"mike tyson was actually my trainer back in the day..."
"i'm notcha momma!"
-ΛΛ ΰΌ»βΰΌΊ ΛΛ-
"even if you are a handful, we both signed up for this!" bokuto poked your nose.
"can i talk to y/n alone? bokuto?" kuroo said as he placed his phone down.
"okay! i'm gonna play on the ps5!" bokuto ran to their room. kuroo huffed and sat next to you. you were both sitting in the dining room, the wooden table had scratches all over, which didn't match the aesthetic of the house.
"listen, y/n," kuroo forced you to look him into the eyes. "I've had enough of your emotional shit. i'm gonna say this only once... i love you, and only me... ill fucking snap anyone's neck, but bokuto is an exception. we both love you dearly but i don't think you feel the same. no matter how many times you say it, i won't believe you till you show me."
he let go of your face and looked down.
"i'm not going to mistake sex for love and neither are you. okay?" he said. you could barely understand what he said.
"so-so what you're trying to say is... i'm your priority?" you asked. he scoffed and banged the table.
"you're so fucking stupid sometimes... you know? you belong to me, alright? you're feelings? i care about it but not when you make such a big fucking fuss of it. you piss me off sometimes... you just never change. it's as if you don't want to get along with me, or you don't want to get used to your new home."
kuroo walked off to the front of the door and left. leaving you stuck in the heart. it showed how much more possessive he was becoming each and every day. as if he was jealous of bokuto.
"y/n! did kuroo leave!? you can come in my room!" bokuto yelled from down the hall. you slumped over to his room and dropped onto the bed.
"kuroo left... he's mad at me," you sighed. "i'm gonna be sentimental for a bit... is it really love?"
bokuto took off his headset and exited his game. "what do you mean, y/n?"
"you know, is it love or lust? or you just want to claim me? i'm not an object! i'm a human!" you grunted into the pillow.
"y/n i literally cannot understand you with that pillow in your face."
you repeated yourself with the pillow thrown to the floor. bokuto was stumped.
"a-are you on your uh-um- your period?" he assumed. you hissed and shook your head.
"well i know i love you, you don't have to take my word but i know i love you. i'm trying hard to show you,"
"okay... you can keep playing your game..." you said.
"mike tyson was actually my trainer back in the day," bokuto joked to his friends.
"bokuto c'mere shortyyy!" you could hear tsuki through the headphones.
"i'm notcha momma!!" bokuto yelled as you could see him running on the screen.
kuroo barged into the room and tossed a thick rope over his shoulder. he stomped over to you and you sat up.
"kuroo?" you said, concerned about what he was going to do with you. he pinned you down and stuffed a cloth in your mouth.
"it seems we haven't been disciplining you lately... i don't want you to think we are going easy or soft on you," he said as he tied you to a pole they installed in the room yesterday. you tried to move but you couldn't. the rope was tight around your wrists and ankles. even your neck was wrapped with rope. you looked over at bokuto who had a gleamy face, but he didn't do anything. instead he let kuroo do what he needed to do and bokuto continued playing his game, ignoring your muffled screaming.
"yo what's that sound?" you could hear akaashi from the headsets.
"she's too loud, kuroo," bokuto groaned. tears fell down your cheeks and to your neck, leaving you uncomfy. kuroo put more cloth in your mouth. you felt paranoid and that you were going to choke (like when you try not to lick your dentist hand but you're thinking about it too much that you accidentally do it). you tried hard not to think about your dry mouth and choking but you began to hyperventilate, till you passed out.
was this love?
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