season 1 episode 1

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a/n: all pictures of nora's room, cheer gym, ect are at the bottom of the chapter also since this season happened early this year ages may be down a year depending on when their birthday is so niles and nora are 12, nelson is 15 and so on

nora pov:

today was the first day we were shooting for our overtime show keeping up with the nuemanns. there were a lot of cameras around the house filming different parts of it like the backyard, living room and even my own room. i watched as nelson walked around the house talking about random things like how he became "famous".

soon it was time for me to be in front of the camera. nelson was introducing each one of us, his siblings, to the camera.
"my younger brother niles is the real deal" nelson said holding the camera while niles, my twin brother, interrupted him saying he was the favourite child.
"my older brother noah is a star" nelson continued as noah sat on the top of one of our many basketball rings
"and my little sister nora is a prodigy " he said as the camera switched focus from him to me doing a round off backhand spring .
"and our life is a movie" we all say together.

after filming a bit more with my brothers it was now my turn to show off my room and my favorite parts of our house.
"enough of all this basketball stuff, let's take a look at the real best sport." i say to the camera pushing open the door to the backyard where all my things i use to practice cheer are
"this is where i practice my cheer skills outside of the gym. i have practice 4 days a week and each day its about 3 hours . during competition season practices get longer and harder but we go to lots of comps that can be anywhere around the country but the ones we mostly go to are here in texas" i explained walking around.
"this is my air track and we have a trampoline that i use to practice flips and other tricks before i go on the mat"
"let's go to my room" i suggested as i guide the camera man down the hall into my bedroom

mom had made me clean my room before the crew came over so it was nice and organized on camera.
"this is my room aka the best room in the house. here is my bed "
"over here are of my cheer trophies medals and bows. as you can see the teams ive been on have won quite a few competitions" i laugh.
"who do you cheer for?" the camera man asks me
"i cheer for the prodigy all-stars senior level 6s, our team is called the blue moons " i say.
"we also have my lovely posters of comics, movies and music artists as well as some vinyls" i show as i flop onto my bed.

time skip

as noah, nelson and niles went to the basketball gym for their one of many weekly basketball trainings i went down the the cheer gym for my practice. i arrive and go straight into the foyer where we put our cheer shoes and make sure we have everything like a full water bottle and a tight hairstyle.

as i do that one of my friends, indigo, walks in.

"hey indi!" i greet.
"hey nora" she returned.
we started talking about random things while the other girls slowly arrived one by one. indigo is definitely one of my best friends and the girl on the team i'm closest with. most girls on the team are older than me most of them being 15 and up but we still all get along well. indi (who is the closest to my age being 13) was the first to become friends with me when i moved up into this team.

we talked to the other girls for a bit and then our coach, coach lillian, called us in to the gym. i quickly take off my airpod maxs and follow the other girls into the gym.
"ok girls competition season starts next week as you guys know. we are going to start off with tumbling than we will go right into stunts and our comp routine" coach lillian tells us.

we start off with stretching and then coach lillian moves on to work with indi, rose and ellie with their one of their tumbling tricks. the other girls and i started practicing our layouts.

time skip

as everyone else left i stayed behind for my private session with both coach lillian and our other coach, coach jayden. i'm a flyer in my current team so i was working on my tik toks which is jumping from one leg to the other while being held up in the air. normally my balance was really good with these types of one leg tricks but today it was really bad. i fell so many times i lost count and even if i didnt fall i would still not be fully balanced and bobble on my supporting leg when i swiched or got ready to swich.

"nora what is up with you today you were doing these just fine two days ago what happened?" coach lillian interrogated.
"i dont know coach" i say with my head down
"well you need to figure it out by wednesday and fix it because we just wasted your whole private session on one trick that you nail almost every time normally" coach lillian told me sounding both mad and disappointed which was something i was use to but it still made me mad at myself.

time skip

coach lillian and coach jaydan had dismissed me so i went into the foyer took my cheer shoes off and put on my yeezy slides. i then grabbed my bag and headed out to meet up with my mom and brothers.

"well done honey " was the first thing my mom said to me.
"that wasnt very 'well done' worthy mom" i tell her, upset at my performance.
"what do you mean by that nor?" noah asked.
"didnt you see all the times i fell over on that stupid stunt?! i don't even know what was happening but i just kept loosing balance ." i angerly grumble.

