VIII | "out of bounds" a maxley oneshot

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A/N , this is a follow up of the "cooking/baking date" hc from chapter II !! I like the idea and I wanted to expand on it :) if there are any hcs or just ideas that you have in general that you want me to make a oneshot of then I'd be glad to hear them :3

"Alright so do we have everything?" Max asked as he held the ingredients that were close to falling due to how cramped they were in his folded arms. "Yep I think we do , please dont let those eggs fall goof, They cost me like 20$." Bradley said as he bent down to take out the mixer from bottom cupboards. "I'm sorry what? You should've gotten the chicken with it too for that price-" He replied , his mouth slightly agap when he heard the price of a dozen of eggs ."Very funny max, ah- just put those there- and past me the flower please." Bradley replied,  obviously not amused at his boyfriends silly response. He rolled his eyes as he took some eggs and started separating the yoke before he accidentally dropped one due to his fast movements.

"Ah shit- max clean that up for me please and DONT add pink to the cake mix, its supposed to be a skateboard remember." Bradley said, getting slightly irritated at max for his 'stubborn' tendencies.

" will you stop using me as an Aaron boy, you've told me to do like a thousand things and we havent even started." Max remarked, he was used to Bradley's bossyness but that didnt mean he liked it. "That's because your not doing anything, and- wheres you apron!? Is that the icing on your shirt-!? Oh my get out !" Bradley said his face becoming red , he hated when max didnt follow his orders and did NOT like when things didnt go way. "just , stay , right there ohk? And DONT move.." Bradley said as he put max behind the counter. "What kind of a date is this? I'm literally spectating." Max protested as he slumped onto the counter top. "Its a date where u do the cooking and you sit and look pretty,  which is fair game isnt it?"

"Whatever." Max said coldly as he stared at the marble. counter. "Oh cmon here you can be the taste tester." Bradley said passing the bowl of cake batter to his sulking boyfriend, feeling bad for his past actions. Max's ears rised at this as he dipped his hand into the bowl.  "Ughh- did..did you use salt instead of sugar?" Max said, his face scrunching up. "What? No I swear I- oh." At first he didnt believe max but after he turned the 'suger' container to reveal the big 'SALT' that was written on the back. "Damn it.." Bradley said, he took baking seriously and didnt like when he messed up. "Cheer up Brad, we can re do it , BOTH  of us this time."
Max said as he lifted Bradley's head up with his thumb.  "Fine." Bradley agreed, "but you have to wear a apron this time. That shirt your wearing is actually mine and I know your not gonna wash it."

"You left it in my closet- of course I thought it was mine." Max said as Bradley fixed the apron around his (snatched) waist. "We have completely different styles max , you knew it was mine admit it"

"Let's just finish the cake- this is just gonna become a unnecessary arguement that I dont wanna have."

"Whatever you say pretty boy."

The cake ended up looking something like this :> (its chocolate flavored.

A/N : I feel like in my spare time I'm gonna re do this bc I did not give it justice 😓 just nibble on this for the moment guys <3 much love xx

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