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For you, George, and Karl, nothing changed. But for everyone else, they were suddenly teleported to the table with you. They all looked around, a couple with a tablet in their hands. You noticed that the red player - Bad - was there too, but he didn't seem confused at all. Sapnap looked up at George and tilted his head. "Why did you call a meeting? I was just about to get a task finished!"

"We called a meeting because we need to tell you all something. Me, y/n and Karl heard a scream in Navigation, and when we went to check it out, there was blood on the wall by the vent."

"Blood?" Sapnap replied in disbelief. "No way. It's probably just a stain from something else."

You grabbed Karl's gloved hand, which was still dabbled in blood, and showed it to Sapnap. He took a long glance at it and then scoffed.

"You're suggesting that someone was injured or murdered."

"I don't know. We didn't hear anything after the scream."

"Who would have even been injured? We're all here." Tommy said, before counting everyone. "Wait."

Everyone looked around and came to a conclusion: there was a person missing. You weren't sure if Bad had been noticed by them or not.

"Skeppy." Said Tommy. You noticed he was missing too.

"No..." Dream said, his voice quickly filling with fear. Everyone exchanged glances.

If you all were right, that meant that Skeppy was now dead. If you weren't right, well, you knew that he was missing. Either way, you had to find out.

"It says we're supposed to vote." Sapnap said, sourcing his tablet. Everyone pulled out theirs. "I don't know who it is... but I guess I'm skipping."

You all nodded in agreement. You wanted to vote Bad, but you didn't have solid evidence, so for now you just skipped. In the end, everyone voted to skip except for him, who didn't vote.

The screen popped up indicating the results, but you all remained silent. When the meeting was done, everyone went back to doing their tasks, but no one spoke. Karl seemed to wander somewhere else, but George grabbed your hand and led you back into Navigation.

You looked up at him, confused. Why did he lead you here?

"Y/n, we have to figure out what happened." George instructed, and you felt the same way. But you didn't want to risk it just to find out.

"What if we get killed too?" you said, tensing up at the thought.

"It'll be fine. As long as the killer doesn't come back, we should be good." He placed a hand on your shoulder for reassurance.

"Okay." You wrapped your arms around your torso.

"Okay," George kneeled down to the vent's level, "now we need to figure- nevermind. It's open."

"Suspicious..." You said, fiddling with your fingers from stress.

"Okay, maybe I should go down first. Then once I know it's safe, you can come down too."

"Okay, knight in shining armor."

He gave a small chuckle before climbing into the vent. He seemed to fit perfectly. You watched him until all you could see was the actual vent, then you took a step back to look around the room.

It seemed normal for a room called "Navigation". There was a screen to chart courses, to steer the ship, and lots of buttons. The walls seemed pretty generic for ones you'd see on a spaceship. They were made of metal, and they led all the way up to the- wait a minute.

A ceiling panel was unscrewed partly, and the corner of the panel stuck out unnaturally. It was almost as if something was resting on top of it, waiting for it to fall. Bad, you thought to yourself, but before you could continue that thought, George called out for you.

"Y/n! You... should see this."

"Yeah? What's up?" You dragged your attention away from the panel to the vent that was ajar.

"Come down here."

You stepped down into the vent, looking at George. "What?"

"Do you see the dust in these vents? There's footprints."

You looked down and noticed the footprints. They were barely noticeable, but you saw them. "Okay, well I know someone was cleaning the vents earlier. It could have been them."

"If they were cleaning the vents, there wouldn't be dust."

"So the murderer was here. He probably came into Navigation and killed Skeppy."

"We don't actually know he's... dead yet." George said nervously. "Maybe... he's in the vents."

"No. He's in the ceiling panel."


"The panel," You said. "It's broken. It seems like something is leaning on it."

George went past you to climb out of the vent, then offered a hand to help you up. You took it, and once you were out, closed the vent.

"Look, up there," You pointed to the panel above yourselves, which had been the same as when you left it.

"I see." George's eyes moved from the panel to the chair, and then he walked over to grab one.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting a chair. I'm gonna get the panel down."

"Be careful..."

"I'll be alright." He placed the chair about where the panel was, and then climbed on top of it. The chair was a bit wobbly, so you held on to it for stability.

It didn't take much upwards pressure from George for the panel to break. Down with it came a body, and George shrieked.

"Holy shit." You said, staring at the broken panel and the seemingly dead body. It had a cyan suit on, but the visor was broken. You couldn't really see inside.

George came down from the chair and basically leaped onto the ground. "This is Skeppy..."

You kneeled down next to him. "We need to go to medbay."

"Okay, yeah." George stood up and helped you carry the body to Weapons, where you joined with Tommy to bring Skeppy into the medbay.

"Does he even have a pulse?" Asked Tommy, grabbing medical equipment of some sort. You took Skeppy's helmet off, barely taking in his features, and checking for a pulse on his neck.

You didn't feel anything.

You checked a few places, maybe your finger was just in the wrong place.


"Well?" George asked impatiently.



A few moments went by. You were pretty confident in your answer now.

"What, y/n?"

"I... I think we're too late."

Just as you finished your sentence, Sapnap came into the room. George didn't notice.

Sapnap was confused. Glancing over at Skeppy, he asked, "What happened?"

You explained what had happened as Sapnap gave George a much-needed hug. George was on the verge of tears, because he could be next. Any of you could.

You felt more stress than ever in your life. Right now, there was a murderer out to kill you all, in an enclosed space you had no idea how you got to. It was scary, and you didn't blame George for breaking down. You didn't understand the slightest of what was happening or why it was. So even you sunk to the floor, buried in your hands, feeling more worry for yourself and your new friends than you had ever remembered feeling. Of course, George, Sapnap and Dream seemed amazing, but at the end of the day what scared you the most was losing them.


[1232 words]

a/n: hey y'all! thanks for reading! how are you guys doing? im doing pretty good rn. remember to drink some water and if you want to talk im here. :)

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