"exciting news"

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--Veronica's POV--

"Mija," my dad called.

"Coming, daddy," I shouted from my room. "Gotta go, Bets," I spoke into the camera of my phone. I had been facetiming with Betty for a while, so I assumed my dad was calling me for dinner.

"Bye," the beautiful blonde waved at the camera. I rolled off my bed, and onto my feet before running out my room.

"Yes, daddy?" I took a seat across from where he sat with mother at his side.

"We have some exciting news," my mom teased.

"Oh, do tell," I jittered with exciting.

"Your dad is starting a new job, in a new town-"

"So we're going to be moving," daddy informed me. My smile faded immediately.

"Moving!" I shot up to my feet. "Are you insane? Do you have any idea what that would do to me? Do you want to ruin my life? Have I not been good to you? Why are you doing this to me," I continued to ask a numerous amount of questions. Both my parents had perplexed looks on their faces. I take it neither of them expected me to react this way. "Do you have any idea the emotional stress you'll be putting me under, not to mention the pressure of trying to fit in with the kids at the new school!"

"From what I hear, young lady," whenever my dad calls me 'young lady' I know I've done it. He has no patience for those who raise their voice at him. I cowered back down to my seat. "You won't have any trouble fitting in."

"What is that supposed to mean," I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We're moving to Riverdale," my mother exclaimed. My jaw dropped so low it could have hit the floor. I had to pinch myself to make sure this wasn't a dream.

Dad must have noticed because he said, "we really are."

"Are you serious, oh my God, I can't believe this, I-" I paused at a sudden realization, "what about Sol? And Candace?"

"Well, seeing as how Sol's father and I work very closely-"

"Because Tia Herminia asked you to," I stated.

"Don't you speak ill of my baby sister," Hiram scolded.

"I wasn't, daddy," I answered. He growled, and adjusted his suit. "I love Tia Herminia," I stated.

"As I was saying, they will be moving out to Riverdale with us, and as for Candace's father, he will be in charge the New York branch," dad informed me. Daddy and Tio Bruno owned a law firm together, since they moved over to the U.S from Cuba. They were doing pro-bono work there, but decided to come to New York, and make some money for a while before going back to pro-bono.

"So Candace is staying," I quipped.

"Afraid so mija," mom answered.

"I'll miss her terribly, but I can't wait to see Betty every day," I jumped with excitement.

"Betty? Who's this Betty," my dad sounded threatened. "I thought we said no girlfriends until you're at least 30," his eyes dreadful.

"Daddy, I'm getting older and I'm going to get married soon," I smugly stated.

"No, not you, not soon, you're my little girl," he cried in desperation. "Can't you be my little girl until I die," he said as he made his way over to my side.

"Don't say that daddy," I frowned. "I'll always be your little girl," I hugged him tightly. "Now I have to go tell Betty the good news!" I jumped up and raced to my room.

┏━━━ : *.☽ .* : ━━━┓
vero [my little cabinπŸ’—]
betty [bby lizzieπŸ’“]
┗━━━ : *.☽ .* : ━━━┛

my little cabinπŸ’—

bby lizzieπŸ’“
what is it??

my little cabinπŸ’—
my dad's opening a new law firm
in riverdale
read; 7:43pm

my little cabinπŸ’—
read; 7:44

my little cabinπŸ’—
I'm going to SEE you more often
read; 7:46

my little cabinπŸ’—
aren't you excited?
read; 7:47

my little cabinπŸ’—
oh I get it, you're so excited you
can't even type
read; 7:52

my little cabinπŸ’—
ok, take your time
read; 7:53

my little cabinπŸ’—
was that not enough time?
read; 8:12

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hi, please check out my new book
'Falling For You'
Happy birthday to this peanut [β™οΈŽ]

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