I was walking around the hallways of the harem trying to kill time as i waited for Mustafa to get out of his divan .
I was accompanied by one of the girls and came across sumbul who was hiding on a corner , i felt skeptic about it making me take a step closer while silencing the girl behind me .
He looked panicked and kept looking around him until his eyes met mine , he gasped in surprise and came towards me .
ยซ Sultana what are you doing here ? ยป he asked barely making up his words ยซ In the contrary i should be the one asking you this ยป I said raising my eyebrow in suspicion while looking around .
ยซ I came to - I came to check if the candles ran out ยป He said pointing at some candles that lightened the path at night, his excuse almost made me laugh .
ยซ Is that your job now ? ยป i asked in a mocking tone ยซ I wonder what you and your sultana are preparing again ยป i sighed and walked past him but little did he know that i didn't believe him , i dismissed the girl and continued walking away .
I wasn't stupid enough to let him go this easily so i hid behind a wall careful not to make any noise or be seen . I believed that he hid something and i had to know what that thing is .
I stayed there waiting for something to happen and i was eventually right because just moments after we finished talking , hurrem sultans stepped out of what looked like a cave .
ยซ Sultanim , Stella sultan was here and i just lied about whatever . She was going to catch us ยป he announced to his sultana almost panicking .
ยซ The last thing i can care about is her , that traitor mustafa knows that sultan suleyman and that my children are alive and didnt tell us ยป She sighed in annoyance as she stepped out pushing the dust off her dress .
ยซ What ... ? why would he lie about this ? ยป Sumbul answered while closing the door she just stepped out of .
ยซ Of course to torment me and emotionally attack me , but just wait .. he doesn't have much time in this life ยป She said with so much arrogance and confidence before walking away .
I stood there shocked from what i just saw , Hurrem sultan had a secret room where she had access to the divan and listened to everything.
There was no way in the world that she would get away with this , i had a physical proof now and i could destroy her whenever i wanted .
And i chose to keep this to myself , no one would know this except me . I want to use this as my winning card if she ever tries to decline or argue about what she did to me .
I walked back to my room and sat down on my bed just thinking , my mind raced with different thoughts but i got brought back to reality when one of the girls announced that sultan suleyman has just arrived .
My heart dropped to the floor , the moment we have been waiting for was finally here , the day of truth where hurrem sultan's mask will fall came to light .
I stood up and went to the sultan's room where we had to welcome him , all of them were there and i was the last one to join , i placed myself to the end of the line next to mahidevran sultan .
ยซ The day has come , I am happy that god brought my husband back and my kids . god knows what would've happened if the empire fell into the hands of the enemies ยป She said loud as if she wanted everyone to hear what she had to say .
ยซ There is one enemy in this room and it's you ยป Mahidevran sultan answered while keeping her cool down , this statement made Mihrimah sultan turn around /
ยซ Mahidevran Sultan , this is my mother you're talking to ยป She said getting angrier at mahidevran sultan .
ยซ and this is my mother you're talking to mihrimah ยป Mustafa said stepping inside the room , he walked to the enter of the room and stood at the first of the line .
Mihrimah looked at her brother once and looked down , she left mahidevran sultan alone and continued waiting in silence .The silence that was itching us , that was eating us from the inside , we waited a long time for this moment and i was sure each one of us was going to snitch on the other , all of us in this room were eager for something to happen in our favour and for us three it was to get rid of hurrem sultan .
ยซ Attention , Sultan Suleyman Han ยป the harem agha announced as he opened the door , the sultan walked in as confident as ever but we were still all looking down .
His aura was unmatched that only his presence was able to intimidate you , he walked in the center of the room .
ยซ You can all leave ยป he said turning around and sitting down on his throne , we all looked up and stared in confusion .
ยซ Mustafa you stay ยป He ordered as the door opened for us to leave , he looks visibly upset but none of us could point what was wrong .
I exchanged looks with mustafa one last time before we all left .
ยซ I don't know why he asked to see mustafa ยป Mahidevran sultan whispered to me feeling worried , i was also worried but it made sense he would want to see the one he entrusted his empire to .
ยซ You're asking yourself really ? of course to make him pay for what he did ยป Hurrem sultan answered in my place making me boil in anger , she irritated me .
ยซ Maybe he will ask him what you did in his absence sultana ยป I said not able to hold back myself anymore , she rolled her eyes and smirked .
ยซ You can't prove anything , i advise you not to bite more than you can chew ยป She answered me in a very infuriating tone .
I ignored her and walked past her to leave and go to my room along with Mahidevran sultan . ยซ I was not able to read the sultan's expressions , i just hope he's not going to lash out at Mustafa like usual ยป
We both sat down but i had to go check on nergisลah who started to cry , i was already in distress as all of my thoughts were with mustafa right now .
Mahidevran sultan paced around the room stressed until my door opened revealing mustafa .
ยซ Mustafa ยป i called when i saw him standing by my door , he looked down and stepped in . ยซ What happened ? ยป Mahidevran sultan approached her son and tried to make him speak .
ยซ My father is not feeling well , but to make you feel better he doesn't suspect that i planned the attack just like some made him believe ยป I sighed in relief feeling a little bit better ยซ This is what you talked about ? ยป Mahidevran sultan asked .
ยซ Yes , i couldn't talk about hurrem sultan yet . He was visibly upset and angry about the attack especially now that mehmed was injured , he is currently treating his wound but it made my father really upset ยป He explained as he sat down , i carefully put my daughter down and went to sit next to him .
ยซ We can wait some more , until your father is ready to process more things ยป I said offering him a new possibility because i felt like the war has drained him a lot . ยซ No , i will not wait . tomorrow i will tell him everything and the woman who did this will be seized by my guards tonight ยป
I exchanged looks with mahidevran sultan and then looked at the empty space ยซ What if she doesn't wanna speak ? ยป mahidevran sultan asked doubting the woman .
ยซ She will speak , we will threaten her and use her family for that . She will have no choice but to speak ยป .
Mustafa explained to us and then mahidevran sultan left , she went back to her room leaving us both alone . I wanted to tell him about the room i found but i felt like it was the wrong moment to do so , that is why i just stayed silent about it .
We both went to sleep early , but i personally couldn't sleep as my mind thought of different things , i wasn't going to be at ease until the sultan knows everything tomorrow .
My only wish is that we get out of it unharmed and that he believes us .
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