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*gory and psychotic warning*

"wait wait wait! 

this ain' enough!"

"make it enough,"

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"so are you a friend of kenma?" bokuto asked me as he finished off the whipped cream on my stomach.

"yeah, i am..." you tried hard not to pay attention to the fact he was gliding his tongue around your belly.

"i guess we'll have to get rid of him," kuroo sighed. you quickly turn your head towards him and tried to get up from bokuto's hold but he wouldn't let you go.

"what do you mean get rid?" you said.

"exactly what it means," he replied in a scandalous voice.

"no!" you kept trying to escape bokuto's hold. his shoulders and big arms pinned you down, they didn't even need the rope from earlier they could've just used bokuto to hold you down. "can you please let me go!" you yelled out.

"i like holding you like this!" he grunted. you were obviously their first victim from how nice they were to you and how they told you ever single plan they were to attempt.

"i'm going to find kenma." kuroo grumbled. "toodles!" he said as he exited the room and took a bag with him.

"yay! we're alone again!" bokuto held onto you tighter, as if he was trying to hug you but suffocate you at the same time. he looked up to see you struggling and uncomfortable.

"you don't like this?" he sighed. you didn't answer. "i'll make you like it," he stood up and went to grab a sharp pocket knife. he went back to the bed while you tried crawling to the corner but he grabbed you by the hair and held you up. your feet were dangling in the air and your scalp was aching.

he held the knife up to your face and sliced your cheek. your breathing became ragged and heavy. he dropped you down to the floor and you rubbed your scalp.

"does it hurt?" he asked. you looked up at him and stayed silent, mostly from the fear that was flowing through your body.

"answer me..." he growled as he gripped the knife tighter. "before i gouge your perfect eyeball out, you selfish whore,"

"yes," you answered the question from earlier.

"what is my name?"

"bokuto," he grabbed your chin and slid the knife away. "you're going to listen to me or else things will get worse for you," he licked the light blood off your cheek and went in for a kiss. you made sure you stood still and didn't resist.

"you're no fun," he sighed as he backed up. you scooted to the wall behind you and curled up into a ball. bokuto picked up the knife he slid earlier and left the room.

you went to peek out the door to find the food the kuroo had bought. you heard the shower was on and the bathroom door was closed.

"he must be showering," you said to yourself. kuroo was out somewhere and bokuto is showering. they definitely were terrible at kidnapping people.

you grabbed the food bag and went to the front door to open it up. you saw the sun and light enter the living room as you opened up the door, then you realize you're butt ass naked.

"shit," you grumbled. you grabbed the closest hoodie and put it on. you were paying no attention to what was behind you or that the sound of the shower was gone.

you went back to the open door only to be held back. you were in a chokehold and the door was closed by kuroo.

"you really think it'd be that easy?" kuroo was covered in dried up blood. "now we know we can't trust you!" he sighed. he went up to you and told bokuto to let you go.

"did you do it?" you asked, hoping that kenma wasn't hurt. instead, they ignored you.

"she's wearing my hoodie!" bokuto said in excitement. "why are you trying to leave, princess?" he gave you puppy eyes. you felt disgusted.

"go eat your food," kuroo picked you up and sat you down on the couch next to the bag of food.

you opened up your meal to find a half-eaten wendy's pancake and some apple slices.

"wait wait wait! this ain' enough!" you yelled.

"make it enough," they both sighed.

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