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Mariana Rosewood sat quietly in Potions class, scribbling away as Snape slurred out the lesson. Despite his strange favor for her, she didn't like him very much. He wasn't just rude like most muggles with their loud, obnoxious voices, he was blatantly cruel. Snape was a miserable person, Mariana could tell, but she held no shrivel of sympathy for him.

"Pshh, Rosie! Rosie! Rosie..." Speaking of obnoxious voices, Mariana's other least favorite person was whispering in her ear, driving her up the wall.

"I told you not to call me that, Draco," Mariana mumbled, dipping her quill in ink.

"Why don't you like it? I spent loads of time cooking it up perfectly for you." Mariana scoffed and smiled, not believing how insanely large his ego was.

"It's unremarkable. If you're going to give me a nickname, at least make it unique." Mariana remarked, continuing to write down the lesson.

"When did you become so picky? I guess that's what hanging around Potter and the rest of his filthy crew does to you." Draco said maliciously, her closest Slytherin friend scowling. One of Mariana's favorite things about being in Ravenclaw was that no one was against her. She wasn't caught up in the middle of the silly Gryffindor and Slytherin rivalry but she also wasn't thought of as weak like many people assume of Hufflepuffs. Ravenclaws were simply there, and no one seemed to mind their presence. It was much easier to get along with people from other houses.

"Don't speak of them that way. They are a little rough on the outside, yes, but aren't we all?" The Ravenclaw raised her left eyebrow in surety.

"Whatever, it's just that our sort shouldn't be mingling with people like them. It makes us look bad."

Mariana sighed, "And what exactly is our sort?"

"You know exactly what our sort is. Pure. Blood." Draco drawled, scoffing at the mere fact that she would even question what he was talking about.

"Ron is Pureblood."

"No, he and the rest of that filthy Weasel family are nothing more than blood traitors."

Mariana flinched back in hurt. "If you're calling him a blood traitor, then you're technically calling me a blood traitor."

"That's exactly right. You're ruining the image that the Rosewood line has built and honorably protected with their lives!"

"You seem very concerned with my family to not even be a part of it." Mariana spat, infuriated that he would say these things about her and her friends. Why did he care about something that didn't even involve him?

Draco sighed, releasing some of his anger. His voice came back down to a faint whisper. "All I'm saying is that... I have had shame brought upon my family before. The list can stretch on for generations. Unlike my family, the Rosewood line is still clean. Don't be the downfall of it."

With that, their conversation was over and the heavy silence remained for the rest of the class period. Mariana wondered how much longer she could continue being friends with Harry, Hermione, and Ron before Draco let it slip to Lucius. Then Lucius would let it slip to her father, and that could mean nothing but trouble.

Though she didn't want to, Mariana knew exactly what she had to do. After class was dismissed, the Ravenclaw rushed out of the room at the speed of light. Lunch in the Great Hall was next, so that gave Mariana all the time she needed.

When the brunette arrived at Ravenclaw Tower, she answered the riddle faster than she ever had and the door swung open to welcome her. It was typical to see Ravenclaw's scattered around the common room at Lunch, most likely not feeling up to socialize with a bunch of people they didn't particularly like.

Mariana ignored their presence, grabbed some parchment and a quill, and sat down at the first table she saw. The quill began to move almost immediately.

Dear Octavius Rosewood,

Hello, Father. I understand that you may be busy with things at the Ministry but I request a few minutes of your time to read my letter. If you're still reading, thank you. Lately, I have acquired some new-found friends. Or so they think. Their names are Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter. I know you are probably losing your wits about you right now, but I beg you to read the rest of my letter.  You may know of the Weasley family, they are Purebloods and Ron's father supposedly works at the Ministry of Magic in the Muggle Department. Pathetic, I know. I distinctly remember you saying how that department is only for Witches and Wizards who lead miserable lives. I couldn't agree more. I'm thinking I'll bring even more shame to their family name by putting words in Ron's mouth so I can make him look bad. I'm sure you have no idea who Hermione Granger is. She's muggle-born, and a little bit of an over-achiever. I plan on tricking her way into expulsion, I know you'll be proud. She doesn't belong at Hogwarts anyway. Harry Potter is my last conquest. I'm not sure where my intentions with him lie yet but I know it will be something very wicked. Perhaps I'll make him fall in love with me, or do you not want me flirting with boys? Just know, that if any word of me associating with this bunch of misfits is brought to your attention, it is all just another pawn on my chessboard. After all, I was sorted into Ravenclaw for a reason. With this, I'm playing the long game.


Mariana Rosewood

The brunette dropped her quill and skimmed over the giant tangle of lies she created. Her father will believe it, if he even takes the time out of his day to read it. For her sake, she hopes he will.

Mariana hurriedly takes the letter to the Owlery and sends it off with her owl, Talon. When she bought her owl in first year, the name seemed fitting.

There was still some time left of lunch, so Mariana decided to go check up with her favorite trio at Hogwarts. She didn't know if it was for the guilt of what she had just done, or because she truly missed them. Perhaps both.

Hermione saw her first. The bushy-haired girl jumped up cheerfully and eagerly waved her over. Ron and Harry glanced in her direction, Ron smiling his goofy smile and Harry's eyes lingering a beat too long.

He still hadn't gotten over her beauty, but his boyish crush was fading into the background. Mariana was already becoming like Hermione to him, like a sister.

Mariana walked over to their table with a bright smile, but soon realized the table was full. Dean Thomas, in all his chivalry, scooted over a space so she could sit down.

"No worries, you can sit by me, Mariana." He offered, smiling flirtatiously. Mariana only thought he was being nice and gratefully took her spot beside him.

For the rest of Lunch, Dean couldn't seem to tear his eyes off of Mariana.

For the rest of Lunch, Harry gripped his fork in his hand so tightly that he swore he could feel the metal bending.

For the rest of Lunch, Harry Potter knew his feelings for Mariana Rosewood hadn't faded. Not at all.


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