"Magic" - Rudy Mancuso & Maia Mitchell
I wake up to Gilbert's face facing me. Our faces were less than a inch apart. I notice that his arms were wrapped around my waist.
I try to get it of bed trying my best not to wake him up but like in all Romcoms, he did wake up.
"Hey carrots..." his voice was raspy from just waking up.
"Hey Gil." I said rubbing my eyes.
His arms were still around me. It was quiet comfortable, I don't think he notice until Lizzie barged into the room.
"Oh my god, Anne! Did you... what... him... huh... what???" She said point at his arm and he unwraps his arm mouthing 'shoot.'
"Lizzie! What about you get me a cup of Green tea. Thanks! Bye!" I closed my door and slumped down and mumbled "that was um... embarrassing..."
"I'm sorry-I Di-didn't n-n-notice... I did-"
"Gil, it's fine. I didn't... mind it." His face got red.
"So did you get a good sleep?" I ask to break the silence.
"I-*ahem* I actually did" he said with his voice still raspy.
"Is it... um... is it ok if I... stay here for the ni-night a-again?" He mumbled sleeping down.
"Oh, um of course." I say
"Did you sleep well?"
"I did sleep well actually," I smiled, "we should get ready for school... we can walk to your house"
ββ‘ @ Gilbert's house
I walked in and sat down on the couch. The last time I had to be here had to be about 3 years ago.
"Anne!" I looked up to see bash.
"Bash!" I said hugging him.
"It's been so long!" He said a I nodded.
"Yeah, like a year ago?" I say and he chuckles.
"Anne?" Gilbert says and I walk over to him and he opens the front door for me.
We walk to the bus stop and kept on talking until we had to go to our lockers.
I had another note.
Dear "The Main Bitch",
Whatever, you can't just act like you don't like him. We all know you still do. You used to date him. Don't you remember that GENIUS. I guess you aren't that smart after all.
So I wrote back, cuz that's what I always do.
Dear a girl who's addicted to my Fiji water,
You stupid swine! Why would I have broken up with him if I LIKED HIM. You stupid head ass. I'm pretty sure I'm like 99.9% smarter than you since you can't even calculate a normal relationship. You back off because heaven knows what, you might be fucking Mrs Olivier and I know for a fact that Gil doesn't want to date a fucking grandma who was born in like 1578. So keep on drinking them Fiji water, let's see what happens whore.
- Anne Shirley C., your local boyfriend stealer
ββ‘ after school
We are back and at it again with breaking Netflix.
"No, let's watch To All The Boys I Loved Before" I whine.
"No way, let's binge On My Block"
... a whole lot of argument later...
"Damn, I need a peter kavinsky! He has brown curly hair, plays lacrosse, he's SO CUTE. And aweeee they kiss on the lacrosse field!" I say as I munch my Doritos.
"That's funny, you send out letters too." He says and I punch his arm.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"For being a ass you little bitch." I say.
"I'm hUrT!" He cracks his voice which makes me laugh.
"What do you want me to do? Kiss your boo boo?" I joke.
"Si seΓ±orita!" I roll my eyes at him. I kiss my hand and press my hand to his arm.
"Bummer, I really expected you to kiss me." My face got red.
"Carrots, are you BLUSHING?"
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