i woke up feeling good , i excpected id wake up with a headache but i didn't . it felt weird to wake up in this room , i still had to get used to this .
I sat up and looked at the window , the sun probably rised long ago which meant i woke up late . i had nothing to do so it didn't really matter if i did wake up early or not
ยซ Your highness good morning ยป the maid which accompanied me yesterday was inside my room , standing in the corner . i got startled because i didn't notice her presence , were they watching me the whole time ?
ยซ Good morning , did you stay here all night ? ยป i asked and she nodded ยซ Yes your highness , it is my duty ยป i looked at her weirded out .
ยซ What's your name ? ยป i said standing up and walking towards the mirror , as i moved she came closer to me and started to get some dresses out of the closet .
ยซ My name is fahriye your highness and i am assigned to accompany you ยป she put a dress on my bed and i followed her with my eyes .
ยซ I didn't want to wake you up early but Hurrem sultan wants to see you ยป i raised an eyebrow in confusion , i didn't even know her but i guessed maybe it was customs and she wanted to welcome me .
I got ready and put on the dress she gave me , i thought maybe they tailored it specifically for me .
ยซ What should i excpect from visiting hurrem sultan ยป i asked her while she helped me put my necklace . i looked at her over the mirror
ยซ Hurrem sultan is quite different , she is the most feared sultana in this palace . she's the wife of sultan suleyman and you can basically tell he would choose her over anyone else ยป I thought about what she said , it meant that he loved her so much but i dont think mustafa is her son because he looked nothing like her .
ยซ What about Prince mustafa ? is he her son ? ยป she finally put on my necklace and started now to fix the back of my dress .
ยซ He's the sultan's favorite even if he is not hurrem sultan's son , he's the eldest and the crown prince . His mom is mahidevran sultan , you will definitely see her around . He went to his province in such an early age because of hurrem sultan ยป I was taken aback , i thought about this deeply before i asked her .
ยซ Does he have other siblings ? how many and why do they all live together here ? ยป she continued her explanation while i listened to her .
ยซ Well now all the princes went to their provinces , he has five other siblings . Prince mehmet , prince selim , prince beyazid and his younger brother prince cihangir and lastly his sister Mihrimah sultan but they're all hurrem sultan's children ยป she continued ยซ all of them live here because the sultan has asked them to stay after the campaign , they're only staying for some time ยป
So usually they don't stay here , back at home there was no such thing . even if i had a lot of brothers we would all live in one place
ยซ but everyone here loves prince mustafa , he's everyone's favorite and especially the sultan because he's really experienced and his reputation is always in everyone's tongue . he's a good person ยป I knew that , he genuinely looked like a good person .
She finally finished and i was ready to go see hurrem sultan , me and fahriye left my room heading to the main chambers of hurrem sultan .
The door opened as soon as we arrived and i stepped in , as soon as i stepped in i could definitely sense the aura again .
ยซ Your highness ยป i bowed down to her in curtsy as she sat in the middle of her room , she gave me a smile which i returned
ยซ Welcome Princess Stella of Ardunia ยป she offered me a seat and i finally realised that there was girl besides her which was obviously her daughter Mihrimah .
ยซ It's an honor to be here your highness ยป i looked at both of them and gladly took the seat she offered me .
ยซ I hope you're enjoying your stay here , the customs here are different ยป she was right ยซ and i want to take this as a chance to offer my condolences , your father was a great friend of our empire ยป I was immune to this subject now and for the first time i didn't get emotional .
ยซ Thank you ยป i looked at mihrimah who began speaking ยซ You look really pretty ยป she looked really pretty indeed .
ยซ it's only fair i can say the same thing for you ยป she looked at her mother and giggled , the atmosphere was quite dry but we managed to chat a little bit before another person joined us .
it was a young man who looked like my age , he stepped in and bowed down to his mother .
ยซ Valide ยป he looked at me and smiled ยซ And you're Princess Stella if i'm not mistaken ? ยป i nodded as he took a seat next to his mother .
ยซ Yes it's me ยป hurrem sultan introduced me to her son mehmet , i now recall that he was with her when i first came into the palace . when i saw them three looking up
ยซ I am very passionate about your country , i hope we can get to talk more ยป he obviously liked to learn about history and different cultures
I looked at hurrem sultan who looked as pleased , we chatted for some time about the palace and i took the opportunity to ask them about the other princes and how life was here .
I was growing pretty bored from talking here , i appreciated their time but the vibe they were giving me was not that comforting .
Mehmet looked like a genuine and kind person but them two were definitely not my cup of tea .
ยซ With that i will have to excuse myself your highness ยป i stood up and excused myself , i wanted to go back as soon as i can.
ยซ Yes you can go but tonight we will be hosting a party for you , to welcome you here ยป i was definitely against this idea but i had to be nice .
