Six: A Dangerous Mission! A Journey To The Land Of Waves!

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(I updated part Five of the story)

*In the forest*

Kakashi: The target has moved! Follow it!

Cat: *Runs*

Naruto: Over there

Team 7: Get into possessions

Kakashi: what's your distance from the target?

Naruto: 5 meters. I'm ready just give the signal

Sasuke: I'm ready too

Sakura: so am I

Y/n: Ready

Kakashi: Ok... Now!

Naruto: I got him! I got him!

Cat: (Translated) Let me go!

Kakashi: Can you verify the ID?

Sasuke: Affirmative we got a positive ID

Kakashi: Right, lost pet Tora captured. Mission accomplished


*At the Hokage's Office*

Client: Awww! My poor little Tora! Mommy was so worried about her naughty little fuzzy Kinzz. Yes!

Cat: (Translated) HELP ME!

Naruto: Hahaha! Stupid cat! That kitty deserves to be squashed!

Sakura: No wonder he ran away?

Y/n: I would

Kakashi: Now then

Hiruzen: For Team 7's next mission we have several available tasks. Huh? Among them is babysitting the chief councillors three-year-old. Helping his wife to do the shopping. Digging up potatoes....

Naruto: NO!!! I wanna go on a real mission! *Buzz noise*

Y/n: Where did that come from?

Naruto: Something challenging and exciting not this little kid stuff! Come on old man!

Sasuke (T): He's got a point

Sakura (T): But he's such a pain!

Y/n (T): He's not wrong this is incredibly annoying

Kakashi (T): *Sighs* I knew this was coming

Iruka: How dare you! You're just a brand-new genin with no experience! Like everyone else you start with simple missions to develop your skills and improve yourself!

Naruto: Are you serious?! Baby sitting is not a mission! It's just a stupid....! Ahh!

Kakashi: *Hits Naruto on the head to shut him up* Will you put a lid on it?

Hiruzen: Naruto!

Naruto: Ahhh! Owwww!

Hiruzen: It seems you do not understand the tasks you have been given?

Naruto: *Listens*

Hiruzen: listen, we have all sorts of different requests that come into our village everyday. From baby sitting to assassinations. *Explains how the system works*

Hiruzen: Since you are a genin just starting down the shinobi path. You are given: D level assignments. Of course... Huh?

Naruto: So I had this Tatsumaki Ramen yesterday and I'm thinking Miso Ramen today

Hiruzen: Silence!

Kakashi: Oh sorry

Naruto: Ahh! You always Lecture me like your my grandfather of something?! But I'm not the little brat who use to pull pranks all the time! I'm a ninja now! And I want a ninja mission! *The I won't move until I get what I want position*

Kakashi: *Sighs* I'm gonna hear about this later

Iruka: *Smirks*

Hiruzen: *Chuckles* (T- Naruto wants us to know that he's not a brat. He's a former brat and he wants a mission) So be it

Naruto: Huh?!

Sasuke: Huh?

Y/n: 😯

Sakura: *Surprised*

Hiruzen: Since you are so determined. I'm going to give you a C-Ranked mission. You'll be body guards on a journey

Naruto: Really? Yes! Who?! Who?! Are we guarding a princess?! Or some business councillors?!

Hiruzen: Don't be so impatient. I will bring him in now. Send in our visitor

Sakura: Huh?

Tazuna: *Walks in* What the? A bunch of little snot nose kids?! *Drinks*

Naruto: Huh?

Tazuna: And you the little one with the idiotic look on your face. You really expect me to believe your a ninja?

Naruto: Hahaha! Who's the little one with the idiot look on his face? Oh.. Huh?

Sakura and Sasuke:

Y/n: PFT

Naruto: I'll demolish you! Let me get my hands on him! I'll destroy you!