"but when you were doing just fine two days ago" niles piped up trying to make me feel better but really just made me more upset
"exactly! thats what my coaches said too! its easy normally why is it so hard today? this is just ridiculous!" i yell as i swing open the car door to noahs jeep, getting in and slamming it closed.

the rest of the car ride home was silent with quite music on in the background.  as soon as we got home i basically jumped out of the car got my dance bag and ran straight to my room.

no ones pov

"whats wrong with nora?" the camera man asked
"shes upset because she kept messing up during her cheer practice." noah explained to the camera.
"i think i should go and talk to her" cassie said while looking at her 3 sons.
"i dont think so mom. she hates when people talk to her when shes upset and you know what shes like when shes mad. if anyone should talk to her it has to be niles, hes the least likely to get yelled at by her" nelson told his mother

all 3 of them looked at niles as the camera panned towards him waiting for his reaction to his older brothers suggestion.

"fine. but if she gets mad at me im blaming you nelson." niles warned as he put down his basketball bag and headed up to noras room

niles was definitely noras favorite brother. i mean it makes sense, they are twins, but these two are connected by the hip. if he wasnt at basketball and she wasnt at cheer they were always together. they would play basketball together, they would practice stunts and tumbling together, they would watch tv together, during basketball games nora would sit court side with niles on or near the bench when he was subbed off and even when nora had cheer comps niles was right there when she got off stage. if anyone would be able to talk to her when shes mad it would be him.

niles walked up to her room and knocked on the door.

"go away!" nora yelled sounding like she had been crying

"nora its me. can i come in?" niles hesitantly called through the door praying she wouldnt snap at him.

a few seconds went by with no reply. niles was about to walk away until he saw the door crack open. nora was stood there with puffy eyes and a tear rolling down her face. she grabbed his hand and pulled him into her room quickly shutting the door behind him. they both sat on nora's bed in silence for a bit until niles decided to say something

"it's ok you know, that you couldn't do that stunt? maybe you're just having an off day, we all get them" niles told his twin sister.
"i know but i still feel like i'm letting my coaches down" nora tells him.
"you're not letting them down. they know you can do it and they believe in you." he says.

"didn't you see how coach lillian was yelling at me. she normally yells at us but today she sounded so mad" nora mumbled.
"yeah i did see..." niles pauses not knowing what to say. "look how about me, nelson and noah help you out tomorrow and you'll be all ready for you're next practice on wednesday" he suggested.
"are you sure? i know you have a game tomorrow and training won't you all be to tired?" nora asks.
"i'm sure."

time skip + nora pov

niles had left about an hour ago because i told him i just wanted to be alone for a bit.
"hey you alright?" nelson said entering my room
"yeah im ok" i told him
"well im about to make noodles so if you want some you better come downstairs" he jokes

i followed him out of my room and downstairs and he started showing the camera how he makes his noodles. i can't lie his noodles are pretty good so i knew even if i had to fight a whole bunch of 14 -18 year old boys to get a bowl i would.

noah then came up to me and whispered in my ear "when we all try nelson's noodles pretend like it's ass"
"alright bet" i say back knowing it would be really funny.

a few minutes pass and nelson was serving up everyone's bowls.

"alright 3 2 1" noah called out to everyone as we all took a bite of our own bowls.
immediately everyone spit out what they had eaten which was honestly disgusting to watch. the raman was honestly pretty good but we all went along with the bit.

"are yall dead ass?" nelson asked us looking a little disappointed.
niles went over and pushed him making me laugh.
"bro what! it tastes fine to me!" nelson states with about a million voice cracks
"let's go get some real food because i have no clue what that was" niles told the camera as noah grabbed his head messing with his hair saying "no cap"

time skip

it was now the next day and my brothers and i were heading to some restaurant for lunch before noah's game against his old high school.

we got served some food after we ordered and i told niles to give it a rating out of ten. he took a bite and rubbed his hands together for dramatic affect and determined it was a "smooth eight and a half"

the hot plate in front of us then blew up with flames causing us to all turn at look at it and even making niles fall off his chair.

"you want to catch the rice in your mouth?" the chef, who was cooking our food, asked us.
we all agreed noah going first and catching it first try. then niles and i tried and we both made it first try as well. then nelson's turn came along and well let's just say he wasn't good at it at all.

we all went back to chatting until noah noticed nelson was in his phone.
"can you get off your phone and be apart of the table please?" noah said sounding a bit like our dad
nelson then put his phone down acting like nothing happened
"ok thank you"

time skip

we then pulled up to noah's game. during half time me and niles ran into the court. i was doing some of my tumbling skills while niles was shooting some buckets.
"nora! stop tumbling on the court you're going to get hurt" my mom called out from the stands.
"yeah nora" niles mocked and he missed a three.

"at least i can make a bucket" i say shooting from a behind the three point line and making it.
we then played 1v1 until the older boys came back on the court.

author speaks:
damn that was long

anyways here is inspo for nora's things

noras room:

nora's cheer gym

nora's cheer awards (pretend the walls are white 😭)

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