Warning for this, it will contain some weird hand stuff. You're reading about villains after all.
"Your smells like my shampoo.."
(Y/N) groaned, resting her arms on Valentines back. She heard him open the door to the master bedroom, her bedroom to be specific.
Her body was flopped onto the bed, the sounds of the springs creaking beneath the sudden weight. "Get yourself comfortable, i'm finishing my glass down stairs-" "Wait."
The girl cut off Valentine, her hand reaching towards the male. This caught Valentine off guard, he looked back towards the girl and tilted his head. "Your body..was so warm. And my's so cold.." her voice trailed on, the alcohol making the girl tired by this point.
Valentine smiled down at her before sitting on her bed, throwing her blanket on her. "There." He spoke. She rolled her eyes, grabbing his arm and dragging him down towards the bed. He knew what she was implicating, he just wanted to be stubborn.
Still, this action shocked him. The girl had always been forward with the group of villains but this was something new, something exciting. Quickly, the girl stuffed her face into his chest. His scent filled her nose, it was a drug to her in her drunken state.
Cuddling close to the male, she let out a sigh. The warmth of their bodies mixed together as Valentine hesitantly wrapped his arms around the girl. "Valentine.." Her voice broke the silence, her head bearing up to look at the male.
Valentine looked down at her, his eyes staring deeply into her (eye color) ones. She knew what she had wanted in the moment and she was going to get it. Leaning in, the male placed a hand on her chin.
They kissed. The flavor of hard, sweet liquor and wine mixed on their lips. It was ecstasy to the girl.
Like a drug.
(Y/N) woke up with a pounding headache and a regret of the past. She looked down at the sleeping Valentine, he was still clothed so she knew nothing else had happened last night.
Looking at her phone, the time read '10:14am'. She sighed, shoving the male to wake him up. He woke up with a groggy groan, rubbing his eyes. Quickly, the male remembered the events of the night before. He let out a light chuckle, his voice raspy and sleep filled.
(Y/N)s eyes widened in anger. What was he laughing for? The event was going to make things so much more awkward around the house! She brought her hand up and hit the male in the arm. "Geez, it was only a kiss." Valentine spoke with a smirk on his face.
The male knew he had bragging rights to this. He knew the residents of the house wanted the girl to themselves, growing close to her in the past month they had been with her. The tension was obvious in the group of villains but she remained oblivious to it.
"Brush your hair, you look a mess." (Y/N) glared at him, rolling her eyes before getting up. She stretched her arms with a yawn before grabbing her hairbrush that was placed on her desk.
"And QUIETLY..sneak out of my room. I don't want anyone to know about this."
Valentines smirk grew wider at her words.
"I mean it Valentine, as quiet as a mouse."
The girl should know mice aren't that quiet. Quickly, word spread around the chaotic home, making things all the more worse for her. "YOU KISSED (Y/N?)" Diego yelled from across the dinner table as he threw his fork down.
Valentine gave the male a laugh. Diego, in return, growled at the other male. "Maybe if you didn't let Octavia all up on you last night you would've had a chance with the girl." Valentine stated, taking a bite of his eggs.
Pucci had made breakfast for the group that morning, figuring (Y/N) had slept in. This action received a huge amount of praise from the girl as her pounding headache almost had her bed bound for the day. "Oh my god Valentine, shut the fuck up." (Y/N) groaned, putting her hands on her face in an act of embarrassment.
"On the topic of that girl, what was that about Diego?" Kira asked, looking at the blond as he took a sip of his orange juice. The guy sure did love orange juice. Diego groaned in response, slumping down in his chair. "I don't knowww..she was drunk and honestly, I love the attention. Don't know why she would pick me over the buff vampire over there though, I am a dick to her." Diego stated, pulling his iconic hat over his eyes.
Dio smirked as he took his words as a compliment, getting an ego boost. "She smelt like cigarettes and cherries though." Diego continued, sniffing his sleeve before he cringed. "It's like I can still smell her on me."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "Yeahh, expect that from her. Her smell hasn't changed since we were teens." She commented. Getting up from her chair she looked at everyone's plates. "Everyone done? I'm starting on dishes!"
After everyone was finished some villains remained in the living room while the others went upstairs to their shared rooms. But, one villain remained in the kitchen. That was Kira, Kira Yoshikage.
Kira watched over the girls shoulder like a hawk. He gawked at the girls hands as she washed the dishes. Her hands were perfect to him. Though not manicured, they were slender and soft. They glistened under the soap from the dishes, he couldn't help but watch.
Feeling the stare on the back of her head, she knew it was him. What was weird to her is that she didn't mind. She got excitement from being watched by the villain. She couldn't deny her attraction to the male, after all he was her favorite. He was the reason she had gotten into the anime in the first place.
Cleaning the wine glasses and the miscellaneous shot glasses from the other night, she smiled. "Take a picture, it will last longer." She commented, her eyes still focused on the work in front of her.
Kira got up from his seat, getting up behind the girl. His breath tickled her neck, causing the girl to hiccup. Sure she was teasing the man, but she didn't expect him to get up.
"Let me help." Kira spoke against her neck, his voice shallow. He brought his arms around the girl and placed his hands atop of hers, following her movements as she washed the dishes. The close contact caught the girl off guards once more, a bright blush spread across her cheeks.
Kira hummed and took one of her fingers in his, analyzing them.
"It seems you don't take care of your nails often..I can always help with that."
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