It was evening in gardenview. Most of the toons huddled in the kitchen, eating food, chatting, laughing, and just hanging around. It was one of the nicer times of the day, since pretty much everybody got together to eat almost every day. Including Shrimpo.
The Agitated shrimp would stand further off in the room, closer to the door, holding a plate of food in his hands as he munched on it angrily. He didn't want to admit that the food was good, even though it was. I mean, you had three good cooks making dinner that night.
Despite shrimpo's colder, more angrier tendencies, one of the more cheerful toons stayed by him.
Almost always, and tonight was no different.
A extra four feet above him stood Goob, who also held food in his mechanical-stretched hands. The two didn't speak to each other, and only stood quietly. Goob didn't really mind it though, especially since they were eating. It didn't make much sense to be speaking when doing so. Though, it didn't stop the others from having a shouty laugh session with one another. It was sweet, honestly.
About six minutes later, Goob had finished his food along side many others. And when he did, he finally looked down at Shrimpo, who was only a few mouthfulls away from finishing himself.
"So, ShriShri! How's your day been?"
Goob asked with a happy tone and smile, the one he always had.
Shrimpo stared up at Goob for a moment, scowling slightly before going back to what he was doing again.
He grumbled in response.
"Well that's certainly better than nothing!"
Shrimpo gave him the cold shoulder, not speaking anymore. Goob was used to it though, being ignored by him. He wasn't exactly the PDA type anyways, and Goob knew that, I mean: they were an item afterall.
After a while, Shrimpo went to go put his plate on the side when he was done with it. Over hearing the talk of a run happening tomorrow morning.
"Well I'll only do a little dream work if there's a run tomorrow. ."
"I suppose I don't mind coming? Only if you guys want me there after last tiβ" Cosmo spoke until he had a hand over his mouth. "Enough of that nonsense, of course we do." Sprout moved his hand off his mouth shortly after, going back to crossed-arms again with a loving smile.
..The height difference between the two was rather comedic. It somehow was just as bad as the height difference between Goob and Shrimpo. One of them impeccably small, the other ragingly tall.
Everybody in toon town knew about sprout and Cosmo. They were one of the first to be public about their relationship, followed by dandy and Astro. Shelly and Vee were still working on it, but you might as well have called them gayass girlfriends at this fucking point. I mean, you'd never see one on their own. Even if they were just silently sitting or standing, they'd still stay by each other no matter the circumstances.
Rather unfortunately though - it meant a lot of the toons, especially the mains, would often joke about the two being together: and how they should just 'get on with it already,' and announce themselves. It usually ends up in a flustered ammonite or a pissed off TV, if you're wondering though.
Shrimpo shook his head, realising he had been stood there and just listening to the random conversation around the room. Upon doing so, he'd stomp back over to the door again, glancing at Goob with a neutral expression and walking out to the hallway. The fluffy craft following behind him shortly after.
A little while later, the two had walked all the way to their rooms, which were opposite one another, pausing the chat they were having.
Goob asked with an innocent head tilt, followed by a mildly tired sigh and nod from Shrimpo, who was now being hugged tightly. This went on for a little while.
"You going on the run tomorrow?"
Shrimpo asked.
"Oh! Yeah! I go to pretty much all of them aha.."
"I might go then."
Goob loosened the hug, putting his hands on shrimpo's shoulders with a gasp.
"Shhdhdhβ SSSHH."
"Sorrryy.. reaaaallly!?"
"Yeah. .. maybe."
Goob smiled, stars would be in his eyes if they weren't already there.
"Well now I'm just excited-!"
"I can tell."
Shrimpo replied fondly.
This was then followed by nervous snickering from Goob, the two then saying their goodnights to each other. Their relationship was mostly kept out of light, since it's just how shrimpo was, and Goob respected that. But even with this, they still loved each other, cared for one another - all of it. You wouldn't think such polar opposites would make it work, but they did: and they do. It's just difficult to be open about it. At least, for now.
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