Tom and you were arguing, of the stupidest thing. He was telling you that you make to most noises when you know damn well you don't.
"Bet" Tom says calmly while smirking
He picks you up, kissing you in the progress. He lays you in bed and move his kisses to your neck. Sucking on your sweet spot longer than usual.
You hands travel down his shirt to the hem of his pants, you unbutton them. Slowly rubbing his area. You can feel Tom getting harder. He rips you shirt open, revealing you bare chest. He licks his thumb, than placing it on your nipples. Slowly rubbing in a circle.
You wanted to moan but you couldn't, you couldn't lose. He removes his thumbs from you breast, to your heat over you underwear.
"Wet already huh?"
All you could do is nod. He removes your underwear. He quickly grabs on of your breast and starts licking you. He sticks his tounge in, pleasure goes all over you body. Your grab his hair and tug on it. Telling him you want more.
He removes himself, and takes out his member. He pushes it in without not warning, hitting you g-spot every time. You bit you lip until you can taste your own blood.
You clinch you walls tighter, makes Tom look up with the need to make a noise. He took you right hand and placed it above your head, and keeping it there.
He thrust faster and harder. Making you and the bed go up and down. The only noise that could be heard is the sounds of you body clapping together and the noise of the bed frame hitting the wall.
"Fuck it" Tom moans out, you clinch you walls tighter. Causing Tom to moan your name out. After it was clear that you had won. You started to moan. Now all you can hear is yours and Tom's moans.
You body got hit by the wave of pleasure, moaning like crazy you Managed to get out the words " I'm about to c-cum"
You see Tom nod at you, Indicating that you can cum. You both cum at the same time. Tom pulls out and lays beside you.
Pulling you closer, he strokes your hair. You wai five minutes before you tease "you made a noise first, therefore I win"
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