Thirty-nine: This Has Nothing To Do With Me

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I'm just going to put random ass openings fan made or other anime now I just don't care about the Naruto openings anymore

*At an unnamed village*

Y/n: How much longer are you going to keep this up?

Shinobi: Until back up arrives!

Y/n: And again I told you that tell me back up is coming is a stupid move

Shinobi 2: Ahhh!! Shut up! You killed my wife! Whiles she was pregnant!

Shinobi 2 tries to attack you but you just kind of kick him into the ground

Y/n: Are you finished? Besides, your wife was a whore anyways. That kid wasn't even your child. Chakra signature was too different to be yours

Shinobi 2: Shut up! You lie!

Y/n: More like you can't accept that you have a small dick

Shinobi 2: Grrr!!

Y/n: But I do admit she was in the wrong and she was a slut

Shinobi: Ha! That was a distraction!

The Shinobi throws a kunai at you

Y/n: *Grabs it*

Shinobi: What?!

Y/n: This has got to be the most unfunny joke in history, you're not shinobi you're both just wanna be ninjas

Shinobi: What?!!

Y/n: Omg! Shut up!

Shinobi: Nevβ€”!

Y/n: There, that ought to do it

Shinobi 2: You monster I'llβ€”!

Y/n: You should of kept your mouth shut

Y/n: Great, now I have brain on my shoes. *Sighs* Better get home and clean it then

Suddenly, a shinobi appears out of nowhere. I say nowhere but you knew we was there the whole time. You also knew he was a leaf shinobi as well

Leaf Shinobi: *Appears*

Y/n: Okay what's the big news this time?

Leaf shinobi: Sasuke Uchiha as left the village

Y/n: Wait... excuse me... what?

Leaf shinobi: I said that Sasuke Uchiha as left theβ€”

Y/n: I know! I heard that part! I'm not an idiot!

Leaf shinobi: Then why did you say what?

Y/n: Because I wanted to know why on Earth I would cars?!

Leaf shinobi: What??

Y/n: Yeah you heard me: I don't care!

Leaf shinobi: But are you twoβ€”?

Y/n: Yes I am his brother by legality, but God if I give a damn about what on earth he's doing

Leaf shinobi: But he's going to Orochimaru

Y/n: And? Listen, whatever he's doing doesn't concern me. Neither do I care

Leaf shinobi: . . .

Y/n: So leave me be

Leaf shinobi: . . .

The shinobi hods and leaves

Y/n: . . . I've got some time . . . Eh? Why not?

Y/n leaves the village before back up arrives

*With Sasuke*

Sasuke is on the run to find Orochimaru. When suddenly he has a feeling he's being watched

Sasuke: Come out! Whoever you are! I know you're there!

Y/n appears from behind a tree

Sasuke: Oh it's you

Y/n: Are you sure?

Sasuke: Am I sure, what?

Y/n: Are you sure you want to do this? You might regret it

Sasuke: You know more than anyone else why I need to do this!

Y/n: No I don't

Sasuke: What?! Were you not there on the day Itachi killed the clan?!

Y/n: I was there, yes

Sasuke: Then why can't you see that I'm doing this for revenge?!

Y/n: That's the problem

Sasuke: What's the problem?!

Y/n: You're doing this for revenge

Sasuke: How is that a problem?!

Y/n: The revenge you want on Itachi is blindly guiding you into a dark hole you might ever be able to get out of

Sasuke: What?! Let me ask you, if you've also done stuff for revenge, well? Have you?!

Y/n: Yes I have

Sasuke: Then why are you telling me this?!

Y/n: Because I know the after math of revenge. And it never ends well. Especially with something this big

Sasuke: I don't care! All I care about is killing Itachi!

Y/n: Listen, I'm not going to stop you from doing this. All I'm trying to do is warn you of the consequences of revenge

Sasuke: Maybe I don't care! What then?!

Y/n: Then you leave, I'm not going to stop you

Sasuke: Maybe I will leave!

Y/n: Go on, again I'm not stopping you

Sasuke: I'm leaving!

Y/n: You're hesitating Sasuke

Sasuke: Eh!

Y/n: *Stares at Sasuke blankly*

Sasuke: Tch!

Sasuke leaves and starts his mission to find Orochimaru again

Y/n: Idiot

*Sometime later (After Sasuke VS Naruto)*

Y/n enters Naruto's hosbital room

Naruto: Huh?

Y/n: Hey

Naruto: Y/n?

Y/n: He left didn't he?

Naruto: Y...yeah...

Y/n: You're going to go after him again aren't you?

Naruto: Hell yeah I am!

Y/n: And you're 100% sure about this?

Naruto: Yep!

Y/n: So you know that Sasuke went of his own free will

Naruto: Yep!

Y/n: And again you are absolutely sure you're not going to let Sasuke get taken by Orochimaru?

Naruto: You better believe it!!... Uh why are you say this anyways?

Y/n: *Smirks* Just wanted to make sure

Naruto: Umm... okay? 

Y/n goes for the door

Naruto: Wait did you come all the way over here just to ask me that??

Y/n: Yep

Naruto: What??

Y/n: We'll Cya

Naruto: Waitβ€”!

Y/n leaves the hospital

Naruto: God! Can't I have someone to talk to?! It's so boring!

*With Y/n*

Ten-tails (T): This is the perfect time...

Y/n (Ten-tails): To start my plan!

To be continued...

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