ׂ╰┈➤glory box·:*¨༺

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This book will be going through heavy editing, therefore updates will be paused for a day or two.
I'm also still in high school and senior year is getting stressful as I near graduation.


"(Y/N), what the fuck?"

Diavolo spoke from the couch, staring at you with wide eyes. Though he wasn't pleased, you kept a smile on your face. Pucci pushed past you and placed the picnic basket on the kitchen table.

"Yeah, I told her she shouldn't bring them but," Pucci spoke, "She convinced me. I couldn't resist."

He sighed, cleaning up the remainder of the food that was left in the basket. The black cat ran up to Diavolo and rubbed up against his leg. Diavolo scoffed before picking up the purring cat. "I guess I can get used to this.." He murmured.

You awed at the sight. You never expected the male to be a cat person, nether-less see him actually interacting with an animal. "And how are we going to feed them, hm?" Diavolo asked, giving you a side glance.

You took off your shoes and placed them beside the front door. "I got left over food from my old kitty!" You replied happily. Diavolo raised an eyebrow at your response. "Old kitty? What happened to it?" He asked.

You let out a sigh. The subject was still touchy to you though it was months after the passing of your cat companion. "Long story." You replied, dusting your hands off. "Other than that, I have a litter box and I'll make an appointment to get them fixed!"

You turned over to the orange cat, who was hiding under the coffee table in your living room. It seemed the orange cat needed time to get use to his new home. Diavolo shrugged at your response, turning back to the black cat on his lap and rubbing his hand beneath its chin.

Pucci walked up behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder to catch your attention. You turned to face him, and with a smile he spoke; "What do we name them?"

"Hm..How about Minerva for the black one, and Sabbath for the orange one?"

"Sounds perfect."


You stretched your arms as you woke up, letting out a loud yawn. Both cats slept at your feet for the night, too nervous to roam around the home. Though you felt bad for the kitties, they had to get used to their new home at some point.

Stretching out your legs, your foot hit something hard. It felt like.. human skin?


The voice spoke, making you jump in your bed and sit up. You rubbed your eyes, staring at the person sitting at the end of your bed. Diavolo?

"Diavolo, what are you doing in my room? Stealing more of my stuff again?" You asked, trying to fix your messy bed head of hair. He chuckled at your reaction, though it was more like a mocking giggle. "No, I wanted her." He replied, pointing towards the sleeping black cat right next to your foot.

"Minerva?" You asked. He nodded in return, making you sigh and rub your temples. "You could've y'know, waited for me to wake up? Or at least knocked.." You continued. He shrugged his shoulders at your response. "Figured you wouldn't mind. It's 7am after all, not too early."

Not too early? It's a Saturday. Normally everyone sleeps in on a Saturday, wouldn't he know that? "Hey, I was scrolling on my laptop right-"

You cut his words off. "You mean my laptop?" You raised an eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes. "YOUR laptop..and I saw a night club event going on tonight."

What was he getting at? You were barely even awake and he was already saying too much for your brain to process. You tilted your head, motioning with your hand for him to continue.

He looked away, staring at your closet door. "I was wondering if you wanted to attend..with me. I'm the only one you haven't bonded with much."

You gave him a confused look. Why did he seem so nervous to ask you? Wasn't he some mafia boss? Shouldn't he be confident and cocky?

You laughed at his demeanor, making him turn to look at you with a glare. "Of course I'll go with you." You replied, playing with your hair. His eyes seemed to brighten at your response, his lips curling into a smile.

"Be ready by 8pm, (Y/N)."

And with his words, he picked up the purring Minerva and walked out your bedroom door. "Hey, do you mind feeding them for me, Diavolo?!" You yelled out from your bedroom, earning a groan from the male.


It was two hours before the event and you were sat in front of your vanity, putting on some makeup with two familiar villains on your bed;

Diego and Valentine.

"Why are you even going out with that prick anyways?" Valentine asked, giving you a cringed look from behind you in your mirror. You laughed at his words as you put on some foundation. "I want to give everyone a fair chance." You replied.

