Back and forth, back and forth.
That's all I've been doing.
Pacing around in my room, thinking.
I don't wanna tell ginger.
I really don't.
..But dandy has a point.
And after what I've just done..
It only seems fair..?
But I had to do that!
I was helping us. Everybody.
It's not like Astro's gonna go full twisted on anybody anytime soon! .. yeah. Just.. .... It'll be fine. Nothing to worry about there.
I sigh, though it was more of a grunt, staring over to my slightly opened door, the stinging light creeping in.
I blink at it for a while.
Why did I do this.
Any of this.
I hate Delilah. I hate her GUTTS. So why should I listen to her..? I mean she's not even around anymore. Good riddance to her! .. where- wherever she is..
I open the door fully, slightly grimacing from the sudden light shift.
At this point I'm not even walking up to ginger's room willingly. I'm just walking without thinking about it, my mind to busy on the rest of the situation, not even trying to come up with what I'm actually gonna tell her yet.
.. shit that's..
How much do I even tell her?
No- no.
That's not a question.
I'll tell her as much as she'll let me.
Just.. how do I word it.
I can't just go in there blazing with everything.
This is So complicated and for WHAT.
Fuck you, dandy.
.. but I started this.
. .
I already have a headache. Great.
I shake my head, which arguably made it a little worse, holding my breath as I knock on her door.
I hear her from behind it.
I slightly step back as the door swings open half way, her white hair swishing a little.
"Ohβ! Bobo,, hey, are youβ"
Her smile falters.
Gi: "Are you okay..?"
She takes one of my hands as I finally look at her properly. I know I'm not convincing her or anybody right now.
I open the door fully, stepping to the side as she walks in.
"Yeah. I'm fine. You?"
She'd finally ask and reply, though I'm not convinced.
.. at all.
"Well uhm.. yes? I'm alrightβ I was going to go check up on Cosmo but uh.. I don't seem so convinced about your 'I'm fine,' bobette."
I reply calmly, closing the door.
She stares at me tiredly.
Bo: "I need to talk to you."
My nerves start screaming at me now.
I try to keep calm like I was before, tilting my head and walking over to my bed.
I sit down, patting the side next to me.
Gi: "Alright. Well, whatever it is you need to say - go for it."
I give her a little nod as she joins me, fiddling with her hands in contemplation.
Bo: "I'veβ"
"I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time now. .. and it's uh- to do with what happened to Astro."
Gi: "Oh! Astroβ! We were looking for him earlier, did you find him?"
Bo: "Sprout and dandy did, yeah."
Gi: "... is he alright?"
Bo: "sort of."
Gi: "sort of?"
Bobette sighs, silent for a minute.
Bo: "He's.. twisted. Passive, for now though."
I recoil my head a little.
He was what!?
How the fuck did that evenβ
I hold my breath, exhaling a moment after.
This is gonna be an interesting conversation..
Gi: ".. o-okay. By the fact you're here talking to me then, .. I think I can trust this enough that he's doing somewhat alright."
I give a light smile, putting a hand on her lonely shoulder.
Gi: "But if.. you don't mind me asking, what does this have to do with you.. exactly?"
She'd glance at me for a moment.
But only for a moment.
Bo: "I don't know how else to tell you this. So, I'll just- .. I'll just be straightforward with you."
".. I did that. When you were all asleep last night, I went into the infirmary and made sure that he'd twist from a needle. The only reason why I'm telling you this now is because dandy made a valid point to me earlier during an argument and it's given me the opportunity to actually tell you up-front. Because it's not just the Astro thing.. The entire reason we're in this situation? The purpose of runs? It's all from the ichor operation. .. and I'm a part of that. So is dandy. Astro knew, and he told sprout yesterday evening."
I just.. stare.
Blinking rapidly.
Whu.. wha..
This is a joke. Right?
Bo: ".. sorry- I shouldn't have dumped that all in one go."
Gi: "I. Uhm. It's.. fine? I'm just- confused? I know you said you talked to dandy.. but there's another reason why you're telling me this, isn't there?"
She nods slowly.
Bo: "I haven't told dandy about this."
"Let alone anybody."
"But someone's been trying to break into gardenview at night. It's been going on for a little bit. .. maybe a week? Give or take.. it's starting to worry me. I.. it only matters because if something bad happens with it I just want you to at least know about what I've been doing."
I yell.
Bo: "Because with everything going on it's the last thing anybody needs. The whole goob thing? Astro? Cosmo..? ... I mean cosmo wasn't even meant to get in the way of all that. He was just being his usual self."
Gi: "Get in the way.?"
Bo: "The ichor operations more than just runs, ginger- I- we.. we never wanted for Cosmo to be hurt."
Gi: "But you wanted Goob hurt."
Bo: "Whβ no! We're trying to help everybodyβ! It just might not look like that right now..!"
"How is killing people, causing people to twist helping."
I snap.
She goes quiet.
".. just.. see it from where I stand."
I'd take her hand, holding it.
"What you're doing is wrong. Very wrong. Twisting, killing, even planning or plotting it isn't right. How could what happened to goob be considered helpful? It's not? He's our distractor. Let alone a toon? He has family, friends - how could you willingly sit there and tell me that what you're doing is morally right. .. and what you're probably planning to do is right either."
Bo: "It's.. difficult to explainβ I-"
I stand up.
Gi: "I love you. You know I do. But if you're going to keep telling me it's all morally right, then- .. then at least leave. Just For a little bit. Give each other some time to think. ..Then we can come back to this conversation later with a clear conscience."
I tell her.
Bobette finally looks at me properly now, regret in her eyes as she slowly nods. We let go of each other's hands reluctantly.
I'd watch her leave silently, dragging an immense guilt behind herself.
I sit back down on my bed again, albeit it was more of a fall, my head resting in my hands.
How the fuck was I supposed to feel about any of this.
Betrayed? Sad? Angry? Scared..?
I don't want to support her with any of this.
I really fucking don't.
But I also don't want to just leave her over it. I want to try help her to get her to understand that it's not right, and then maybe she could influence that onto dandy with whatever else they had planned and it would all be okay.
But who am I kidding.
That's fairytale bullshit.
...And This is real life.
I glance into my vanity mirror infront of me, its cold frame leaning up against the wall on my desk.
I see my younger self staring back at me,
Shorter hair.. his nerves clear as day.
I sigh.
What's a girl to do..
[ WRITERS NOTE β> HII!! Just wanted to let you people know that the story WILL get back to angryhugs/hateful hugs. It will shift after this chapter for 3 consecutive chapters, have a 1 chapter break and then will go back to the angryhugs focus for another 3-4 chapters after!! After those chapters it all comes down to the grand ending so.. they'll be there for that and play their large roles in it, ofc!! Anyway this note is mostly here for those who don't read my announcements/who don't know of their existence!! with that said, have a nice day/night!! βZell ]
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