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"remember who we're doing this for,"

-ห‹ห เผปโเผบ หŽหŠ-

third p o v

"what do you want from y/n? sex? kids? money?" wakatoshi muttered with a cloth in his mouth.

kuroo deadpanned as bokuto handed him a hammer.

"the fuck you need to know for?" kuroo said as the back of his throat vibrated. kuroo aimed for a perfect and easy to crack spot on the top of wakatoshi's head.

"wait!" bokuto held kuroo's chest. "let y/n see this! i bet she'll love it!" he ran out the room and into yours. the one that was a murder scene.

second p o v

"tendล... tendล..." you kept whispering to the dead body. blood was smeared all over your face as you bathed in his leaking blood. a stream of light landed on tendล limp legs, you looked up to see bokuto.

your body shuddered as your clenched your jaw, protecting the body that spewed iron liquids.

"c'mon y/n!" bokuto jumped up and down at the door. you stayed quiet, praying that tendล would just wake up now. bokuto stepped closer and knelt to his knees.

"i said... come... on..." he grabbed you by the hair, dragging you over the body, and out the room

your grumbled and screamed, hoping that someone could just barge in through the front door.

"watch watch watch!" bokuto forced your to face your brother, who was tied up. you scratched bokuto's arms and fingers, causing him to let go. as you felt his grip leave you, you brought your elbow up and punished his dick. a massive groan came out his mouth, you looked at his reaction but he was smiling. like a fucking psychopath.

kuroo then pulled you next to him, and handed you the hammer.

"wh-what?" you muttered. you looked at the hammer and at your brother. you gave him a big smile and closed your eyes. you knew what you had to do.

-ห‹ห เผปโเผบ หŽหŠ-

you coiled the hammer up and swung it, but missed toshi's head and let go of it behind you, causing it to hit kuroo's slender body.

a knock on the door caused all ears to focus on the windows, which were wide open. you stared at bokuto and raced him out, only to be shoved to the side and locked in the room.

kuroo regained consciousness and coughed, catching your attention. he raised is arm and motioned you to sit next to him. you did as he asked, but not too close. but he pulled up in to lay on his chest.

"remember who we're doing this for," he whispered to you.

third p o v

bokuto opened the door to be greeted by officer nekira, the determined cop.

"o-oh, hello sir-"

"you have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney-" the detective placed restraints on bokuto and made sure the cops behind him searched the entire house.

"W-WHAT!? WHY!?" bokuto yelled as his face was being smashed into the ground.

"you want to act stupid?" nekira whispered into his ear as his vowels caused him to growl.

"we found the rest!" a cop yelled as his TASER was pointing at the suspects.

they dragged out the ushijima siblings and kuroo.

"it's the girl, nekira!" a cop yelled.

"alright good! get them to the station!" nekira hopped off bokuto.

-ห‹ห เผปโเผบ หŽหŠ-

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