โ˜†โ™ก T W E N T Y-S E V E N

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"See you again" - Tyler, the creator

"What?" Ruby says.

"We were hanging out yesterday, didn't you see my Instagram story-oh yeah, I blocked you."

"Well shit. See Anne you are nothing but a mess. My life was great until you just had to come to Avonlea." I looked at her with anger.

"Why do you hate me so much Ruby? What did I ever do to you!" I asked.

"You kissed Gilbert at Charlie's 14th birthday party! It was supposed to be me. If people actually listened to me and sat boy girl boy girl, I would have been the one who got KISSED!"

"It was Spin the Bottle you psycho!" The whole lunch room got quiet after I yelled and stormed out of the cafeteria.


"Anne?" I turned around to see Gilbert.

"What do you want?" I was not in a mood to talk to anyone. Not even Josie. Not even Jerry. Not even Moody. Not even Charlie.

Not even Gilbert.

"A-are you ok?" I actually looked concerned.

"Do I look ok to you? Go tame you bitch Gilbert."

"My bitch?" He asked.

"Obviously she's obsessed with you"

"So? You can't just go around calling people someone's bitch" I looked at him pissed off.

"You know what? Just leave. I don't need to talk to you."

"An-" then he got cut off my someone totally unexpected.

"Gilbert Blythe, can't you just leave the girl alone?"

"Fuck off Kavinsky."


I know, his name is Noah and his last name is Kavinsky. Yep we didn't see that coming. Haha...

Who should he be played by???


Like I know that's like 80 people read each chapter and I know that you are all thinking about someone but is just not telling because idk. But it's ok y'all I don't judge so really...


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