"A fair chance at whatt?" Diego spoke as he flopped his body onto your bed with his arms spread. Valentine flinched back from the blond's hand, giving him a quiet 'Don't touch me'.

"A fair chance at who will be my plus one for the family reunion."

Your words made both the males eyes widen. "The family reunion?!" "Holy shit, I forgot about that!"

"And you're thinking about taking him?" Valentine asked, getting up from your bed and walking behind you. You turned around in your chair and replied to his words with a shrug of your shoulders.

What you didn't expect was the male's hand to be under your chin, pulling you closer to his face. This gesture made your face heat up. "C'mon, (Y/N). Isn't he rude to you?" He asked, bring his other hand up to move your hair out of your face. "I would never do that to you."

You heard a growl come from behind him. Diego was watching the whole thing with jealousy bubbling up in his chest. Diego jumped on Valentine's back, bringing him down onto the bed. You watched as the two started to wrestle atop of your bed, messing up your sheets and kicking off your blankets.

Laughing at the two, you turned back around to face your mirror and finish your makeup. You didn't mind them fighting in your room, you knew they wouldn't ruin anything. They also knew if they broke something you would kill them.

Plus with them distracted they wouldn't bother you as you did your eyeliner. Putting on your eyeliner and lashes, you were finally finished. You got up from the chair and went over to your closet.



You yelled. You assumed this caught the boys attention as you stopped hearing the sheets rustling. All you could hear now is a few out of breath huffs and some curses from under Valentine's breath. "Help me pick out a dress, please?" You asked.

Digging through the many dresses in your closest, you grabbed a floor length black dress. It was simple but still elegant enough for a night out. In your other hand was another dress, this one a bit more fancy than the other. It was floor length like the other but it was a deep, blood red color. It was covered in a sheer, black lace material.

You knew that was the one you wanted to wear but you still wanted some other opinions. You turned around, holding up both the dresses towards the males on your bed.

"Isn't that a little too much for a night club?" Diego asked, pointing towards your favorite one. "Hey! It's pretty and I want to look my best." You replied with a pout. Valentine rolled his eyes and shoved his elbow into Diego's side.

"I think you would look amazing in anything, (Y/N)." Valentine spoke. Though his comments flattered you, they were no help in this situation. You sighed, throwing the deep red dress onto your chair. "This one it is."

Diego laughed at your reaction, earning him a glare from Valentine. "She doesn't like an ass-kisser, you know?"

His words obviously triggered something in Valentine. Valentine launched himself at Diego, starting their fight once more. They reminded you of siblings, siblings that hated each other of course.

"Hey, no more! I need to get dressed so get out!"


The drive to the club was quiet besides the radio that played Slowdive. It wasn't an awkward silence though, it was actually quite peaceful. It was the first time in a while that you had a quiet drive like that. "We're heree!" You cheered, parking your car in the nearest spot to the club.

Diavolo smiled, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the passenger door. He was wearing something similar to what Pucci was wearing the day before, a simple white button up with black dress pants. Though unlike Pucci, he was wearing a jacket. It would've been like a suit if he was wearing a tie.

Before you could even think about getting out of the car, Diavolo rushed to the drivers side and opened your door. He held a hand out towards you and you quickly took it. "What's with the change in attitude?" You asked, giving him a sly smile.

"I'm on a date with you, (Y/N). Don't think I don't know how to treat a girl nice." Diavolo replied, smiling back at you. Walking towards the door, hand in hand, you stumbled a little. It was difficult to walk in the heels you were wearing.

Diavolo laughed at your struggle, holding your hand a bit tighter to save you from falling. You rolled his eyes at his reaction.

"So much for treating a girl nice, huh?"


It was a Saturday night as well as a club event, so there were at least a hundred people in the building. Loud music blared from the speakers, vibrating your body and hurting your ears. Despite that, you were already a few drinks in and were determined to make this night a fun one.