ยซ Oh why did you exhaust yourself your highness ? it's okay ยป i genuinely didn't want this but she looked like she wanted to do it . ยซ this is our customs we have to welcome our guest in the best ways possible ยป i smiled widely
ยซ I will be there your highness ยป i bowed down to them one last time and went back to my room . i honestly just wanted to escape from them but in reality i was bored , i wanted to do something
ยซ Fahriye ยปi called for the girl and she came in ยซ is there anything i can do here ? something entretaining ? ยป i asked and she looked really surprised
ยซ Uh your highness , sultanas don't have
much to do here except for reading books or knitting ยป i looked at her completly amazed ยซ you're kidding me ? ยป
she shook her head as i raised my eyebrow .
ยซ Well can i go see the gardens ? at least ? ยป she immediately reached for the cloak and gave it to me .
i suppose that was a yes , i wanted to go out a little bit . she accompanied me outside and it was still so cold , it didn't snow ever since i came here
the weather was so much different back home , i fell in love with the garden at first sight . it was very majestic and it had every flower type you could ever ask for
ยซ Princess if you get cold we can go back ยป Fahriye worriedly suggested but i dismissed her ยซ No it's not i will be fine ยป
We were peacefully enhaling the fresh air when i heard something move on the tree , I took a glance and there was a bird stuck .
ยซ Oh poor thing ยป i approached the bird who had an injured wing , i placed my hand under him carefully so i could hold him steadily .
I got him out of the tree and examined his wing carefully , he was definitely injured . there was a huge scar which was probably caused by a sharp object.
ยซ Fahriye , look ยป i showed her the bird and she looked at it , she got closer and she also felt bad for the bird .
ยซ You see , birds are like humans . they can't get back up easily until someone helps them up ยป i heard a male voice right behind me , i jumped out of surprise and fahriye immediately looked down and distanced herself from me .
It was Mustafa .
ยซ You're right , your highness ยป i joined what he said and bowed down to him , he approached me and looked at the bird .
ยซ He has to get treated , or he would die from his injury or cold ยป he put his finger on the bird's head and caressed him as i was holding him in my palms .
ยซ You're right ยป he looked over at the guards and ordered them to take the bird away , the guards carefully pulled it out of my palms and put him away . i followed them with my eyes hoping they weren't hurting him
ยซ What made you go out in such weather ยป He finally asked me ยซ I don't know it felt quite boring inside , i was all alone and it felt good to get a fresh air ยป
He looked at me with such tender eyes sometimes i wondered if i was just hallucinating but he looked at people with such gaze ..
ยซ You're right , i doubt you'd get used to things here after all its different from what you used to have , freedom is pretty limited here ยป he added and and i definitely agreed .
ยซ I hope i get the chance to talk more with everyone else , as for that hurrem sultan thought about hosting something for me tonight ยป He glanced at me and obviously looked annoyed but he concealed it just right .
ยซ I think there's a high chance you get to know my mother there ยป he was indeed right because i didn't have a chance to meet her yet .
ยซ You may here some bad stuff about her but you'll see that she's really sweet ยป i was surprised , why was she hated ?
ยซ I am sure she will be as nice as you ยปhe chuckled and stopped to look at me .
ยซ You flatter me , i'm not as nice as a i look . but i hope you don't listen to what people tell you about me or my mother ยป he got closer and looked down .
ยซ We're not as evil as people say, we had our motives just like everyone else ยป he looked hurt saying this , he obviously went through so many things .
ยซ Your hands are cold ยป he took his gloves off his hands and put them in mine , my heart definitely skipped a beat ยซ put them on ยป
I looked at my hands and his and then looked at him with a smile , i hope it wasn't blushing already .
ยซ Thank you , i forgot to bring mine ยป i said jokingly as i put them on , i looked over and noticed that there was a little boy running around .
ยซ Whose boy is that ? ยป i asked curiously , he turned around and waved at the little boy .
ยซ It's mine , he's my son mehmed ยป i felt something shift in my heart when he said this , so he was with someone else .
ยซ Oh , he's really adorable ยป i had to say it out loud so i don't stay silent for too long, i waved at the kid who then started to play with him guard .
ยซ I will see you later then ? We have to talk again some other time ยป he spoke as i was still processing that he had a son .
ยซ Yes definitely we have to ยป i smiled and started to take the gloves off , he then stopped me and put his hands on mine .
ยซ No you owe them to me ยป i raised my eyebrow as i could feel my cheeks start to burn ยซ Remember when i stole your earring ? ยป he said to me and i remembered the dream i had , or more like a memory .
I laughed , i genuinely laughed . i don't remember when was the last time i did
ยซ You remember it too don't you ? ยป he teased and i nodded after him ยซ Yeah i do remember , i doubt you would've ยป
ยซ I never forgot ยป he said to me with such tenderness , it felt like he was reminiscing on those moments .
ยซ It's been a long time right ? ยป i said looking down at the gloves he gave me ยซ we will definitely talk again ยป i said backing away a little bit .
ยซ I'll see you again right ? don't runaway like always ยป i teased you and he laughed before i turned my back and went back inside the palace
Hello guyssss ! how are you doing hopefully you're all doing good ,. i think you've noticed that i'm updating more and more lately and it's gonna stay like this hopefully .
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