Twenty-Two: Y/n's Clone VS Orochimaru!

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*From where we left off*

The curse mark appears

Sasuke: Argh!!!

Sakura: Sasuke! You! What have you done to Sasuke?!

Orochimaru: I just gave him a little parting gift. Very soon Sasuke will seek me out. he desires my power. In the meantime I enjoyed the demonstration of the powers you already posses

Sasuke: Argh!!!

Y/n clone: *Runs towards Orochimaru fast!*

Orochimaru: !

Y/n clone (T): Sorry Kakashi sensei I'm gonna have to use your technique

Orochimaru: What's he doing?!

Y/n clone: Chidori!

Orochimaru: Argh!!

Sakura: !

Orochimaru: Well if it isn't the other Uchiha brat?

Sakura: Y/n!

Y/n clone: You're opponent is me now, Orochimaru

Orochimaru: I'm in a rush to let's be quit, okay? *Laughs*

Y/n clone: Oh I'll be quick alright, quick to kill you!

Orochimaru: You think you can beat me? *Laughs*

Y/n clone: Guess we'll see..... *Smirks*

Orochimaru (T): What's he planning?

Y/n clone: Kotoamatsukami!

Orochimaru: What?!




Sakura: N......nothings happening....

Orochimaru: Oh! I get it your a clone! That's why you can't use that Technique! Am I wrong?

Y/n clone: Yes, you are wrong

Orochimaru: Huh?

Y/n clone: That Kotoamatsukami wasn't to control you

Orochimaru: Then what was it for?

Y/n clone: I read your mind. I know everything you know including the Impure World Reincarnation technique

Orochimaru: What?! Why you little!

Y/n clone: I also know your: Eight Branches Technique, Five Elements Seal, Genjutsu Binding, FΕ«injutsu Trap, Reaper death Seal, E.T.C

Orochimaru: You brat! Now I'm gonna have to kill you!

Y/n clone: Try me

Y/n clone (T): Now that I've used the Kotoamatsukami I can't use my Sharingan plus I only have about 10 minute left before the shadow clone out of time. But at least ok got some information

Sakura: Y/n! Watch out!!

Y/n clone: Huh?

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Orochimaru: I hope you like snake poop! Because your gonna be that in about a hours time!!

Y/n clone: Typhoon Release: Shield of the Wind Countess!

Ripping the Snake into swish cheese

Y/n clone: Is that all you got?

Orochimaru: You're about to find out boy!

Snake: Ssssssss!!!

Y/n clone: !

Orochimaru: *Smirks*

Y/n clone: *Dodges the snake and kicks Orochimaru away*

Orochimaru: Nice try but your still snake food!

Y/n clone: Water dragon Jutsu!

Orochimaru: My my what a large Jutsu

Going through the snakes like noodles

Orochimaru: !

It crashes into Orochimaru head on

Y/n clone: *Laughs*

Orochimaru: That.... was not pleasant!

Y/n clone: So? You done now?

Orochimaru: Not close

Y/n clone: Good!

Orochimaru: Not bad

Y/n clone: I am just a clone you know?

Orochimaru: Yeah I know that

Y/n clone: And yet I'm matching you

Orochimaru: This isn't even close to my full power

Y/n clone: Figured

Orochimaru: Then why ask?

Y/n clone: I'm just.....

Orochimaru: ?

Y/n clone: Double checking!

Y/n clone: Tsk!

Orochimaru: This is fun

Y/n clone (T): I've got 1 minute left. Gotta finish this quick

Orochimaru: Not bad

Y/n clone: Blue tornado! πŸ”΅ πŸŒͺ

Sakura: What kinda Justu is that?!

Sasuke: Argh!!!

Sakura: Sasuke! Just try to hang on okay? Sasuke.....

Sakura (T): Come on Y/n...!

Y/n clone: *Inhales and exhales*

Orochimaru: Not bad

Sakura: *Shocked* He survived that?!

Y/n clone: Tsk!

Orochimaru: I'd love to keep on fighting with you , Y/n

Y/n clone: . . .

Orochimaru: However unfortunately, it seems your shadow clone has run out of time

Y/n clone: . . .

Orochimaru: And I have to go. So I'm afraid we're gonna have to call it a evens..... for now

Disappears or melts rather into the floor

Y/n clone: *Puts his blade away*

Sakura: Y/n!

Y/n clone: *Looks over at Sakura*

Sakura: Over here!

Sasuke: Argh!!!

Y/n clone: *Runs towards Sakura* What happened?

