".. goob?"
Scraps called out, movements slow at first before swiftly catching up to stand with the three. She'd cup goobs' head in her hands, tilting it around as if she was almost inspecting him and his newly found injuries.
It wouldn't take her long to hug Goob tightly, to which it took goob a minute to try figure out how to hug her without hurting her like he did with Shrimpo accidentally.
Scraps eventually pulled back and continued to stare, her small smile faltering a little.
"We should.. get you fixed up before we do anything else."
She spoke with a mild confidence, a hand on his shoulder. Shrimpo started with a look of almost a mild confusion. Just a minute ago scraps didn't walk out after hearing her brother's voice. He found it.. strange, but understandable at the same time.
Minutes passed by, the four slowly moving towards the back end of the warehouse,
Where A forgotten medium-sized office greeted them. Pebbles laid down in a corner, loafed with an uneasy stare. He clearly wasn't fond of regular toons being there too. Shrimpo had sat goob down, trying to ignore the staring from pebbles. Scraps scavenged through her bag, taking out several bandages and the items from a medkit she had shoved in there.
β A while later β
It was a painfully tedious process with cleaning wounds and applying bandages, but they made it work. ...Albeit it took a while for them to actually get it done.
"Well I think that's the best we're going to getβ! Now about that back of yours-"
Scraps spoke, looking towards Shrimpo when she started to talk about his back.
"I can bandage myself. ..Thanks."
He snatched the bandages from scraps, to which she merely shrugged.
"Suit 'chyour self then."
Sc: "How you feeling?"
Goob blinked, taking a minute to process the question before shrug-nodding.
He'd finally reply. You could tell it wasn't easy for him to not be able to ramble like he used to. Sure he still could talk, it just hurts for him right now.
"Okay's better than in being in complete agony. So I'll take that as a success!"
She'd reply rather cheerfully, Shrimpo finishing the bandages around his lower back. He'd put them back into his bag again, joining the two and sitting on the other side of Goob.
Sr: "Maybe we should stay for a bit before we go."
He'd suggest.
Sc: "Stay? What, for the night?"
Sr: "Sure. It means we all get used to all of this before we go back up."
Goob kept turning his head to stare at whichever person was speaking, eventually looking downwards and nodding his head in agreement to the idea.
Sc: "Well then I'd have to go back up to get stuff for it since we only planned to stay for a few hours."
"But at that point we might as well just go up! All of usβ!"
Sr: "Like I said. Staying down here will just give us all a breather. And I think you could fucking use one."
Scraps opened her mouth to speak, ears twitching with frustration before she just dropped it, looking off to the distance in thought for a moment.
Sc: ".. I suppose it makes sense. I'll go back up in the elevator in a minute."
She'd blink, looking back towards them β
"Which means I'm obligated to ask if either of you two want anything..?"
Sr: "food."
Sc: "well that was.. easy. Goob? Do you need anything?"
Goob blinked, letting out a muffled hum of thought.
Sooner than later he'd shake his head, pointing to Shrimpo as if to agree to what he had said.
Sc: "Y'know what I can't argue with food."
She'd sigh, standing up with a large stretch, walking out towards the office door.
"Whilst I'm gone could you at least try getting one of the TV's working?"
Sr: "Yeah whatever. βAlso get a blanket."
Shrimpo asked, recalling goob's unnatural, painful coldness from earlier.
Sc: "I was gonna get that anyways but.. alright. I'll just get an extra."
She waved, scurrying off towards the elevator with a swift skip in her step.
Shrimpo's head flopped onto goobs' shoulder as he blinked.
"Yeah no the TV thing can wait. I can't be assed for that right now."
Goob attempted at a snicker, leaning his head on shrimpo's head too. They remained quiet for a while, pebbles asleep now. Or from what they figured him to be asleep from tired grumble-snores that came from the dark corner.
Sr: "Never thought he'd be the kind of dog to snore."
It took a moment before Shrimpo received a reply.
Gb: "He's a bit- loud,, isn't,, he..?"
Sr: "Just a bit!? Sheesh that's an understatement."
Gb: "pff,t.."
They'd quickly fall back into silence again.
Though it was more or less comforting.
Sure goob might be having a mental mid life crisis that he can't hug people without hurting them now,, but at least they were all together. Plus the claws were an easy fixβ! Just file them down aaaannddd.. back to normal.
Everything could hopefully just be normal now after all this.
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