in the last few months. Nothing like what Ishton had done for Techno and what Techno had done for Ishton.

"Why don't we find a healer for your arm while they work on him?" Techno said while lacing our fingers together. I hadn't realized I had been glaring at my sister until he had snapped me out of it. I didn't give my sister another thought before I was walking away with Techno.

"I thought you might kill her with that glare," he whispered as he walked me out of the infirmary. I couldn't help but giggle. How did he do that? How did he manage to be so good at easing my stress?

How did he manage to make me feel lightness in my heart in such a dark time? 

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