Twenty-Eight: A Jewel?

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*At the place*

Y/n: He said it was here didn't he?

A bunch of Carriages travels your way

Y/n: That must be them

Trailer stops

Emperor: *Gets out*

Y/n (T): So that's the guy huh?

Emperor: Greetings

Y/n: Hey

Emperor: You must be the guard that Michiya hired. Or am I mistaken?

Y/n: Who's Michiya?

Emperor: Well he's my right hand man of course. Come and introduce yourself Michiya

Michiya: It's a pleasure to meet you sir

Y/n: Is he always this modest?

Emperor: Yes and that is why I picked him

Y/n: Right....

Emperor: Michiya who is this you hired anyways?

Michiya: He is Y/n Uchiha of the leaf sir: he has 2 alter names

Emperor: And they are?

Michiya: The Calm assassin of the leaf & The Sharingan assassin of the leaf

Emperor: Well from that name alone I can see that I'm in capable hands

Y/n: Thx?

Emperor: Now let me introduce you to my Son

Y/n (T): Right time to get some information

Emperor: Tama! Come out please!

Tama: *Comes out*

Y/n (T): W...wait!

Y/n: Hey kid now old are you?

Tama: *Puts up 6 fingers*

Y/n (T): He's six! And he's wearing clothes upwards of 10 million Ryo! This families minted!

Emperor: Say Hello Tama

Tama: *Bows*

Y/n: Oh um.. *Bows back*

Tama: *Gets back into the carriage*

Emperor: Sorry about him

Y/n: Huh?

Emperor: He's a bit shy

Y/n: Why's that?

Emperor: Well you see he was always spoiled by his mother and ever since she died of natural causes he's not been speaking because of that

Y/n (T): Natural causes? No one says that in a actual sentence In that context there's something off about that figure of speech

Emperor: Anyways, let's get back on track! I can't be late for the feast we're having tonight!

Michiya: Yes sir *Gets back into the carriage*

Emperor: *About to get back into the carriage*

Y/n: Wait!

Emperor: Huh? What is it?

Y/n: If you have a whole army at your side why do you need me to guard you?

Emperor: . . . . . . . Because there all back at the kingdom *Gets back into the carriage

Y/n: . . .

*Later at night*

Assassin: Go! All teams go!

Y/n: Huh? Assassins?

Assassin: Get out of the way!!

Y/n: You guys are the worst assassins I've ever seen

Tama: *Asleep on the emperor's shoulder*

Emperor: *Looks out the carriage*

Y/n: Pathetic

Emperor: *Smirks*

*Later when the sun started to rise*

Emperor: We have arrived! To the home estate!!

Tama: Father can I go to my room now?

Emperor: Of course

Tama: *Runs out and runs into the house*

Y/n: . . .

Michiya: Sir we'll depart for the kingdom tomorrow at 8:00 am

Emperor: Perfect, and as for you Y/n

Y/n: ?

Emperor: your room is number 6 go and have a rest you've done a good job so far

Y/n: Yeah sure


Y/n: *Enters Room 6 and Immediately jumps on the bed* Ugh! I'm so tired! But I'm thirsty! Ugh! I'm going to water

*After settling down and getting drink from the kitchen*

Y/n: *Walks back to his room*

Tama: *Says something from his room (3)*

Y/n: Huh? Is that Tama? *Listens through the door*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Nobody ever knows
Nobody ever sees
I left my soul
Back there now I'm too weak
Most nights I pray for you to come home
Praying to the Lord
Praying for my soul
Now please don't go
Most nights I hardly sleep when I'm alone
Now please don't go, oh no
I think of you whenever I'm alone
So please don't go
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
Hmm, hmm, hmm
'Cause I don't ever want to know
Don't ever want to see things change
'Cause when I'm living on my own
I'll wanna take it back and start again
Most nights I pray for you to come home
Praying to the Lord
Praying for my soul
Now please don't go
Most nights I hardly sleep when I'm alone
Now please don't go, oh no
I think of you whenever I'm alone
So please don't go
I send so many messages you don't reply
I gotta figure out what am I missing babe
Singing now oh oh oh
And I need you now, I need your love oh oh oh
Now please don't go
Most nights I hardly sleep when I'm alone
Now please don't go, oh no
I think of you whenever I'm alone
So please don't
Please don't go
Please don't go
Please don't go oh no
I think of you whenever I'm alone
So please don't go

Y/n: *Opens the door*

Tama: *Instantly stops singing*

Y/n: Hey so I heard you singing

Tama: . . .

