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"How about no." Tessa crossed her arms. "But why? Please! It's for science!" Tony begged Tess to be his experiment for the day.

It had been six months since the battle of New York. Everyone was still coping with the losses and the destruction, while the team just tried to act normal. Except Tessa, she sucked at being normal according to Stark.

"Why should I let you experiment on me?" Tessa questioned Stark who just looked at her with puppy eyes while Pepper Potts, his girlfriend, just rolled her eyes and watched.

"For science! What if I can create another on of you!" Tony questioned.
"No one of me is enough."
"How uh about... SCIENCE!" Stake made a rainbow motion with his hands causing Tess and Pepper to snort at his antics.

"Not today Tony but nice seeing you I'm gonna go-"
"I can't let you do that." He replied grabbing Tess making her go throughΒ  his grasp. "Can you stop doing that! I'm trying to talk to you!"

"Nope! Bye Stark, Pepper," with that Tessa left the Tower and straight out through the wall. As she was about to head home she heard a boom. Looking up she saw clouds disappearing. Bringing a small, small, smile Tessa flew upwards knowing what or who made the noise. Reaching the roof, Tess stepped on the ledge and crossed her arms with a smirk on her face. Watching the giant man with long blonde hair mumble about was quite amusing to Tess even though she knew she was in for an earful.

"Once I get my hands on her I'll-"
"You're gonna what Mr. Thor?" Tess spoke making Thor turn around with a smile that quickly turned into an angry frown.
"What did you do to me?!" Thor demanded almost poking Tess off the edge. Not afraid Tess just raised her eyebrows. "Why want me to do it again?" She asked sweetly before going through him and ending up behind him making Thor turn around in confusion.
"Stop with these tricks!"
"Make me."
"Oh I will!"
Tessa snorted before turning invisible, "Find me now bitch."

"Tessa stop you gonna cause a hurricane at this rate." Tony came through the roof tops speaker.

"He started it!"
"No she did!"
The two inhuman beings pointed fingers at each other. Coming visible Tessa glared at Thor. "Ugh no wonder nobody likes you Asgardians, bunch of humorless twats."

"How dare you!"
"I already dared buddy not can you stop with the lighting hormones you're gonna freak New York out again and they've been through enough."
"Sorry Stark." Tessa said.

"Didn't you knew how to apologize cause you never said it to me." Thor sassed.
"Eh I only say it to shut people up."

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