Kakashi: *Stops Naruto* You can't demolish the client Naruto. It doesn't work that way

Tazuna: *Drinks again* I am Tazuna a master bridge builder and I must return to my country. I am building a bridge there that will change our world. And I expect you to get me there safely. Even if it means giving up your life

*At the entrance to the village*

Naruto: Yeah!! Alright!

Sakura: What are you getting to exited about? Naruto

Naruto: This is the first time I ever left the village. I'm a traveler now. Believe it!

Tazuna: Hey! Am I supposed to trust my life to this runt?! He's a joke!

Naruto: Huh?!

Kakashi: *Chuckles* He's with me and I'm a jonin. So you don't need to worry

Naruto: *Mad* Hey! Never insult a ninja it's a big mistake! And I'm one of the greatest ninja ever! Someday I'm going to be hokage and you'll look up to me! My names Naruto Uzumaki! Remember it!

Tazuna: Hokage are powerful and wise. You are puny and brainless. The day you become hokage I'll sprout wings and fly

Naruto: Argh! Shut up! I'm willing to do anything to become hokage! No matter what it takes! And when I do everyone will have to admit I'm the top ninja including you!

Tazuna: Ha! You can become hokage 10x over and to me you'll still be nobody. A loser

Naruto: Argh! I'm going to make you pay for that right now! Hey let go of me! Come back here!

Kakashi: *Stops Naruto* I told you. You're supposed to protect the client not attack him

Naruto: Let me go! I'll show you! That's right I'm talking to you!



Sakura: Say, mister Tazuna?

Tazuna: What is it?

Sakura: Your country is the land of waves, right?

Tazuna: Yeah? What of it?

Sakura: Kakashi sensei. There are ninja in that country too aren't there?

Kakashi: No, there are no ninja in the land of waves. But in other country's there are hidden villages. Each with there own different customs and cultures. *Explains the system*

Sakura: Then lord Hokage is very important! (T- Hm! Is that old man really such a big deal?! I'm not buying it!)

Y/n (T): Him? Really?

Naruto (T): I got him with my sexy jutsu he can't be that great! Believe it!

Kakashi: Hey!

Everyone: *Snapped back to reality*

Kakashi: You all just doubted lord hokage didn't you?! That's what you were thinking?!

Sakura and Naruto: *Shake there heads*

Y/n: (T): Go you guys need to know how to act more calm in these situations

Kakashi: Well anyway, there are no ninja battles in a C-Ranked mission. So you can relax

Sakura: And were not gonna run into any foreign enemy ninja or anything like that?

Kakashi: Hehehe. Not likely

Y/n: . . . (T- I sense someone)

*The group walk past a puddle and Kakashi and Y/n know what's about to happen*

Kakashi: What?!

Kakashi: Argh!

Naruto: What?!

Sakura: Huh?!

Ninja: Do it!


Sakura: Ahhhh!

Naruto: Kakashi sensei!

Y/n: . . .

Ninjas: *Appear behind Naruto*

Ninja: No it's your turn

Naruto: *Frozen in fear*


Y/n: *Teleports in-front of the 2nd ninja and...*

Ninja 2: Argh!!!!!

Sasuke: *Kicks the other one in the face*

Ninja: Argh!

*There chains break and they try to attack Tazuna and Naruto*

Sakura: I got to stop them! I got to stop them! *Jumps in-front of Tazuna* Stay behind me!

Sasuke: *Jumps in-front of Sakura*

Y/n: *Jumps in-front of Naruto*


Naruto: 😧

Kakashi: Hi

Sakura (T): Kakashi sensei! He's alive!

Sasuke (T): Hm! Show off

Y/n (T): That was pretty cool

Naruto: Huh? But he was...! *Looks at Kakashi's replacement jutsu* Kakashi sensei used the replace jutsu?!

Kakashi: Naruto, sorry I didn't help you right way. I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I just didn't think you'd freeze up like that

Tazuna (T): *Sighs* They saved me after all

Kakashi: Good job Sasuke and Y/n Very smooth. You too Sakura

Naruto (T): I was useless! And Sasuke and Y/n were so cool! Like they done this a thousand times! Didn't they fell scared at all?! They fell so calm! Not a scratch on them! And I was so lame! They had to come up and save me! Ugh! Why can't I keep up with them?!