Y/n: And your really good at it

Tama: T...thank you mr......

Y/n: There's no need to be so shy you know?

Tama: . . .

Y/n: Do you want me to leave you alone or...?

Tama: Yes... please mr....

Y/n: Alright then.... *Leaves*

Tama: . . .

*With Y/n*

Y/n: *Closes the door*

Michiya: Master Y/n? What are doing?

Y/n: Huh? Oh it's you

Michiya: Yes and please do answer my question

Y/n: Oh right yeah, I went to get some water and when I was coming back I heard sining coming from this room so I listen in And Tama was singing after that I went in and complimented him but he seems to be quite shy

Michiya: Ah yes master Tama has been practicing singing that song since his mother died

Y/n: Oh I see....

Michiya: Is there anything else you would like to ask?

Y/n: Actually yes

Michiya: Speak on

Y/n: So about his mother

Michiya: Yes?

Y/n: How long ago did she die?

Michiya: 3 years ago

Y/n: And who named him?

Michiya: His mother

Y/n: I see....

Michiya: In fact his name means A Jewel

Y/n: A Jewel?

Michiya: Yes, and I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons for why he always carries a jewel on a necklaces around with him

Y/n: A necklace?

Michiya: Yes master Tama always walks around with that necklace on him

Y/n: And why's that?

Michiya: We'll because it's the last thing his dead mother gave him

Y/n: Right.... Does it have any meaning to him other than that to him behind it?

Michiya: Actually yes, before his mother died she told him that the Jewel would protect him when the darkness rises

Y/n: What's that's supposed to mean?

Michiya: Unfortunately I have no idea

Y/n (T): I'm probably thinking too far but I have the feeling that something huge is about to happen and he has something to do with it...

Michiya: Anyways master Y/n you should be getting some rest especially since your gonna be on all day duty tomorrow when we travel to the kingdom

Y/n: Right

Tama: *Stilling singing*

*Later at night*

Almost Everyone is asleep

Y/n: *Snoring*

*With the Emperor*

Emperor: Is everything prepared for the opening of hell?

Michiya: Yes sir all we need now is the boy

Emperor: *Laughs* I'm sorry my boy but it seems me killing your mother was the correct thing to do

Michiya: . . .

Emperor: *Laughs more*


Assassin: Should I strike now?

Walkie-talkie: Why not? It's the perfect time to strike at the dead of night!

Assassin: Nah, I think I'll wait until they leave

Walkie-talkie: What?! Why?!

Assassin: Calm down, I'll complete the mission

Walkie-talkie: You better!

Assassin: And anyways it's not like anyone here can beat me. After all I am a S-ranked criminal!

*The next day at 7:50 am*

Driver: Everyone! Get on the carriage! We will be departing in 10 minutes!

Y/n: *Walks outside*

Emperor: I hope you enjoyed the day young man!

Y/n: I did thanks

Emperor: I'm pleased

Y/n: . . .

Tama: *Runs into the carriage*

Emperor: Looks like someone's in a rush

Y/n: . . .

Emperor: Let's get going then! Is everyone in?

Michiya: Yes sir everyone's in

Emperor: Then let's departure early if that's okay with you driver?

Driver: Yes your honour that is fine by me

Emperor: Excellent! Now let's get going!

Assassin: So there leaving are they? A bit earlier? Oh well that just means they die earlier! *Charges in*

Emperor: Let's get.....!

Y/n: ! *Pushes the emperor out of the way*

Emperor: Hey! What was that for?!

Y/n: He's coming

Emperor: Who's Comi.....?!

Assassin: Gotcha!

Y/n: *Blocks his attack* Tch!

Assassin: Oh? *Laughs* This is gonna be fun!!

To be continued...

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