Sakura: I don't know, all I saw was that the Orochimaru guy bit Sasuke in the neck and this happened

Y/n clone: I see..... here *Gives Sakura a packet of pain killers*

Sakura: What's this?

Y/n clone: It's just pain killers give it too Sasuke once he wakes up

Sakura: What do you mean when he wakes up? He's already awake

Y/n clone: He's gonna faint from the pain

Sakura: W...Wh.....?!

Y/n's clone vanishes

Sasuke: AAARGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! *Faints*

Sakura: Sasuke! Sasuke?! SASUKE!!!!!

*With Team Guy*

Y/n (T): Well now that I know all of Orochimaru's secrets and Jutsu's I'll be able to beat him with ease in the future. However I'm just worried about Team 7. I mean Sakura can kick butt if it was just normal people but everyone here isn't a normal person. And if Naruto and Sasuke are out then Other teams are gonna see this opportunity as a time to strike. All I hope is that Sasuke and Naruto wake up in time

Neji: Alright, that's enough resting up I think. The other teams are I'll be calling it a day soon and that means it's time to strike. You know the plan we split up and fan out. Whatever happens whether we make contact with another team or not. We meet up back here in this spot. Got it?

Y/n: Sure

Rock lee: Roger

Neji: Alright then, let's move!

Team guy split up......... wait! What is this?!

*With Y/n*

Y/n (T): Okay this the percent opportunity to help Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto!


Y/n: Sensei....

Kakashi: Huh?!

Y/n: You said to us that "In the ninja world those who break the rules are scum. But Those who abandon their friends are worst then scum". But what's the good doing even thing for one person? Because once you leave them they'll suffer all the same. So I ask you, Kakashi Hatake. What will you do? Let them suffer or let them over come their own trials to form there ninja way?

Kakashi: Y/n....

Sakura: . . .

Kakashi: *Steps back* Y/n!

Y/n: Eh?

Kakashi: *Thumbs up* Go and get him

Y/n: Right!

*End of flashback*

Y/n: *Stops*

*Another flashback*

B/n: You know Y/n you maybe be cold towards most people but to your friends and mostly Sasuke your quite harm hearted

Young Y/n: No I'm not! I could care a less what happens to Sasuke! *Turns his head to the side in frustration*

B/n: *Chuckles*

Young Y/n: Don't laugh at me! I'll prove to you that I don't care!

B/n: *Chuckles again* Sure whatever you say

Young Y/n: Stop laughing at me!

B/n: I'm sorry can I not laugh at my cute little brother?

Young Y/n: No! And I'm not cute!

*End of Flashback 2*

Y/n: Shit! I am soft!

Y/n (T): Does that mean I lost?

Y/n: No! You know what I'm not helping! I will win that completion big brother! *Runs in the opposite direction*

*A few seconds later*

Y/n (T): I don't even know where I'm going to be honest hope I find something interesting

Kankurō: I'm so bored!

Y/n (T): Huh?

Temari: You idiot! I hear someone coming!

Kankurō: So? We'll just take him down like we always do

Gaara: You idiot

Kankurō: Eh!

Gaara: You always underestimate people far too much. I'm surprised you've not been killed by now

Kankurō: Eh! Right! Sorry Gaara

Gaara: *Scoffs* Whatever, Come out we know you're there!

Y/n: *Walks into their view*

Kankurō: *Shocked* Its yo....!

Temari: It's you! Y/n!

Gaara: . . .

Y/n: What's up?

Gaara: What are you doing here?

Y/n: Oh, just trying to find something to do

Gaara: Well your in our area so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave

Y/n: And if I don't?

Gaara: Then a fights going to start

Y/n: Alright! *Clears Throat* I'm not leaving

Gaara: So be it. We're gonna have to do it the hard way

Y/n: That's fine by me

Gaara: Which one of you wants to go first?

Temari (T): We're gonna have to fight him?! Nooo!! Now he's never gonna got out with me!! Ugh!! And he was soooooo my type too!!!

Kankurō: I'll go first, me and him have a score to settle anyways

Gaara: Fine, but just to let you know we won't help you if you get your ass kicked

Kankurō: That's fine I won't need help anyways

Gaara: Idiot

Y/n: are you done talking now? I'm getting really impatient

Kankurō: Yeah, I'm ready to kick some ass!

Y/n: Very well then let's start the fight

Kankurō: *Uses the crow*

Y/n: I'll show you why they call me: The Calm assassin of the leaf!

To be continued...

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