Sasuke: Hey

Naruto: Yeah?

Sasuke: You're not hurt are you? Scary cat

Naruto: *Gets mad* Sasuke!

Kakashi: Naruto!

Naruto: Eh?

Kakashi: Stand still. These ninja have poison in there claws. We need to take it out of you quickly

Naruto: *Panicking*

Kakashi: You have to open the wound and remove it. It's in your blood so don't move around. That spreads the poison

Naruto: *More panicking*

Kakashi: By the way, mister Tazuna

Tazuna: Yeah what?

Kakashi: We need to talk

*A bit later*

Kakashi: There ChΕ«nin from the village hidden in the mist. There specialty is relentless attack. They keep fighting no matter what the sacrifice

Ninja: How did you know about our ambush?

Kakashi: A puddle on a clear day. When it hasn't rained in weeks

Tazuna: In that case why did you leave it genin to do the fighting?

Kakashi: I could have taken them out quickly. But then I'd of learn nothing. I had to know who there target was? And what they were after?

Tazuna: Huh? What are you getting at?

Kakashi: This, I wanted to know they were after us. Ninja attacking ninja. Or if they were after you the master bridge builder. When you put in your request. You asked for standard protection from robbers and highway men. You didn't say there were ninja looking for you? Hunting you down. If we knew this it would be a B-Rank mission or higher. Our task was to simply get you to you're destination and protect you while you finish building your bridge. If we knew we be fielding attacks from enemy ninja we would have staffed differently and charged the cost of a B-Rank mission. Apparently, you have your reasons but lying to us is not acceptable! We are now beyond the scope of this mission

Sakura: We are genin this so too advanced for our level of training. We should go back and really think we need to treat Naruto's wound and get the poison out as soon as possible. Back in our village we can take him to a doctor

Kakashi: Hm....

Naruto: Huh?!

Kakashi: Naruto's hand could become a problem. *Sighs* I guess we should go back to the village


Sasuke, Sakura, Tazuna and Kakashi: *Shocked*

Y/n: Ow!

Naruto: Why am I So different?! Why am I always....?! Argh!!

Sakura: Naruto! Stop that what are you doing?!

Naruto: I worked so hard to get here! Pushing myself until it hurt! Training alone for hours! Anything to get stronger! To reach my dream! I will never back down again! And let someone else rescue me! I will never run away! And I will not lose to Sasuke! Upon this wound I will make this pledge! Believe it! Bridge builder I will complete this mission and protect you with this kunin knife! Don't worry I'll be fine!

Kakashi: Naruto, that was.. um... really cool how you took the poison out and all. But if you lose anymore blood your going to die

Kakashi: Good idea to stop the bleeding now. Seriously


Kakashi: Show me your hand

Naruto: No! Help! Nooo!! Nooo!! Ahhh!

Sakura: Naruto! You get a self abusive personality. It's called masochism

Y/n: πŸ˜“

Kakashi (T): *Realises something* The wound it's already starting to heal

Naruto: Um...! You are a really serious look on your face! Your scaring me! Am I okay?!

Kakashi: Uh.. yeah you would be fine (T- This healing power is it from the nine tailed fox?)


Gato: You failed.... You failed?! What is this amateur night?! I put out big money for you! I thought you were supposed to be hot shot assassins!

Zabuza: Stop wining

Gato: Huh?

Zabuza: This time I'll go personally and this sword will be the last thing we he ever sees

Guy: You sure about that? Apparently Tazuna had a high level ninja guarding him. And since your first attempt failed. They be expecting you back they be waiting watching it'll take someone with very advanced skills!

Zabuza: Who do you think your dealing with? I am Zabuza Momochi the demon of the hidden mist

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