Sitting at the bar, you laughed along with Diavolo. He was telling stories of his time in the mafia and angrily reminiscing on how he got defeated by a child, Giorno Giovanna. Cutting his story off, you requested another shot from the bartender.

"Coming up, (Y/N)."

This made your movements pause and your heart drop. How did the bartender know your name? Then you looked at the name tag;


Henry Corduroy.

Henry. That Henry you dated for five long years. The Henry that you thought you were going to marry. Handing you the shot, Henry gave you a wink. Diavolo noticed this and gave you a raised eyebrow.

With shaky hands and your heart in your feet, you quickly took the shot. Diavolo analyzed your demeanor and he quickly grabbed your hand, leading you to the dance floor.

With his hand holding yours, he danced along with you. "What was that about?!" He shouted over the music. You gave him a panicked look, dancing with him. He spun you around and dipped you.

"That's my stupid ex!" You yelled in response. He picked you back up from the dip and pulled you towards his chest. If it wasn't for the panic of seeing your ex, you would've been fangirling like crazy.

With your head on Diavolo's chest, you turned to look at Henry who was watching you two while he poured drinks. You quickly looked back up at Diavolo after Henry caught your staring eyes. "I didn't know he was a bartender now! Especially here!" You yelled, making Diavolo give you a confused look. "Huh?!"

You broke the hold Diavolo had on you and grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the back. "Come on, I'll tell you everything when we get the fuck out of here!"

Bringing him outside the club, you both sat on the curb in the back. You held your hands towards your face, relief filling your body. Though you were enjoying the date up until that moment, the music did overwhelm you. "Tell me everything." Diavolo said, looking at you.

You groaned underneath your hands. "Started dating him at 17, we were high school sweethearts. I met his entire family and he met mine. I thought we were perfect. When I was 22, he cheated on me with his ex girlfriend on my birthday." You sighed, looking down at your knees.

"On your birthday?!" Diavolo exclaimed. You nodded in return.

Like clockwork, the emergency exit to the bar opened. And there Henry stood, staring at the both of you. "(Y/N)." He spoke. You looked up at the male, giving him a glare. "Henry."

Diavolo glared at the man, grabbing your hand. Henry closed the exit behind him before leaning against it. "Long time no see! Didn't know you were dating him now." Henry glared at Diavolo, earning an eye roll from the pink haired male.

You could've laughed if you weren't so angry. Both the men had so much sass. "Don't you hear yourself? She's dating me. Get back to work." Diavolo replied from behind you as he took his arms and wrapped them around your waist.

Diavolo's words caught you off guard but you knew they were to defend you. Henry took a step towards you making Diavolo give you a squeeze. "I had her for five years, I can have her again." Henry replied.

All you could do was stand between the two males. What else was there to do besides use your words to fight back? "Henry, I told you we were through a year back when you cheated on me. Now please, step away."

"(Y/N), please. You know that was a drunken mistake. I've been thinking about you for a year and I can't stop! Please?" Henry begged. He was practically at your feet and the sight was pathetic. You cringed at the male in front of you. "Henry, I'm not going to say this again. Step away."

Henry glared at you. There was a look in his eyes you had never seen before. Hate? Malice? You didn't know. You turned to look at Diavolo, giving him a pleading look. "Diavolo, please let's-"

"Don't say I didn't beg, (Y/N). Skin and Bones-"


You flinched back from the shouting and closed your eyes. You already knew what had happened by the sound of gurgling just a foot behind you and you didn't want to look. "Diavolo.." you whispered, opening your eyes. Diavolo grabbed your hand and rushed you to the front of the club and to your car.

You knew what you had to do. Without a word, you unlocked both doors and jumped into the drivers seat. With Diavolo beside you, he whispered curses under his breath. "He was calling for a stand, (Y/N). I had to!" Diavolo yelled. From all the shock, all you could do was stare ahead in silence as you started the car.

By the sounds of screaming that was heard from the club as you sped off, you knew some poor soul had found the body.

"Diavolo..you just got me into some deep shit."

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